Converting Restore Map Files with Unicode Characters


Even though a Restore map file can include path or filename that contain Unicode characters, you must convert the map file to a format that can be used during backup operations.

About This Task

A Map File Restore operation requires a map file that contains a list of files to be restored with their corresponding restore paths. If the map file contains files and folders with Unicode characters, the map file cannot be directly used to perform restore operations. Use the Unicode Conversion utility to convert the map file to a format that can be provided as an input to the map file restore operations.

Before You Begin

You must create a map file and save the file as a Unicode text file. For more information, see Creating a Map File.


  1. From the command line, go to the software_install_folder/Base folder and type the following:

    ./CVconvertUnicode <source_file> <destination_file>


    • <source file> is the full path and name of the map file created in Step 1.

    • <destination file> is the full path and name of the converted Restore map file. This file is automatically created by the utility.

  2. Use the destination file as the map file to perform restore operations.

What to Do Next

Restoring Using a Map File