Database (Notes)


Use the Add/Modify dialog box or the Database Configuration dialog box to discover and change the location of database elements. Note that all the options described in this help may not be available and only the options displayed in the dialog box are applicable to the agent for which the information is being displayed.

Database Title

Displays the Lotus Notes database or template title.

Restore View Name

Specifies a database view that you want to display in the Browse window. If you change a restore view name after running a backup, it is recommended you run a full backup for that subclient.

Relative Path

Displays the path to the database, starting from beneath the partition folder. For examples see Relative Path Examples.

Is Logged

The Notes Database iDataAgent can back up both logged and non-logged databases. This column indicates the logging status of the corresponding database.

Database Name

Lists the names of the eligible databases for inclusion in the subclient.

Subclient (Name)

Displays the subclient to which the database is assigned. Click this space to assign the database to one of the following:

  • Default subclient

  • Any user-defined subclient

  • Do Not Backup subclient

Change all selected databases to

When more than one database is selected, reassigns the selected databases to the selected subclient. For the Notes Database iDataAgent, databases for which transaction logging has been enabled are backed up in full through the subclient in which they reside, and incrementally through the transaction log subclient. Also, databases for which transaction logging has not been enabled are backed up in full and incrementally through the subclient in which they reside.

Change all selected storage groups to

When more than one storage group is selected, reassigns the selected storage groups to the selected subclient.

Change all Restore View names to

If you have a group of databases that have a common view list, you can specify the same view to each of these databases using this space. This will be the view that is displayed in the Browse window, as described in #restore_view_name. Highlight the related databases. Then, click the arrow by Change all restore View names to to display a list of database views from which you can choose.

You may want to use this feature if, for example, you have multiple mailboxes that have common database views, and you want to assign them the same database view.

The Change all restore View names to list of views reflects the views set up for the first database in the group that you highlighted. That is, if you highlight five databases, this field does not create a composite list of all database views for all five databases. It only displays a list of the views for the first database.


Applies the database view to the highlighted databases.


Discovers any databases not yet configured within the system, allowing them to be assigned to subclients other than the default.

The relative path is the path to a database, starting from beneath the partition folder. For the following examples, assume that the user has specified \Lotus\Domino\partition1 as the default installation directory for the partition.

Example 1

The complete path to the PCs database (pcs.nsf) is as follows: \Lotus\Domino\partition1\inventory\pcs.nsf

In this case, the value displayed in Relative Path is \inventory\pcs.nsf.

Example 2

The complete path to the Budget database (budget.nsf) is as follows: \Lotus\Domino\partition1\budget.nsf

Because budget.nsf is located directly beneath the partition1 folder, the value displayed in Relative Path is \budget.nsf.

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