Advanced Recover


Recovering a Public Folder Item

You can restore individual public folder items, such as messages, to a public folder.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > agent.

  2. Right-click the archive_set, and then click All Tasks > Browse and Restore.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Expand the archive_set and expand the required public folder in the left pane.

  5. Select a public folder item from the right pane.

  6. Click Recover All Selected.

  7. Click OK.

Recovering an Attachment

Browse an archiveset and restore an attachment of a public folder message.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > agent.

  2. Right-click the archive_set, and then click All Tasks > Browse and Restore.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Expand the archive_set > public_folder in the left pane of the Client Browse window.

  5. In the right pane, select the message that contains the required attachment.

    For all the messages that have attachments, a paper clip icon appears in the list of messages.

  6. Click Recover All Selected.

  7. Click OK.

Finding and Restoring

Use Find to search and locate messages from an archived data. Find is available from a archive set, subclient, or by right-clicking a public folder, a message, or a public folder item from the Client Browse tab.

Finding a Message with a Specific Subject
  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > agent.

  2. Right-click archive_set or subclient, and then click All Tasks > Find.

  3. Type the Subject name of the message to narrow the search by a specific subject line containing the specified text string or wildcard pattern. You can search for partial words without the need for wildcard characters at the beginning and/or end of the search string.

    These wildcards, or a combination of these wildcards, are supported in the Subject field:

    • * for any number of characters, for example, Accounting*.

    • ? for any one character, for example, user_group?.

    • [] for a range of characters , for example, [a-k]Lee.

    • [!] for a negation of a range of characters, for example, [!a-k] Lee.

  4. Click View Content.

    The messages that match the criteria appear in search results.

Finding a Message from a Specific User
  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > agent.

  2. Right-click archive_set or subclient, and then click All Tasks > Find.

  3. In From, narrow the search by entering a specified user who sent the message.

  4. Click View Content.

    The messages that match the criteria appear in search results.

Finding a Message Sent to a Specific User
  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > agent.

  2. Right-click archive_set or subclient, and then click All Tasks > Find.

  3. In To, narrow the search by entering a specified user the message was addressed to.

    When you search Public Folder data using this field, only the messages that were posted to mail-enabled Public Folders are searchable. If you want to search posts made to a Public Folder, use the Subject or From fields instead.

  4. Click View Content.

    The messages that match the criteria appear in search results.

Finding a Message Received in a Specific Time Range
  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > agent.

  2. Right-click archive_set or subclient, and then click All Tasks > Find.

  3. In Received Time, select an entry from the list to narrow the search to messages that were received on the specified date or within the specified date range according to date criteria (Any, Today, Yesterday, This Week, This Month, This Year, Is, After, Before, Between, Specific Date).

    Depending on your selection, additional date range fields might appear below the Received Time field.

  4. Click View Content.

    The messages that match the criteria appear in search results.

Finding a Message Archived at a Specific Time
  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > agent.

  2. Right-click archive_set or subclient, and then click All Tasks > Find.

  3. Click the Time Range tab, and specify a time or time range (Latest Cycle, After, Before, Between, Specific Date, Any, Today, Yesterday, This week, This Month, This Year, or Relative) to narrow searches to messages that were backed up within the time period specified.

  4. Click View Content.

    The messages that match the criteria appear in search results.

Restoring a Message or a Mailbox Item from the Search Results


If the mailbox alias name has changed, restore messages out of place to the current mailbox alias name. Attempting to restore the data in place to a mailbox alias that no longer exists will cause the restore operation to fail.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > agent.

  2. Right-click archive_set or subclient, and then click All Tasks > Find.

  3. Enter the search criteria, and then click View Content.

  4. Right-click a public folder or a public folder item from the search results, and then select Restore.

  5. In the Destination Client list, select the name of client computer.

  6. Click OK.

Save, Email, or Print Search Results
  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > agent.

  2. Right-click archive_set or subclient, and then click All Tasks > Find.

  3. Enter the search criteria, and then click View Content.

  4. Click Save, Email, or Print in the upper-right corner of the window.

  5. If Email is selected, enter the SMTP parameters (SMTP Host, To, From, Subject).

Performing an Out-of-Place Recovery

By default, the Exchange Public Folder Archiver Agent recovers data to the client computer from which it originated. This is called an in-place recovery. You can also recover the archived data to another client computer. This is called an out-of-place recovery.

When you perform an out-of-place recovery, the recovered data inherits the rights (that is, the permissions) of the parent folder.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > agent.

  2. Right-click the archive_set or the subclient, and then click All Tasks > Browse and Restore.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Select a public folder, a message, or a public folder item from the Client Browse window, and then click Recover All Selected.

  5. In the Destination client list, select the client. The source and destination clients must reside in the same CommCell Console.

    The destination client must have the Exchange Public Folder Archiver Agent located on it.

  6. Click OK.

Recovering to a Different Exchange Version

When you perform a cross-application recovery of Exchange Archived public folders from a newer version of Exchange Server to an older version, it follows the same compatibility support provided by the Exchange Server, unless otherwise noted.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > agent.

  2. Right-click the archive_set or the subclient, and then click All Tasks > Browse and Restore.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Select a public folder, a message or a public folder item from the Client Browse window and click Recover All Selected.

  5. In the Destination client list, select the client.

    The source and destination clients must reside in the same CommCell Console. The destination client must have the Exchange Public Folder Archiver Agent located on it.

  6. Click OK.

Reviewing Data Selected for Recovery

When you select multiple public folders, messages and public folder items from multiple locations, you can review all the data and locations before starting the restore.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > agent.

  2. Right-click the archive_set, and then click All Tasks > Browse and Restore.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Select a public folder, a message, or a public folder item from the Client Browse window, and then click Recover All Selected.

  5. In the Destination client list, select the client.

    The source and destination clients must reside in the same CommCell Console. The destination client must have the Exchange Public Folder Archiver Agent located on it.

  6. Click Advanced.

  7. Select the Selected Paths/Filters tab.

  8. Click OK.

Scheduling a Recovery

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > agent.

  2. Right-click the archive_set, and then click All Tasks > Browse and Restore.

  3. Click View Content.

  4. Select one or more public folders in the left pane.

    The public folder items (for example, calendars, journals, and so on) are selected in the right pane.

  5. Click Recover All Selected.

  6. Click Job Initiation tab, and then click Schedule.

  7. Click Configure.

  8. Select the appropriate scheduling options. For example:

    • Click Weekly.

    • Check the days you want the run the restore job.

    • Change the Start Time to 9:00 PM

    The restore job runs according to the schedule that you created.

Managing Recovery Jobs

Once you initiate the recovery operation, a recover job is generated in the Job Controller. Jobs can be managed in a number of ways. The following sections provide information on the different job management options available.

Restarting Jobs

Jobs that fail to complete successfully are automatically restarted based on the job restartability configuration set in the Control Panel.


Changes made to this configuration will affect all jobs in the entire CommCell.

To configure the job restartability for a specific job, you can modify the retry settings for that job. This will override the setting in the Control Panel. It is also possible to override the default CommServe configuration for individual jobs by configuring retry settings when initiating the job. This configuration, however, will apply only to the specific job.


Backup jobs for this agent are resumed from the point-of-failure.

Configure Job Restartability at the CommServe Level
  1. From the CommCell Console ribbon, click the Home tab, and then click Control Panel.

  2. Under Data, click Job Management.

    The Job Management dialog box appears.

  3. Click the Job Restarts tab.

  4. From the Job Type list, select the appropriate item.

  5. Select the Restartable check box to make the job restartable.

  6. In the Max Restarts box, change the maximum number of times the Job Manager will try to restart a job.

  7. In the Restart Interval (Mins) box, change the time interval between attempts for the Job Manager to restart the job.

  8. Click OK.

Configure Job Restartability for an Individual Job
  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > agent > archive_set.

  2. Right-click the subclient, and then click Archive.

    The Archive Options dialog box appears.

  3. Click Advanced.

    The Advanced Archive Options dialog box appears.

  4. Click the Job Retry tab

  5. Select the Enable Total Running Time check box, and then specify the maximum elapsed time before a job can be restarted or killed

  6. Select the Kill Running Jobs When Total Running Time Expires check box to kill the job after reaching the maximum elapsed time.

  7. Select the Enable Number Of Retries check box, and then specify the number of retries.

  8. Click OK.

Controlling Jobs

The following controls are available for running jobs in the Job Controller window:


Temporarily stops a job. A suspended job is not terminated; it can be restarted at a later time.


Resumes a job and returns the status to Waiting, Pending, Queued, or Running. The status depends on the availability of resources, the state of the Operation Windows, or the Activity Control setting.


Terminates a job.

Suspending a Job
  1. From the Job Controller of the CommCell Console, right-click the job and select Suspend.

  2. The job status may change to Suspend Pending for a few moments while the operation completes. The job status then changes to Suspended.

Resuming a Job
  1. From the Job Controller of the CommCell Console, right-click the job and select Resume.

  2. As the Job Manager attempts to restart the job, the job status changes to Waiting, Pending, or Running.

Killing a Job
  1. From the Job Controller of the CommCell Console, right-click the job and select Kill.

  2. Click Yes when the confirmation prompt appears if you are sure you want to kill the job.

    The job status might change to Kill Pending for a few moments while the operation completes. The job status will change to Killed and it will be removed from the Job Controller window after five minutes.

Additional Restore Options

Several additional options are available to further refine your recovery operations. The following table describes these options.

Be sure to read the overview material referenced for each feature prior to using them.



Related Topic

Skip Errors and Continue

You can continue the restore job regardless of media errors and create a file that lists the full path names of the files that failed to be restored.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > agent.

  2. Right-click the archive_set that contains the data you want to restore, and the click All Tasks > Browse and Restore.

  3. In the Browse and Restore Options dialog box, click View Content.

  4. On the Client Browse tab, select the data to be restored, and then click Recover All Selected.

  5. In the Restore Options for All Selected Items dialog box, click Advanced.

  6. In the Advanced Restore Options dialog box, click General.

  7. On the General tab, select the Skip errors and continue check box.

  8. Click OK.

Startup Options

The Startup Options are used by the Job Manager to set priority for resource allocation. This is useful to give higher priority to certain jobs.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > agent.

  2. Right-click the archive_set that contains the data you want to restore, and the click All Tasks > Browse and Restore.

  3. In the Browse and Restore Options dialog box, click View Content.

  4. On the Client Browse tab, select the data to be restored, and then click Recover All Selected.

  5. In the Restore Options for All Selected Items dialog box, click Advanced.

  6. In the Advanced Restore Options dialog box, click the Startup tab.

  7. Select Change Priority, and then type a priority number.

  8. - 0 is the highest priority and 999 is the lowest priority.

  9. Select the Start up in suspended state check box to start the job in a suspended state.

  10. Click OK.

Refer to Job Priority and Priority Precedence.

Copy Precedence

By default, the system retrieves data from the storage policy copy with the lowest copy precedence. If the data was pruned from the primary copy, the system automatically retrieves data from the other copies of the storage policy in the lowest copy precedence to highest copy precedence order. After the data is found, it is retrieved, and no more copies are checked.

You can retrieve data from a specific storage policy copy (Synchronous Copy or Selective Copy). If data does not exist in the specified copy, the data retrieve operation fails even if the data exists in another copy of the same storage policy.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > agent.

  2. Right-click the archive_set that contains the data you want to restore, and the click All Tasks > Browse and Restore.

  3. In the Browse and Restore Options dialog box, click View Content.

  4. On the Client Browse tab, select the data to be restored, and then click Recover All Selected.

  5. In the Restore Options for All Selected Items dialog box, click Advanced.

  6. In the Advanced Restore Options dialog box, click the Copy Precedence tab.

  7. Select the Restore from copy precedence check box, and then type the copy precedence number.

  8. Click OK.

Refer to Recovering Data From Copies.

Data Path Options

The data recovery operations use a default library, MediaAgent, drive pool, and drive as the data path. You can use this option to change the data path if the default data path is not available.

Refer to Change Data Path.


If the data on a client is encrypted with a pass phrase, you must enter the pass-phrase to start the data recovery operation.

Refer to Data Encryption.

Browse Options

Deleted files can be restored manually. You can specify the time range for the deleted items to be restored.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > agent.

  2. Right-click the archive_set, and then click All Tasks > Browse and Restore.

  3. Click View Content.

  4. Select the data to be restored, and then click Recover all Selected.

  5. From the Restore Options for All Selected Items dialog box, click Advanced.

  6. From the Browse Options tab, select the Restore deleted items check box.

  7. Select Specify Time Range option to specify the time zone, start time and end time for the deleted items to be restored.

  8. Click OK.

Refer to Job Management.

Command Line Restores

You can perform backups or restore from the command line interface (CLI). The commands can be run from the command line or can be integrated into scripts.

You can also generate command line scripts for specific operations from the CommCell Browser using the Save As Script option.

Refer to Command Line Interface.

CommCell Readiness Report

The CommCell Readiness Report provides you with vital information such as connectivity and readiness of the client, MediaAgent, and CommServe host. It is useful to run this report before you perform a backup or a recovery operation.

Refer to CommCell Readiness Report.

Restore Job Summary Report

The Restore Job Summary Report provides you with information about all the data recovery jobs that were run in last 24 hours for a specific client and agent. You can get information such as failure reason, failed objects, job options, and so on. It is useful to run this report after you perform the restore.

Refer to Restore Job Summary Report.