Available Web Services for REST API


When defining the URI for REST APIs, you need to specify the root path used to route the API requests to the Web Server using one of the following ways:

  • If you have direct connectivity to the Web Server, use http://*web server host name*:*port*/SearchSvc/CVWebService.svc/.

    You must enter the port number used by the Web Server computer.

    For example: http://server.company.com:81/WebServerCore

  • If you want to access the Web Server from an external network, use the Command Center to route your API requests. To connect to the Command Center, use https://*Command Center host name*/commandcenter/api.

    It is not necessary to enter the port number to route your API requests through the Command Center.

    For example: https://webclient.company.com/commandcenter/api/


    Starting in Commvault Platform Release 2024E, the calls to webconsole/api are directed to commandcenter/api, and are subject to stricter security restrictions. Because of these restrictions, the Commvault software strips only those URL parameters that contain XML or other dangerous content and parameters posted as x-www-form-urlencoded body content. Consequently, the APIs that use or require such parameters become incompatible with the Command Center and can only be routed via the Web Server endpoint. However, the URLs with parameters that do not contain potentially dangerous content will continue to work fine.

    So, you must thoroughly test existing applications that use the old Web Console entry point to ensure compatibility with Commvault Platform Release 2024E and later releases.

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