License Summary Report Overview

Note: This CommCell Console report is now deprecated. You can access the Command Center version of the License Summary report.

For the most recent and the most comprehensive information about licensing in the CommCell environment, on the Command Center, the Web Console, or the Cloud Services Portal see Data Views for the License Summary Report.

The License Summary Report provides information about all license types consumed in the CommCell environment, which clients use those licenses, the amount of capacity used, and the type of agents installed. You can use the License Summary report to review the types of licenses that are available on the CommCell, which computers use the licenses, and the capacity usage for the entire CommCell.

This report is useful if you need to know:

  • The amount of capacity consumed for each Capacity License, including backup set, storage policy, and job size.

  • The number and size of Traditional Licenses consumed.

  • The number and size of objects measured by the Client Access License (CAL).

  • A list of the total licenses available, consumed licenses, and license type.

  • Whether an evaluation license is available or used and when it expires.
