Creating a Secondary Silo Copy


  1. Download the sp_copycreation.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.

  2. Execute the following command from the software_installation_directory/Base folder after substituting the parameter values.

    qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\sp_copycreation.xml -storagepolicyname 'xxxxx' -copyname 'xxxx' -copytype 'Secondary SILO' -libraryName 'xxxxx' -mediaAgentName 'xxxxx' -drivePoolName 'xxxxx' -spareMediaGroupName 'xxxxx' -multiplexingFactor 4 -sourcecopy/copyname 'xxxxx' -sourcecopy/storagepolicyname 'xxxxx' -enableSiloDiskSpaceManagement 1 -dedupeFlags/backupsiloenabled 1 -multiplexSourceStreams 1 -secondarysilocopy 1 -combineStreams 1


    qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\sp_copycreation.xml -storagepolicyname xml1 -copyname Silo_copy_sec1 -copytype 'Secondary SILO' -libraryName CommVault silo1 5 -mediaAgentName testdedupe -drivePoolName 'DrivePool(testdedupe)4' -spareMediaGroupName 'Default Scratch' -multiplexingFactor 4 -sourcecopy/copyname Silo_copy -sourcecopy/storagepolicyname xml1 -enableSiloDiskSpaceManagement 1 -dedupeFlags/backupsiloenabled 1 -multiplexSourceStreams 1 -secondarysilocopy 1 -combineStreams 1

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