Configuring Oracle Subclients That Use IntelliSnap with Block-Level Backup

Configure the following options on the subclient to create a clone from a block-level backup:

  • Online

  • Data

  • IntelliSnap

  • Volume copy


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > Oracle.

  2. Right-click the instance, point to All Tasks and then click New Subclient.

    The Create New Subclient dialog box appears.

  3. On the General tab, in the Subclient Name box, enter a name for the subclient.

  4. On the Content tab, specify whether the backup is a full backup:

    • Select the Data check box.

    • Select the Online Database option.

  5. On the Logs Backup tab, select the Backup Archive Log check box.

  6. On the Storage Device tab, from the Data Storage Policy list, select the storage policy name.

  7. Configure the IntelliSnap options.

    1. On the IntelliSnap Operations tab, select the IntelliSnap check box.

      A message appears that tells you that the next backup will be a full backup.

    2. Click OK.

    3. From the Available Snap Engines list, select the storage engine.

    4. To use a proxy server, from the Use Proxy list, select the appropriate MediaAgent.

      This is the MediaAgent that is used to perform the IntelliSnap and backup copy operations.

      Note: Make sure that the operating system on the proxy server is either same version or later than the operating system on the client computer.

    5. To have the backup copy operation fall back to the source if the proxy is unreachable, select the Use source if proxy is unreachable check box.

      This prevents the interruption of the backup schedule when the proxy cannot be reached.

    6. Select Volume Copy (Block-Level Backup - Support Instant Database Recover).

    7. Optional: To perform an integrity check of the hardware, select the Enable Snap Integrity Check check box.

  8. Optional: Run scripts before or after the backup.

    On the Pre/Post tab:

    1. In the PreSnap Command box, type the full path name for the script.

    2. In the PostSnap Command box, type the full path name for the script.

    3. To run the post backup process regardless of the job's outcome, select the Run Post Process for all attempts check box.

  9. Click OK to close the Creating New Subclient dialog box.


You have a database subclient for Oracle Copy Data Management.

What to Do Next

Perform incremental backups for Oracle Copy Data Management. For more information, see Forever Incremental Backups for Oracle Copy Data Management.
