Options for Maps on the Properties Tab in the Report Builder


Maps display the location of items or information based on latitudinal and longitudinal data or a country code.


  • Title: Enter a title for the map component.

  • ID: Enter a unique ID for the map component. You can use this ID canto call the map component and display it in a dashboard.

  • Data Set: Displays the name of the data set that is used to build the map component. You cannot edit this field.

  • Map Style: Select the type of map, such as a satellite, basic, light, or dark, to display.

  • Input Type: When you create a map component, Latitude and Longitude are selected.

    To display a map based on country code data, select Country Code, and then in the map component, drag the field that contains country code information to Drop Country Code Column.

  • Enable Clustering: To display data in regional bubbles instead of pins, move the toggle key to the right, and then configure the bubble settings.

    • Bubble Size By: Select the data column to use for bubbles.

    • Color: Select the color of the bubbles.

    • Show Labels: To display labels for each bubble, move the toggle key to the right.

  • Disable Interactivity: To remove the interactive elements from the map component, move the toggle key to the right.

  • Visible: Select who can view the component.

    • All: To allow everyone see the component, select this option.

    • CommCell Admin: To allow only CommCell administrators see the component, select this option.

    • Tenant Admin: To allow only only tenant administrators see the component, select this option.

    • Custom: To allow users see the component based on the permissions, select this option, then in the Visible Expression box, enter a JavaScript statement.

      For example, to allow MSP users see the component, in the Visible Expression box, enter := return cv.isMspUser.


A section for each data column in the component appears.

  • Display Name: Enter a label for the type of data that appears in the data point or bubble.

  • ID: To configure a different ID for the data type, enter some text.

  • Formatter: Click None to configure custom formatting for the data points or bubbles.

    The Formatter dialog box appears.

    • Type: Select the type of formatting that you want to apply to the data.

    • Number: From the Format list, select the type of formatting you want to apply, and then click Apply.

    • Size: Configure the source, target, and precision settings:

      • Source is in: Select a unit of measurement.

      • Target should be in: Select a unit of measurement.

      • Precision: Select the number of decimal places to display.

    • Boolean: From the Format list, select an option.

    • Link: From the onClick list, select an operation, and then configure the related settings.

    • Duration: From the Source is in list, select a unit of time.

    • Custom: Click Add Expression, and in the Code Editor, enter some JavaScript, and the click Save.

Custom Code

You can configure custom code for the tool tips in the map component.

  • Tooltip Expression for Cluster: To configure custom behavior for the cluster bubble tool tips, enter JavaScript code in this box.

  • Tooltip Expression for Point: To configure custom behavior for the data points, enter JavaScript code in this box.


You can drag a field from the data set into the box, and then filter the data contained in that field. The map component displays only the data that meets the filter requirements that you configure.

  • Drop fields here: From the data set, drag a field into the box.

    A section for each field appears.

    To filter the data that appears in the map, configure the filter options.

  • Advanced Filtering: To filter data based on regular expressions, click the button.

    • Show items with value that: Select an operator, and then enter a value in the box.

      To add another expression, select AND or OR, and then from the list, select an operator.

    • Basic Filtering: To return to the previous filtering options, click this button.

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