

Commvault backs up all of the virtual machines identified on the Content tab for a subclient.

You can perform full, incremental, or synthetic full backups of virtual machines. The first backup of a virtual machine is always a full backup, regardless of the selected backup type. You can choose to perform application-consistent or crash-consistent backups.

The backup process exports virtual machine configurations in OVF format and the configuration associates virtual machine disks with each VM.

Backups of virtual machines are performed in round-robin sequence.

When a virtual machine is discovered during backup, a client for the VM is created in the CommCell Console if one does not already exist. If a virtual machine with spaces in its name is discovered during backup, the spaces are replaced with underscores ('_') when creating the VM client name that is displayed in the CommCell Console. The VM name with spaces is still displayed on the Virtual Machine Status tab for the backup job, in the backup job summary, and in reports that include the VM name.

What Gets Backed Up

  • Virtual machines (powered on or powered off)

  • Virtual machines running on FusionStorage

  • Virtual machine configurations

  • Virtual machine disks

What Does Not Get Backed Up

  • Template VMs

  • Independent disks

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