CommServe Upgrade with Hardware Refresh Use Cases


This document provides upgrade recommendations and suggestions based on the CommCell environment you have.

Use Case 1: Hardware Refresh When the CommServe and the MediaAgent Software are on the Same Server, but the MediaAgent needs to Be Decommissioned

In a scenario where you have an old server with the CommServe and MediaAgent software installed, and there is also a tape library shared across all MediaAgents in the CommCell, you might not need to configure the MediaAgent component in the new server during the hardware refresh process.

The following sections describe the current CommCell environment (prior to upgrade) and how the environment should look after the upgrade.

Prior Upgrade Environment



Server 1

Old server containing the CommServe and MediaAgent (MA1) software.

MA1 configuration:

  • Local disk library (disklib01)

    Spool copy has no data because all the data is copied to secondary storage (tape-lib01).

  • Shared tape library (tape-lib01)

    A tape library shared with all MediaAgents.

Server 2

Server containing another MediaAgent (MA2) with the following configuration:

  • Local disk library (disklib02)

    Spool copy has no data because all the data is copied to secondary storage (tape-lib01).

  • Shared tape library (tape-lib01)

Server 3

New server. No software installed.

Suggested Post Upgrade Environment



Server 1


Old CommServe and MediaAgent software are uninstalled.

Server 2

No changes. However, the MediaAgent can also be upgraded to the current software version.

Server 3

The latest CommServe software is installed.

The MediaAgent component (MA1) is deconfigured because its disk library is empty. All the data resides in the shared tape library. Therefore, MA1 is no longer needed.

See CommServe Upgrade with Hardware Refresh for instructions. Note that some of the steps described in the hardware refresh document may vary, such as the following:

  • In the old server, wait for auxiliary copy jobs to copy the data from the spool copies to the shared tape library.

  • In the new server, after installing the new CommServe software and applying the latest service packs, reconfigure the tape library with the shared MediaAgents (MA2 and any other MediaAgent in the CommCell).

    Then, proceed to deconfigure the MediaAgent (MA1) that was installed with the CommServe. See Releasing a License (Deconfiguration) for more information.