Full System Recovery of SAP Archive Link Data: Building a Disaster Recovery Computer


In the case of a disaster, where a full system recovery is required, you must first build a disaster recovery (DR) computer to perform the recovery.

Before You Begin

Note the host name and IP address of the production computer.


  1. Install the hardware as existed in the production computer.

  2. Build the DR computer with the same operating system and PostgreSQL server as existed in the production computer before the disaster.

    Make sure that you use the same host name and IP address of the production computer.

  3. Install the PostgreSQL and SAP Archive Link agents with the same installation paths and configurations that existed before the disaster.

    Note: Make sure that the following inputs are the same as existed before the disaster.

    • Installation path - You can retrieve the installation path from the DB_InstallPath registry key located in /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance001/OBJSRV/.properties.

    • Postgres server password

    • Port number used by the Postgres server - You can retrieve the port number from the Postgres_Instalation_directory/data/postgresql.conf file.

    • Port number used by the Apache Tomcat server - You can retrieve the port number from the port registry key located in /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance001/OBJSRV/.properties.

What To Do Next

Restore the SAP Archive Link data

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