Other Virtualization Solutions


Allow End Users to Easily Create and Manage VMs

With VM Lifecycle Management, you can define policies and templates that enable end users to create and manage their own VMs. VM Lifecycle Management is available for the following platforms:

  • Amazon

  • Azure

  • Microsoft Hyper-V

  • Oracle Cloud

  • VMware

For more information, see VM Lifecycle Management Administrator Overview.

Virtualize Physical Computers to Simplify Disaster Recovery

The encapsulation and portability inherent in virtualization can be a powerful way to simplify disaster recovery operations and accelerate recovery. Virtualize Me provides an automated process for creating a virtual machine from a backup copy, essentially converting any physical computer into a VM. You can also use Virtualize Me to clone existing VMs.

Virtualization can be an effective and reliable disaster recovery strategy, simplifying disaster recovery testing by eliminating matching hardware and driver requirements, and automating the provisioning, creation, and recovery of system state copies to a disaster recovery site running a virtual platform.

Virtualize Me is supported for the following operating systems:

UNIX Virtualization Support

Commvault agent support of UNIX virtualization is detailed on the following pages:

Virtual Machine Conversion

Using backup data, you can convert virtual machines or VM disks to a different virtualization platform:


Microsoft Hyper-V:

Eliminate Virtual Machine Sprawl

VM Archiving for VMware can shut down, relocate, and archive inactive virtual machines. Save valuable computing, memory, network, and storage resources by identifying VMs that were intended for short term use but never decommissioned. VM archiving incorporates traditional backup and virtual machine archiving in a single operation.

To analyze VM usage and estimate potential savings, download the System Discovery Tool for Virtual Machines, a non-intrusive and highly secure tool that can be used independently of Commvault software.

Provide Self Service Access to Manage Virtual Resources

The Web Console provides web-based access for end users to manage their own data, including both physical and virtual resources.

Leverage Backup Data for Dynamic Recovery

With the VSA for VMware, backup data can be captured once, then used dynamically.

  • Live Browse enables you to view and recover file and folder information, even when metadata was not collected during backup.

  • Live Recovery for Virtual Machines recovers and powers on a virtual machine directly from backup without waiting for a full restore.

  • Live File Recovery enables file recovery without requiring that metadata is collected during backup. When used with a Linux access node, it also provides expanded file system support, including ext2, ext3, ext4, XFS, JFS, HFS, HFS Plus, or Btrfs file systems.

  • Live Mount enables you to run a virtual machine directly from a stored backup, to validate VM integrity or to access data without restoring guest files. A Live Mount policy limits resource usage and ensures that live mounted VMs are used only for short term access.

  • Live Sync replicates virtual machines from backups. You can use Live Sync to create and maintain disaster recovery sites.