Adding a New Sybase Server


Whenever a new Sybase Server is created on the client, you will add the Sybase Server to the CommCell using the following steps:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <Client>.

  2. Right-click Sybase, point to All Tasks, and then click New Sybase Server.

  3. In the Server Name box, type the Sybase data server name.

  4. In the SA User Name box, type the Sybase administrator user name with the permissions to perform data protection, recovery and administrative operations.

    In the Account Password box, type the account password for the Sybase administrator user account.

    In the Confirm Password box, re-type the password.


    The SA user must have sa_role and sso_role granted.

  5. In the Sybase Home box, type the path to the directory where the Sybase application files reside. Alternatively, click Browse to select the location.

  6. In the Sybase ASE box, type the directory name where you installed Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) environment variable.

    You can view the path to the ASE directory in the .env file that resides in the Sybase home directory.

  7. In the Sybase OCS box, type the Sybase Open Client Server (OCS )environment variable.

    You can view this variable in sybase.env file residing in home directory.

  8. In the Configuration File box, type the path to the configuration file. Alternatively, click Browse to select the location.

  9. In the Shared Memory Directory box, type the location of the directory where you specify the shared memory file name. When you start an Adaptive Server, it creates a shared memory file that resides in the home directory. for example: /opt/sybase/ASE-15_0. Alternatively, click Browse to select the location.

  10. Specify a value in the Block Size box.

  11. In the Default Database Storage Policy box, select the storage policy.

  12. For Unix, in the User Name box, type the name of the user with read and write permissions to Commvault Software Installation Directory, client registry directory, Sybase software installation directories and Sybase database devices directories. Click OK.

    For Windows, in the User Name box, type the name of the local administrator with Sybase sysadmin role privileges in the following format:

    • Domain\user (if domain exists) or

    • Computer name\user” (where user is a local administrator).

    Type the password in the Account Password box and retype the password in Confirm Password box.

    Click OK.

  13. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <Client> | Sybase iDataAgent.

  14. Right-click the <Instance>, and then click Properties.

  15. Select the Backup Server from the list.

  16. Click OK.

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