Create New Journal Policy (Content Indexing)


Applies to: ContentStore Mailbox, and Journal Mailbox

Use this dialog box to create a new Exchange journal policy. Use the Content Indexing tab to enable content indexing.

Enable content indexing

When the check box is selected, content indexing is enabled and the configuration options become available.

General Subtab

Pre-generate previews

When the check box is selected, you can see a preview of a message in Commvault software search environments, such as the Web Console or ContentStore Email Viewer, for example. Your end users can see previews of messages when they browse messages in offline mode, as well as online mode. However, the previews are stored as HTML files for rapid retrieval. Therefore, you require extra secondary storage to store the previews.

When this check box is cleared, end users can only see previews of messages when they browse in online mode.

  • Preview storage location

    Enter the UNC path to the network location where preview files are located.

  • Login credential

    The credentials for the service account that has write access to the network location.

    • User name

      The user name of the service account.

    • Password

      The password of the service account.

    • Confirm Password

      Reenter the password of the service account.

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