Backup - OES File System iDataAgent


Supported Backup Types

The OES File System iDataAgent supports the following backup types:

Optimize Backups Using Novell's Storage Management Services (SMS)

The OES File System iDataAgent provides the capability to utilize Novell's Storage Management Services (SMS) when backing up data.

When the Optimize for Novell SMS option is selected from the Data tab of the Advanced Backup Options dialog box, Novell's SMS will query the configured subclient content to determine what data will be backed up. Once the data has been queried, SMS then determines the order and conduct of backing up the data. This negates the need for the iDataAgents to generate a collect file during the scan phase, which significantly reduces the amount of time taken for the scan phase to complete.

Note the following before optimizing backups using Novell's Storage Management Services (SMS):

  • Backup optimization can only be used for full backups.

  • Backup optimization cannot be used in conjunction with any filter exceptions/exclusions, wild card content, or wild card filters.

  • Full backups running with this option selected cannot be suspended.

Backup Considerations for This Agent

Before performing any backup procedures for this agent, review the following information:

  • To back up NSS File System data you must have Read/File Scan rights to the container object which holds the content to be backed up.

  • Incremental backup jobs are based on change in mtime (file modified time) value.

  • Backup failures may occur if a remote script has one or more blank lines at the top. Therefore, be sure to delete any blank lines at the top of any remote scripts.

  • Filters can be used in conjunction with the "Items That Failed" list on the data protection Job History Report to eliminate backup or archive failures by excluding items which consistently fail that are not integral to the operation of the system or applications. Some items fail because they are locked by the operating system or application and cannot be opened at the time of the data protection operation. This often occurs with certain system-related files and database application files.

    Also, keep in mind that you will need to run a full backup after adding failed files to the filter in order to remove them.

  • Files with holes can be backed up. This type of file may use large amounts of space on the archive media.

  • Symbolic links appear in subclient content as the target of the link.


    The software uses ufsdump to back up only those files that meet the constraint on percentage data specified by nDUMPPERCENT and the minimum size specified by nDUMPSIZE.
    As the default value of nDUMPPERCENT is set at zero, the software does not use ufsdump by default.

Creating a Subclient to Back Up GroupWise 2012/2014/2014 R2 Databases Residing on Non-NSS Volumes

To back up GroupWise 2012/2014/2014 R2 databases that reside on non-NSS volumes using the Linux File System Agent, complete the following steps:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <Client> | File System | Backup Set.

  2. Right-click the Backup Set, point to All Tasks and then click New Subclient.

  3. In the Subclient Name box, type a name.

  4. Click the Storage Device tab.

  5. In the Storage Policy list, click a storage policy name.

  6. Click the Content tab.

  7. Click Add Paths.

  8. Type the path to the GroupWise 2012/2014/2014 R2 databases residing on non-NSS volumes, and then click OK.

    For example, /media/GROUPWISE/postoffice.

  9. Right click the configured <Subclient> and click Backup.

  10. Select Full as backup type and Immediate to run the job immediately.

  11. Click OK.

Backing Up NICI Keys

NICI (Novell International Cryptography Infrastructure) contains keys and user data that are stored in system and user specific directories and files. NICI backup and restores can be performed using the DSBK utility. For more information, see the NetIQ documentation website.

You can configure pre-processes and post-processes for a subclient to back up and restore NICI using the DSBK utility. For more information, see Pre-processes and Post-processes - Overview.

Note: Each backup file must have a unique name. You can prepend the date timestamp to the backup file name.