

Automatically runs a backup job when specific criteria are met. Automatic schedules can be set for:

  • Laptop client data backups

  • Database log backups

  • Synthetic full backups

  • Job Interval

    Set up the job based on the log files in the destination directory.

    • Back up on file activity every

      This parameter ensures that the software does not frequently run the job. The software does not check the other options during this interval.

    • Force a backup every

      This parameter ensures that the software backs up the logs even when the other options have not been met. For example, if the parameter is set to 24 hours and the software has not run an automatic log backup in that time, the software will start a backup without checking the other options.

  • Laptop (This tab appears when a schedule is part of a schedule policy)

    The following options apply to laptop clients.

    • Job Interval

      • Minimum Sync Interval

        Time interval in hours, after which files will be synced. If a change is detected between the latest backed up files and the local files on the laptop, then a backup will take place.

      • Ignore the blackout window when a backup is forced

        Ignores the Blackout Window rules for the time period specified in the Maximum Interval between jobs box and continues the backups on your laptop client. For information on operation window rules, see Operation Window Overview.

    • Network Management

      Allows you to specify the available network types.

      • Use only wired network

        Select to start the job when the network connectivity is wired.

      • Minimum Network Bandwidth n Kbps

        Select to specify the minimum number of kbps that the job should use for the network bandwidth. By default the minimum bandwidth is 128.

      • Use only specific network

        Select to start a job using a specific network. Enter a full IP address or an IP address pattern for the subnet mask.

      • Do not use a network configured as metered

        Select to disable laptop backups when a wireless network is marked as "metered".

      • Manually choose the preferred network

        Select to configure specific networks for laptop backup jobs. Laptop users configure the networks by using the Edge Monitor Add Networks option. For information about Edge Monitor, see Accessing Edge Monitor.

    • Power Management

      Allows you to specify power management options for the computer.

      • Start only if the computer is running on A/C power

        Runs the job only when the computer is on A/C power.

      • Stop the task if battery mode begins

        Stops the job if the computer is on battery mode.

      • Prevent computer from going to sleep if any jobs are running

        Ensures that the computer does not enter sleep mode when CommCell jobs are running.

    • Resource Utilization

      Allows you to setup the job schedule with specific resource utilization.

      • Start only if CPU utilization is below n %

        Runs the job when CPU utilization is below the specified percentage.

  • Databases (This tab appears when a schedule is part of a schedule policy)

    The following options apply to databases:

    • Database Log Management

      • Start backup when disk at log destination is

        Runs the job when the log files on the disk use this percentage of the storage space. The default is 80 percent.

      • Number of Archived Logs in Log destination

        Runs the job when the number of log files on the disk reach this number. The default is 100.

      • Start the backup when the log file is

        Runs the job when the percentage of space used in the log file exceeds this number.

      • Use disk cache for log backups and commit every

        Enables the log caching feature and runs the log caching job at the specified interval. For information on log caching, see Disk Caching for Frequent Log Backups.

  • Synthetic Full

    • Run Synthetic Full - Every X days

      Defines the number of days that should pass between synthetic full backup jobs. For information on synthetic full backup jobs, see Synthetic Full Backups Overview.

    • Run Synthetic Full - As needed for extended retention

      Defines the number of days that should pass between synthetic full backup jobs based on the storage policy’s extended retention rules defined by the user. If extended retention rules are not configured, then synthetic full backup jobs will run every 30 days.


      Even if extended retention rules are configured and set to retain full backups that are less than 7 days (for example, Hourly Full backups or Daily Full backups), the synthetic full backup jobs will not run more frequently than once every 7 days.

      A storage policy’s extended retention rules may be defined in the following two settings in the CommCell Console:

      • Extended Retention Rules for Full Backups (CommCell Console > Storage Policy > Storage Policy Copy > Properties > Retention)

      • Automatically select Full Backups at frequency (CommCell Console > Storage Policy > Properties > Selective Copy)

    • Run Synthetic Full - As needed to reclaim space

      Triggers a synthetic full job when the current size of application on the client is less than the total size of the backed up data in a current job cycle by a threshold value (default value is 50%). The synthetic full backup jobs will run every 30 days from the past full/synthetic full job regardless of whether data savings is less than threshold.

For information on synthetic full backup jobs, see Synthetic Full Backups Overview.

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