Best Practices for MySQL


Planning a Backup

When you create a group of selected subclients for the database, you must back up all of these subclients to create a complete backup.

If your data keeps growing and is over 200 GB, opt for backup methods other than the regular backup, such as, enterprise backup using SBT, block-level backup, and IntelliSnap backup.

See their System Requirements page to verify if they support the platform you are working on.

Creating Subclients

As a best practice, it is recommended that you create separate subclients to back up data that undergo frequent changes.

For example, if the EXAMPLE and USERS dbspaces undergo frequent changes, you can create a separate subclient for each database.


  • User-defined subclient: Test1

    Content: EXAMPLE

  • User-defined subclient: Test2

    Content: USERS

Distributing the client data using subclients as recommended above, can help improve backup performance by organizing the workload on the client into logical groupings.

Subclient Content

We recommend that you add only a few small databases to each subclient and add larger databases into separate subclients. On a restart condition, the system backs up all of the databases in the subclient from the beginning. In that case, you do not want a large database that has completed its backup successfully to be backed up again because a smaller one has caused a restart to occur.

Reconfiguring Default Subclient Content

We recommend that you do not re-configure the content of a default subclient because this would disable its capability to serve as a catch-all entity for client data. As a result, some data will not get backed up or scanned.

MySQL Database Backup

The MySQL database is a system database that is created when the MySQL Server is installed. The database contains all of the metadata information, such as database access permissions, user information, and so on, that is used to manage the MySQL Server. Therefore, it is important that you backup this database often.

MySQL database names must be in English for backup operations to complete successfully.

MySQL Database Restore

Ensure that the MySQL database is running when you perform restore operations.

You must back up the MySQL database each time a new user is created, or when the database is modified. These backups can be used during disaster recovery if you need to restore the MySQL database.

MySQL database names must be in standard alphanumeric characters for restore operations to complete successfully.

MySQL Server Restore

Before you restore a master server, stop any replication processes between the master and slaves. After the master server is restored, make sure that the replication is online on the proxy server.

MySQL Mount Point

If you have a dedicated mount point for MySQL, verify that your data directory is a sub-directory on the mount point. This will ensure that any non-MySQL folders on the mount point will reside outside the data directory.

Enabling Variable Content Alignment

Select the Enable Variable Content Alignment check box to increase the effectiveness of deduplication on the client computer. Variable content alignment reduces the amount of data stored during a backup operation.

For more information, see Enable Variable Content Alignment.