Create New Retention Policy (General)


Applies to: User Mailbox, and Journal Mailbox

Use this dialog box to create a new Exchange retention policy. Use the General tab to name the policy and define the default value for how long messages are retained on the MediaAgent. Retention is based on the message's received time.


The Exchange Mailbox Agent uses the retention rules that are defined in the Exchange retention policy. The agent does not use the retention rules that are defined in the storage policy.

Policy Name

The name of the Exchange retention policy.

Received Time Based Retention

You can configure message-level retention based on the message's received time. This option is recommended for archiving use case.

Deletion Time Based Retention

You can configure message-level retention based on the message's deletion time. This option is recommended for backup use case.

Default retention rule for all messages

  • Retain for n years n months n days

    Messages become eligible for pruning after the number of years, months, and days specified has been exceeded.

  • Infinite

    When this option is selected, messages are retained indefinitely.

    Infinite is the default retention rule. If you do not assign a retention policy, the Infinite retention rule is applied automatically and messages are retained indefinitely.

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