Data Replication on Non-Global Zones


Configure Replication Pairs on Global Zone with Exported Devices

You can replicate data on non-global zones using exported device from global zone.

You can use the following steps to create cxbf devices and configure for replication at the destination computer.

Note that, this procedure is required only if the file system type is not snap supported using native snap mechanism (for example, if the File System type is UFS, then there is no native snap support).

  1. Install FSiDA and CDR packages in the global zone with the latest service pack and updates.

  2. Identify the mount point to be replicated and its corresponding device name. Usually this device is located in the non-global zone’s device configuration.

    For example:

    Non-Global zone name = zone3

    Non-Global zone Device = c1t500A098199FAB9F7d193s2

    Global zone device = /dev/dsk/c1t500A098199FAB9F7d193s2

    Mount point for replication: /db_data is mounted on /tank/5G3/zone3/root/ c1t500A098199FAB9F7d193s2

  3. Un-mount the device which will be used for replication.

    unmount /db_data

  4. Execute the script create_cxbf from /opt/commvault/CXBF with device path as an input argument. For example:

    ./create_cxbf /dev/dsk/c1t500A098199FAB9F7d193s2

  5. Verify device configuration using the command cvsnap <show>.

    For example::

    james# cvsnap

    cvsnap> show

    No of bf devices 1



  6. Export the Device to Non-Global Zone.

    zonecfg -z zone3
    zonecfg zone3> add device
    zonecfg zone3> set match=/dev/cxbf/dsk/c1t500A098199FAB9F7d193s2

    zonecfg zone3:device> end
    zonecfg zone3> commit
    zonecfg zone3> exit

  7. Mount the device on the Non-Global zone. Login to Non-Global zone and mount the exported cxbf device.

    mount -F ufs /dev/cxbf/dsk/c1t500A098199FAB9F7d193s2 /nonglobalzonedata

  8. Check the Global Zone and find the mount point in global zone for the exported device name.

    /tank/5G3/zone3/root/nonglobalzonedata on /tank/5G3/zone3/root/dev/cxbf/dsk/c1t500A098199FAB9F7d193s2

  9. Create a CDR Pair with this Global zone mount point as a Source Path from the CommCell console.

    • From the CommCell Browser, right-click a Replication Set in the source machine, and select All Tasks, then select Manage Pairs.

    • Click Add.

    • Enter the global zone mount point as the source path.

      /tank/5G3/one3/root/localzonedata -> /testodata/cdrdest

    • Click OK.

  10. Start the pair.

    • From the CommCell Browser, click ContinuousDataReplicator.

    • Select Replication Set, right-click a Replication Pair, and select Start.

Configure Replication Pairs on Global Zone with File System

Use this procedure when the non-global zone’s file system is shared from global zone as lofs file system. The file system on global zone should be residing on the snap supported device or snap supported volume manager.

  1. Install FSiDA and CDR packages in the global zone with the latest service pack and updates.

  2. Create a CDR Pair with this Global zone mount point as a Source Path from the CommCell console.

    • From the CommCell Browser, right-click a Replication Set in the source machine, and select All Tasks, then select Manage Pairs.

    • Click Add.

    • Enter the global zone mount point as the source path.

      /tank/5G3/one3/root/localzonedata -> /testodata/cdrdest

    • Click OK.

  3. Start the pair.

    • From the CommCell Browser, click ContinuousDataReplicator.

    • Select Replication Set, right-click a Replication Pair, and select Start.

De-Configure Replication Pairs from Global Zone

You can de-configure replication pairs from global zone as follows:

  1. Stop the CDR pair.

    • From the CommCell Browser, click ContinuousDataReplicator.

    • Select Replication Set, right-click a Replication Pair, and select Abort.

  2. Make sure that CDR is not monitoring the volume.

    opt/commvault/Base/cdrp –q | grep <mountpoint>

    File System Device......... /dev/cxbf/dsk/c1t500A098199FAB9F7d193s2

    Mounted under.............. /tank/5G3/zone3/root/localzonedata

    CDR Monitoring............. DISABLED

  3. Unmount the mount point in the non-global zone.

    umount <mouintpoint>

  4. Run the delete_cxbf script from /opt/commvault/CXBF with device name as an input argument.

    ./delete_cxbf c1t500A098199FAB9F7d193s2

  5. Verify that the device is deleted.

    james # cvsnap

    cvsnap> show

    No bf devices found!
