Advanced Options - Reader MediaAgent(s)

Use this dialog box to assign one or more MediaAgents to read data for any of the following jobs:

  • Auxiliary Copy

  • Data verification on deduplicated data

  • Space reclamation on deduplicated data

  • Deduplication database recovery (DDB reconstruction)

For example, if the library is shared and you want to use a specific MediaAgent (instead of the system selected MediaAgent, or a MediaAgent which may be idle, or less critical) or if you know that the media containing the data is available in the library attached to the specified MediaAgent.

You can also select a pre-defined group of MediaAgents to allow automatic load-balancing and improve performance. When you select multiple MediaAgents, the least used MediaAgent is given priority for the read operation. If all the MediaAgents in the pre-defined group are unavailable, the system automatically picks up an appropriate MediaAgent from outside the group.

Select Source MediaAgent(s)/Groups

Specifies the list of MediaAgents that will be used for the job.

When the <Any MediaAgent> is selected, the system automatically picks up the appropriate MediaAgent, especially when multiple MediaAgents are associated with the copy. This ensures faster reads from the copy.


Click to add one or more MediaAgents to the list.


Click to remove the selected MediaAgents from the list.

Select Source MediaAgent(s)/Groups

Use this dialog box to select the MediaAgents that you want to assign to the job.


Displays a list of MediaAgents available in the CommCell. If the MediaAgents are members of a client group/ MediaAgent group, the name of the group also appears in the list.

Select one or more MediaAgents from this list and click Include to add the selected MediaAgents or MediaAgent groups to the job. To add all the MediaAgents, click Include All.


Displays the list of MediaAgents and MediaAgent groups that you assigned for the job.

To remove MediaAgents from the list, select the MediaAgents and click Exclude. To remove all the assigned MediaAgents, click Exclude All.
