Configuring Your CommCell Environment


After you configure your Google environment, configure the following components in your CommCell environment.

  • Virtual client

  • Instances

  • Subclients

Virtual Client

Create a virtual client to use it as an interface to back up and restore user accounts from the Google cloud. Create separate virtual clients both for Gmail and Google drive.

For more information, see Creating a Virtual Client.

Instance Configuration

An instance is a logical entity that manages backup and restore operations for all the Google user accounts that exist within that instance.

The first instance is automatically created when you create a virtual client. If necessary, you can create more instances.

For more information on configuring instances, see Instances for Gmail and Google Drive.

Subclient Configuration

A default subclient is automatically created under the first instance. Use this default subclient to manually discover the Google user accounts.

If you want to back up all your user accounts by running single backup job, you can assign all your user accounts to the default subclient.

You can also create user-defined subclients to logically group user accounts that have different backup requirements.

For more information on configuring subclients and subclient content, see Subclients for Gmail and Google Drive.