Adding Pages to Reports


You can create secondary pages for your main, default report.

Before You Begin

  • Build a Report

  • To create data sets, build reports, manage reports, and deploy reports to the dashboard, your CommCell user account requires a role with the following permissions: Add Report, Delete Report, Edit Report, Execute Report, Add Datasource, Delete Datasource, Edit Datasource, Query Datasource.

  • Your CommCell user account must have an association with the CommCell entity.

For more information on users, permissions, and associations, see User Administration and Security - Overview.


  1. On Web Console, click Reports.

    The Reports page appears.

  2. From the navigation pane, click Configuration> Reports, and next to the Report Name under Actions, click Edit.

  3. Click Add New Pagenew_page.

    A tab for the new blank report appears.

    Note: You can move between report pages by clicking the tabs.

  4. Select the new page tab, and on the Properties tab, click Generalproperties_general.

  5. Under General, configure the page settings.

    The following table lists the properties you can change:


    Perform action under General

    Enter a name for the page

    In the Name box, type a name for the page.

    Make a note of the name that you entered. This will be used as part of the report page URL, and you will use this name to create a link to the secondary page from the default page.

    Enter a page title

    In the Display Name box, type a title for the secondary page.

    Make the secondary page the default report page.

    Set Is Default Page? to On.

    Enable automatic refresh of report data.

    Set Autorefresh to On.

    Set the interval for refreshing the report data.

    In the Autorefresh Internval (seconds) box, type or select the number of seconds to wait between data refreshes.

    The following image is an example of the General options:


What To Do Next

  1. Add a data set.

  2. Add an input.

  3. Build a report.

  4. Configure a link between the original, default report and the new, secondary page.

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