Aging Job History Data


You can change the default retention times for job history data. Job history data is aged according to the job type, the status of the job, and the retention rules of the corresponding storage policy copy retention criteria.

The following table illustrates how job history data is aged.

Job Type

Job Status

When It Is Aged

All Jobs


When the job storage policy or storage policy copy is deleted

Data Protection Job History/Disaster Recovery Backup Job History


With its associated data, which is aged based on the associated storage policy copy defined retention rules


90 Days

Data Recovery Job History (including CDR Recovery operations)


90 Days

Administration Job History


90 Days


  1. From the CommCell Console ribbon, on the Storage tab, click Media Management.

  2. On the Data Aging tab, choose a parameter, and in the Value field change the default retention time:

    • Days to keep the successful backup job histories: The default value is 7 days.

    • Days to keep the archiver restore job histories: This setting applies to the Exchange Compliance Archiver. All other archive restore jobs are aged based on the Days to keep the successful backup job histories parameter. The default value is 0 days, which means the retention is set to infinite and not zero days.

    • Days to keep the failed/killed backup job and other job histories: The default value is 90 days. This setting applies to auxiliary copy jobs, stub recall jobs, failed jobs, killed jobs, jobs that failed to start, and non-archive restore jobs.

    • Days to keep Data Management and Collection Job Histories: The default value is 90 days.

    • Days to keep job options for a completed job: Records the job options information such as job resource history, job failure reasons and so on for 30 days.

    • Days to keep Replication Backup Job Histories: The default value is 90 days.

  3. Click OK.

Browsing Data from the Job History Window

You can open the browse window from the job history window at the CommCell, client, agent, backup set, or subclient level.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the appropriate entity, and then click View > Job History.

    The Job History Filter dialog box appears.

  2. From the Job History window, right-click the job, and then click Browse and Restore.

    The Browse and Restore Options dialog box appears.

  3. Click View Content.

Refer to Browse and Restore Data for more details.