Cloning an Oracle RAC PDB from an RMAN Streaming Backup


You can create a clone of an Oracle RAC PDB database from an RMAN streaming backup without a production database interruption, so that you can:

  • Create test environments

  • Move a PDB to an additional CDB

You can create a clone from the latest backup, or from a point-in-time backup.

When you clone a PDB, the Commvault software duplicates the CDB and PDBs that you want to clone to an auxiliary instance in a staging path that you specify. The software stages the CDB, and then unplugs the PDBs from the staged CDB, and plugs them in to the new CDB.

The following rules apply to the destination CDB:

  • It must match the source CDB.

  • There are no limitations on the Catalog Connect String, but if you want to use an account other than 'sys', you must grant the SYSDBA or SYSBACKUP privilege to the user account.

Before You Begin

  • Oracle supports CDBs in Oracle version 12c and more recent versions.

  • Perform a full backup, or an incremental backup with a subclient configured for Oracle pluggable databases.

  • Verify that the staging path has enough free space for the datafiles for both the CDB and the PDB$SEED that you want to restore and that the destination path has enough free space for the PDBs that you clone.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > RAC client.

  2. Right-click the instance, point to All Tasks and then click Browse and Restore.

  3. In the Browse and Restore Options dialog box, select the backup to use for the clone:

    • To create the clone from the latest backup, select Latest Backup and click View Content.

    • To create the clone from a point-in-time backup, make the following selections:

      1. Select Time Range and then select Absolute Time.

      2. Select the Time Zone, then select End Time.

      3. In the End Time area, select or enter the date and time.

      4. Click View Content.

  4. From the browse window, select the database in the left pane, then select the PDBs to restore in the right pane. Click Recover All Selected.

    The Oracle Restore Options dialog box appears.

  5. On the Oracle Restore Options dialog box, click PDB Clone, then click Next >.

    The Oracle PDB Clone Options window appears.

  6. On the General tab, specify the destination details:

    1. In the Destination Client list, select the destination client that has the CDB that will contain the clone PDBs.

    2. In the Catalog Connect box enter the Oracle catalog connect string credentials:

      • Enter the catalog user name.

      • Enter the catalog user password.

      • Enter the Oracle service name.

    3. Click Advanced.

      The Oracle Advanced Restore Options dialog box appears.

  7. On the Auxiliary Instance tab, specify the auxiliary instance information:

    1. Optional: In the PFile box, type the full path to the PFile that the software uses when it creates the instance, or browse to it.

    2. In the Staging Path box, type the full path to the location where the software creates the auxiliary instance, or browse to it.

    3. To have the software automatically clean up the instance after it creates the clone, select the Cleanup Auxiliary check box.

  8. On the PDB Clone tab, specify the PDB clone information:

    1. To redirect all the clone tablespaces and datafiles to a new location, select the Redirect All Table Spaces/Database to check box, and then in the box, type the full path to the new location, or browse to it.

    2. To rename a PDB, in the row for the PDB, in the Clone PDB Name box, type the new PDB name.

    3. To redirect PDB datafiles, in the row for the PDB, in the Datafiles Directory box, type the full path to the new PDB datafiles directory.

    4. Repeat the steps for all PDBs.

  9. To automatically move the database to the correct mode before the restore, on the Options tab, select the Switch Database Mode for Restore check box.

  10. Click OK to close the Oracle Advanced Restore Options dialog box.

  11. Click OK to start the restore.


The selected PDBs are cloned to the new CDB.

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