Getting Started with the DB2 MultiNode Agent


Step 1: Review Requirements and Supported Features

Refer to the following information to learn more about the requirements for the DB2 Agent:

Step 2: Determine the Installation Location

In a DB2 DPF configuration, install the DB2 Data Agent on the physical clients where the instances of the partitioned databases are running.

In a DB2 pureScale configuration, install the DB2 Data Agent on DB2 member clients.

The DB2 Agent software must be installed at the same location for all the DB2 MultiNode client computers. For example, if the software is installed on client1 at location /data/software, install the software at the same location on client2 or client3, etc.

If the software is installed at different locations, use the soft link command to ensure the software is installed at the same location on all the clients.

For example, if the software on client1 is installed in the /data/software directory, and the software on client2 is installed in the /data1/software directory, to use the /data/software directory as the common destination installation location, run the following command on client2:

ln -s /data1 /data.

Step 3: Install the DB2 Database Agent

To set up your environment, you must install the DB2 Agent and optionally the MediaAgent package. MediaAgent is required if you plan to use IntelliSnap backups.


Step 4: Configure Your Environment

  1. Open the CommCell Console.

  2. Configure a storage device. For more information, see one of the following:

  3. If you have not done so already, configure a storage policy.

  4. Configure the DB2 parameters. For more information, see Additional Configuration for the DB2 Agent.

  5. Create a DB2 pseudo-client.

  6. Create a DB2 database online subclient.

Step 5: Run Your First Backup and Restore

Step 6: What to Do Next