Move the DDB to the New MediaAgent


  1. Restart the services on the old MediaAgent.

    1. From the old MediaAgent computer, on the Start menu, click All Programs | Commvault, and then click Process Manager.

      The Process Manager dialog box appears.

    2. On the Service tab, right-click All Services, and then click Start.

  2. Move the DDB from old to new MediaAgent.

    1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Storage Resources > Deduplication Engines > storage_policy_copy.

    2. Right-click the deduplication_database, and then click Move Partitions.

    3. In the Target MediaAgent And Partition Path column, click Choose Path to change the location of the appropriate partition.

    4. From the MediaAgent list, select the new MediaAgent.

    5. In the Partition Path, enter the file path where you want to locate the DDB, and then click OK.

    6. Click OK.

      A Move Partition job appears in the Job Controller window. The job moves the DDB files from the old MediaAgent to the new MediaAgent.


  3. Once the DDB move is successful, stop the services on the old MediaAgent.

    1. From the old MediaAgent computer, on the Start menu, click All Programs | Commvault, and then click Process Manager.

      The Process Manager dialog box appears.

    2. On the Service tab, right-click All Services, and then click Stop.

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