Media Management


The following sections list the alert types available within the Media Management category along with important details such as:

  • User permissions needed to use the alert

  • CommCell entities that can be associated with the alert

  • Criteria that trigger the alert

  • Available alert tokens

Device Status

Use this alert to monitor the device status of one or more libraries in the CommCell.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Library Management or Alert Management


Drive went Offline


A drive in a library was switched offline.

Library went Offline


A library was switched offline.

Mount Path went Offline


A mount path was switched offline.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.

Library Management

Use this alert to monitor the state, storage condition, performance, and media handling of one or more libraries in the CommCell.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Library Management or Alert Management


Insufficient Storage


The number of spare media for a scratch pool and cleaning pool inside the library are below the watermark defined, or there is no spare media in the library. For information about setting a watermark for a scratch pool, see Specify the Minimum Number of Media in a Scratch Pool.

For a disk library, the alert is triggered if the free disk space is below the watermark or there is insufficient disk space. Note that read-only mount paths, hidden and disabled libraries will be ignored while sending out this alert.

Maintenance Occurred


A drive cleaning operation completed successfully or failed.

Maintenance Required


The library or drive exceeded its threshold, a drive requires cleaning, or the mount path exceeded its fragmentation threshold.

For disk libraries, the percentage threshold at which the mount path is deemed fragmented can be configured from the Mount Path Fragmentation Threshold percentage option in Media Management Configuration: Service Configuration dialog box.

For tape libraries, thresholds for libraries and drives can be configured from the Hardware Maintenance dialog box.

Media Handling Errors


The system found a duplicate barcode/label in the library, or the system detected a media in the wrong library.

Media Handling Required


A media is not in the library, or a media in a drive needs to be changed because the system detected non-valid or no media in the drive.

The interval at which such media management maintenance issues are checked can be configured from the Media Management Maintenance Check Interval in Minutes option available in the Media Management Configuration: Service Configuration dialog box,

Media Mount and Usage Errors


A media was marked read only, bad or depreciated, or a mount or an unmount error has occurred.

Media Ready in Mail Slot


Media in mail slot is ready to be picked up by the user.

  • This criterion applies only to a Vault Tracker media export (to mail slot), which requires a Vault Tracker license.

  • We recommend that the <MEDIA LIST> and <MORE MEDIA Y/N> tokens be added to the notification message when configuring this alert.

Media Recalled


The media was retrieved from an export location for a specific operation.

Non-encrypted media exported


Media that is not encrypted has been exported to an specific location.

User Overwrite of Media


The media was overwritten by a user.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.

Vault Tracker

Use this alert to monitor Vault Tracker jobs running in the CommCell.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Library Management or Alert Management

Tracking Policies

Job Failed


A pending media movement failed.

Job Initiated


A pending media movement job was started.

Job Succeeded


A pending media movement completed successfully.

Job Succeeded with Errors


A pending media movement completed with errors.

Media Handling Required


A media is moved to a virtual mail slot, or a media needs import.

Media Picked Up


A media has been picked up.

Media Reached Destination


A media has reached the required destination.

Media Returned to Source


A media has been returned to the source.

Rolled Back


A media movement job was rolled back.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.

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