Creating a Pseudo-Client for Lustre (File System)


After installing the File System Core and File System packages on the data access nodes, you must create a pseudo-client.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click Client Computers, point to New Client > File System and then click Lustre FS.

    The Create Lustre FS Client dialog box appears.

  2. Specify names for the pseudo-client and the instance:

    1. In the Client Name box, type a name for the pseudo-client.

    2. In the Instance Name box, type a name for the instance.

  3. On the Lustre FS tab, specify the nodes in the Lustre cluster that will be part of the instance:

    1. Under Data Access Nodes, select the required data access nodes, and then click Add to include them in the instance.

    2. In the Number of Data Readers box, enter the number of data streams.

      Tip: For optimal sharing of the backup load, the number of data readers must be equal or greater than the number of data access nodes.

  4. On the Storage Device tab, select a storage policy from the Storage Policy list.

  5. Optional: To create a new storage policy, click Create Storage Policy, and then follow the instructions in the storage policy creation wizard.

  6. Optional: To perform LAN-free backup and restores, select a grid storage policy.

    For more information, see GridStor® (Alternate Data Paths) - Overview.

    By configuring keyless SSH between the MDT server and the data access nodes, you can also use the MediaAgent as a data access node.

  7. Click OK.

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