Creating a Salesforce Pseudo-Client


Configure a pseudo-client so that you can perform backup and restore operations on your Salesforce data.

Before You Begin

  • Verify that you have the Salesforce API token. Salesforce sends this token the first time that you sign in to your account.

    For additional information about Salesforce tokens, go to the Salesforce help website, Reset Your Security Token.

  • Create a Connect App in Salesforce.

  • Review the requirements for the Microsoft SQL server database or the PostgreSQL database, and then verify that you have the following database information:

    • The type of database

    • The client that hosts the database. The access node is able to connect to the database instance using JDBC URL.

    • The database name

    • The credentials for a user who meets the access requirements

  • If you want to connect to Salesforce by using a mutual authentication certificate, review the information in Connecting to Salesforce Using Mutual Authentication.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click Client Computers, go to New Client > Cloud Apps, and then click Salesforce.

    The New Salesforce Client dialog box appears.

  2. On the General tab, enter the client details:

    1. In the Client Name box, type the name that you want to use to identify the specific Salesforce organization.

    2. In the Instance Name box, type the name that you want to use to identify the Salesforce database.

    3. From the Access Node list, select an access node.

      Clients that have the Cloud app package installed can act as access nodes. Select a client group as the access node to automatically find an online node to use for Salesforce backups and restores.

    4. From the Storage Policy list, select the storage policy that you want to use for backups.

    5. In the Number of Data Backup Streams box, type the number of streams that you want to use for backups.

  3. On the Connection Details tab, enter the information on how you connect to Salesforce:

    1. In the Salesforce login URL, type the URL that you use to connect to Salesforce, for example

    2. In the User Name box and Password box, type the admin user credentials that you use to connect to Salesforce.

    3. In the API Token box, type the token that you use to connect to Salesforce.

    4. In the Consumer Key box, type the Salesforce consumer key.

    5. In the Consumer Secret box, type the Salesforce consumer secret.

    6. Optional: In the Mutual auth certificate box, enter the path to the PEM file.

  4. On the Backup Options tab, specify the backup location:

    1. In the Download Cache Path box, type the full path for the staging location that the Commvault uses when it backs up the data.


      The software uses this value as the default for all subclients that you create for this pseudo-client.

    2. To back up Salesforce objects in a database, select the Sync To Database check box, and then provide the following information:

      • From the Database Type list, select the database type.

      • From the Database Host list, select the client that hosts the database.

      • From the Database Name list, select the database name.

      • In the Database Port box, type the port that you use to connect to the database.

      • In the User Name and Password boxes, type the credentials for a user who has permissions for the database.


        If you use Microsoft SQL Server, the user must be a SQL authentication user.

  5. Click OK.


The Commvault software creates a pseudo-client that has the instance that you specified and a default backup set for the instance.

What to Do Next

Perform a backup.

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