Use this procedure when there is a disaster and you want to restore the SAP MaxDB database to a new client by using the SAP MaxDB command line interface.
The examples in this procedure use the following pipe mediums:
two for the full data backup (backdata2)
two for the incremental data backup (backpages2)
one for the log backup (backLog)
Warm Database (online)
Perform a full data backup operation.
Place the database in warm mode, and then perform the backup operation. On the command line, type the following commands:
dbmcli -d DB1 -u dbm,dbm db_warm dbmcli -d DB1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL -c backup_start backdata2
The software generates an EBID for the job, for example, XBC5DDF5_6006ECE.
Verify that the dbm.ebf file displays the EBID with the backup pipes.
DB1 XBC5DDF5_6006ECE \\.\pipe\pipe_mem1DB1 XBC5DDF5_6006ECE \\.\pipe\pipe_mem2
Perform an incremental data backup operation with the database in warm mode.
Perform the backup operation. On the command line, type the following command:
dbmcli -d testdb -u dbm,dbm -uUTL -c backup_start backpages2
The software generates an EBID for the job, for example, : XBC5DDF5_6006ECF.
Verify that the dbm.ebf file displays the EBID with the backup pipes.
DB1 : XBC5DDF5_6006ECF \\.\pipe\pipe_mem3DB1 : XBC5DDF5_6006ECF \\.\pipe\pipe_mem4
Perform a log backup operation with the database in warm mode.
Perform the backup operation. On the command line, type the following command:
dbmcli -d testdb -u dbm,dbm -uUTL -c backup_start backlog
The software generates a EBID for the job, for example, XBC5DDF5_6006ED8.
Verify that the dbm.ebf file displays the EBID with the backup pipes.
DB1 XBC5DDF5_6006ED8 \\.\pipe\pipe_mem5
Restore the catalog history and the kernel file (dbm.ebf and dbm.knl) because the files are lost after a disaster occurs.
On the command line, type the following commands:
root@machine01 Base]# cd /opt/commvault/Base [root@machine01 Base]# export BI_CALLER=BACKINT_MAXDB
C:\Users\Administrator>cd C:\Program Files\CommVault\ContentStore\Base C:\Program Files\CommVault\ContentStore\Base>set BI_CALLER=BACKINT_MAXDB
Restore the catalog history file and the kernel file (dbm.ebf and dbm.knl). For more information, see Restoring to a Different Client.
You do not need to set the
parameters in the param file because the source and destination server names are the same for a disaster recovery operation.
Restore the full data backup.
Place the database in admin mode. On the command line, type the following command:
dbmcli -d DB1 -u dbm,dbm db_admin
Log in to the first dbmcli session with the utility connect and continue until the database is online. On the command line, type the following commands:
dbmcli -d DB1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL dbmcli on DB1>db_activate recover backdata2 externalbackupid “<EBID of FULL online DATA>”
dbmcli -d DB1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL dbmcli on DB1>db_activate recover backdata2 externalbackupid "DB1 XBC5DDF5_6006ECE \\.\pipe\pipe_mem1,DB1 XBC5DDF5_6006ECE \\.\pipe\pipe_mem2"
Restore the incremental data backup. On the command line, type the following command:
recover_start backpages2 externalbackupid “<EBID of INCREMENTAL online data>”
dbmcli on DB1>recover_start backpages2 externalbackupid "DB1 XBC5DDF5_6006ECF \\.\pipe\pipe_mem3,DB1 XBC5DDF5_6006ECF \\.\pipe\pipe_mem4"
Restore the log backup. On the command line, type the following command:
recover_start backlog externalbackupid “<EBID of LOG>”
dbmcli on DB1>recover_start backlog externalbackupid "DB1 XBC5DDF5_6006ED8 \\.\pipe\pipe_mem5"
Bring the database back online. On the command line, type the following commands:
dbmcli on DB1>recover_ignore OK Returncode 0 Date 20180717 Time 00190755 Server winls1.example.loc Database DB1 Kernel Version Kernel 7.9.09 Build 008-123-261-855 Pages Transferred 32440 Pages Left 0 Volumes 1 Medianame BackLog Location \\.\pipe\pipe_mem5 Errortext Label LOG_000000001 Is Consistent First LOG Page 0 Last LOG Page 32694 DB Stamp 1 Date 20180716 DB Stamp 1 Time 00151147 DB Stamp 2 Date 20180716 DB Stamp 2 Time 00151423 Page Count 32422 Devices Used 1 Database ID winls1.example.loc:DB1_20180716_151159 Max Used Data Page Converter Page Count --- dbmcli on DB1>db_state OK State ONLINE
Cold Database (offline)
Put the database in cold (offline) mode and perform a full data backup operation.
Perform the backup operation. On the command line, type the following commands:
dbmcli -d DB1 -u dbm,dbm db_cold ddbmcli -d DB1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL -c backup_start backdata2
The software generates an EBID for the job, for example, XBC5DDF5_6006ECA.
Verify that the dbm.ebf file displays the EBID with the backup pipes.
DB1 XBC5DDF5_6006ECA \\.\pipe\pipe_mem1DB1 XBC5DDF5_6006ECA \\.\pipe\pipe_mem2
Perform an incremental data backup operation with the database in cold mode.
Perform the backup operation. On the command line, type the following command:
dbmcli -d testdb -u dbm,dbm -uUTL -c backup_start backpages2
The software generates an EBID for the job, for example, XBC5DDF5_6006ECB.
Verify that the dbm.ebf file displays the EBID with the backup pipes.
DB1 XBC5DDF5_6006ECB \\.\pipe\pipe_mem3DB1 XBC5DDF5_6006ECB \\.\pipe\pipe_mem4
Restore the catalog history file and the kernel file (dbm.ebf and dbm.knl), because the files are lost after a disaster occurs.
On the command line, type the following commands:
[root@machine01 Base]# cd /opt/commvault/Base [root@machine01 Base]# export BI_CALLER=BACKINT_MAXDB
C:\Users\Administrator>cd C:\Program Files\CommVault\ContentStore\Base C:\Program Files\CommVault\ContentStore\Base>set BI_CALLER=BACKINT_MAXDB
Restore the catalog history file and the kernel file (dbm.ebf and dbm.knl). For more information, see Restoring to a Different Client.
You do not need to set the
parameters in the param file because the source and destination server names are the same for a disaster recovery operation.
Restore the full data backup.
Place the database in cold mode. On the command line, type the following command:
dbmcli -d DB1 -u dbm,dbm db_cold
Refresh the data and the log volumes: On the command line, type the following command:
dbmcli -d DB1 -u dbm,dbm db_activate
Place the database in cold mode. On the command line, type the following command:
dbmcli -d DB1 -u dbm,dbm db_cold
Log in to the first dbmcli session with the utility connect and continue until the database is online. On the command line, type the following commands:
dbmcli -d DB1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL dbmcli on DB1>recover_start backdata2 externalbackupid “<EBID of FULL offline DATA>”
dbmcli -d DB1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL dbmcli on DB1>recover_start backdata2 externalbackupid "DB1 XBC5DDF5_6006ECA \\.\pipe\pipe_mem1,DB1 XBC5DDF5_6006ECA \\.\pipe\pipe_mem2"
Restore the incremental data backup. On the command line, type the following commands:
dbmcli on DB1>recover_start backpages2 externalbackupid “<EBID of INCRMENTAL offline data>”
recover_start backpages2 externalbackupid "DB1 XBC5DDF5_6006ECB \\.\pipe\pipe_mem3,DB1 XBC5DDF5_6006ECB \\.\pipe\pipe_mem4"
Bring the database online. On the command line, type the following commands:
dbmcli on DB1>db_execute clear log OK --- dbmcli on DB1>db_online OK