Command Line Interface - Restore


Perform the Restore

Note: You must perform step-by-step restores from the CommCell Console.

  1. Run the qlogin command to log on to the CommServe computer.

  2. Download the restore_template.xml file to the computer where you will run the command.

  3. Open the restore_template.xml file, add your specific parameters, and save the file.

  4. On the command line, go to Software_Installation_Directory/Base and type the command.

    qoperation execute -af restore_template.xml -clientName <client_name> -instanceName <instance_name> -destClient/clientName <destination_client_name> -destinationInstance/clientName <client_name> -destinationInstance/instanceName <destination_instance_name> -destinationServer/name <destination_server_name> -databaseId/name <database_name> -devices <source_subclientId>:<source_dbId>:<source_device_Id>:<source_device_name>:<renamedDeviceName>:<renamed_devicePath>:size_of_the_device_in_bytes>:<renamed_Database_name> -renameDatabases true "databaseChain 0:5:db2:0 -sybaseCreateDevices true|false [-toTimeValue <timeValue> -pointInTime/timeValue]

  5. Verify the status of the job. On the command line type the command:

    qlist job –j <job_id>

  6. Once the job completes, run the qlogout command to log off the CommServe computer.

Restoring from a Current Backup

qoperation execute -af restore_template.xml -appName 'Sybase Database' -clientName client1 -instanceName instance1 -destinationInstance/clientName client1 -destinationInstance/instanceName instance1 -databaseId/name db1

Restoring Databases to a Point-in-Time (date and time)

qoperation execute -af restore_template.xml -clientName sybserver3 -instanceName S155syb3 -databaseId/name db1 -destClient/clientName sybserver3 -destinationInstance/clientName sybserver3 -destinationInstance/instanceName S155syb3 -destinationServer/name S155syb3 -devices "0:11:0:db1:db1:/Sybase/data/db1.dat:0:newdb1" -devices "0:11:0:db1_log:db1_log:/ sybase/log/db1_log.dat:0:newdb1" -renameDatabases true -databaseChain "0:11:db1:0" -sybaseCreateDevices false -toTimeValue "2015-11-24 16:00:00"

Generate the Command Line Script from the CommCell Console

In addition to the parameter values provided in the template xml file, if you want to include additional options for the restore, you can do so by selecting the required options from the CommCell Console and generate the command line xml script for the restore operation.

For more information on how to generate the script, see Save as Script Overview.

Rename a Database Restore

Before You Begin
  • Create the devices on the destination server.

Note: You must perform step-by-step restores from the CommCell Console.

  1. Run the qlogin command to log on to the CommServe computer.

  2. Download the rename_restore_template.xml file to the computer where you will run the command.

  3. Open the rename_restore_template.xml file, add your specific parameters, and save the file.

    For information on supported XML parameters, see Available XML Parameters for Sybase Backups and Restores.

  4. On the command line, go to Software_Installation_Directory/Base and type the command.

    qoperation execute -af rename_restore_template.xml -clientName <source_client_name> -instanceName <source_instance_name> -destClient/clientName <destination_client_name> -destinationInstance/clientName <destination_client_name> -destinationInstance/instanceName <destination_instance_name> -destinationServer/name <destination_server_name> -databaseId/name <database_name> -devices <source subclientId>:<source dbId>:<source device Id>:<source device name>:<renamedDeviceName>:<renamed device Path>:<size of the device in bytes>:<renamed Database name> -renameDatabases true -databaseChain "0:<source dbId>:<database_name>:0" -sybaseCreateDevices true|false [-toTimeValue <timeValue> -pointInTime/timeValue]

  5. Verify the status of the job. On the command line type the command:

    qlist job –j <job_id>

  6. Once the job completes, run the qlogout command to log off the CommServe computer.

Finding a database ID from the Sybase Dataserver

Login as Sybase SA user and execute the following SQL script:

isql -Usa –P<password>-S<Sybase server name> use master go select name, dbid from sysdatabases where name = ‘<dbname>’ go exit go

Finding the end time of the job for a Point-in-time restore

Use the following command to find an end time of the job for Point-in-time restore:

./qoperation execscript -sn getjoblist.sql -si <clientName>

You will receive the list in the following format:





Retention Days

AppType Name

Subclient Name

Start Time/End Time







Sybase Database





The command output returns the UTC time and you need to convert this into CommServe time zone before using it in restore command.

Renaming a database restore without specifying a new device

qoperation execute -af rename_restore_template.xml -clientName sybserver3 -instanceName S155syb3 -databaseId/name db1 -destClient/clientName sybserver3 -destinationInstance/clientName sybserver3 -destinationInstance/instanceName S155syb3 -destinationServer/name S155syb3 -devices "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:new_db1" -renameDatabases true -databaseChain "0:0:db1:0" -sybaseCreateDevices false

Renaming a database restore by specifying new devices

qoperation execute -af rename_restore_template.xml -clientName sybserver3 -instanceName S155syb3 -databaseId/name db1 -destClient /clientName sybserver3 -destinationInstance/clientName sybserver3 -destinationInstance/instanceName S155syb3 -destinationServer/name S155syb3 -devices "0:14:0:db1:new_db1:/sybase/syb155/data/new_db1.dat:125829120:new_db1" -devices "0:14:0:db1_log:new_db1_log:/sybase/syb155/log/new_db1_log.dat:31457280:new_db1" -renameDatabases true -databaseChain "0:14:db1:0" -sybaseCreateDevices true

Renaming and restoring databases to a point-in-time

qoperation execute -af rename_restore_template.xml -clientName sybserver3 -instanceName S155syb3 -databaseId/name db1 -destClient/clientName sybserver3 -destinationInstance/clientName sybserver3 -destinationInstance/instanceName S155syb3 -destinationServer/name S155syb3 -devices "0:11:0:db1:db1:/Sybase/data/db1.dat:0:newdb1" -devices "0:11:0:db1_log:db1_log:/ sybase/log/db1_log.dat:0:newdb1" -renameDatabases true -databaseChain "0:11:db1:0" -sybaseCreateDevices false -toTimeValue "2015-11-24 16:00:00"

Renaming and restoring to a different client (cross server restore) to a point-in-time by specifying a new device

operation execute -af rename_restore_template.xml -clientName sybserver3 -instanceName S155syb3 -databaseId/name db1 -destClient/clientName sybserver4 -destinationInstance/clientName sybserver4 4 -destinationInstance/instanceName S155syb4 -destinationServer/name S155syb4 -devices "0:11:0:db1:test:/Sybase/data/test.dat:0:test" -devices "0:11:0:db1_log:test_log:/ sybase/log/test_log.dat:0:test" -renameDatabases true -databaseChain "0:11:db1:0" -sybaseCreateDevices false -toTimeValue "2015-11-20 13:00:00"

Renaming and restoring databases to a point-in-time of the transaction log backups

qoperation execute -af rename_restore_template.xml -clientName sybserver3 -instanceName S155syb3 -databaseId/name db1 -destClient/clientName sybserver4 -destinationInstance/clientName sybserver4 -destinationInstance/instanceName S155syb4 -destinationServer/name S155syb4 -devices "0:5:0:db1:newdb1:/sybase/syb155/data/newdb1.dat:104857600:newdb1" -devices "0:5:0:db_log:newdb1_log:/sybase/syb155/logs/newdb1_log.dat:20971520:newdb1" -renameDatabases true -databaseChain "0:5:db1:0" -sybaseCreateDevices true -toTimeValue "2015-11-23 10:00:00" -pointInTime/timeValue "2015-11-23 10:00:00"