Performing DB2 Backups Using the Commvault Command Line Interface


You can perform backup operations from the Commvault Command Line interface.

Before You Begin

By default, you can simultaneously run multiple database backup jobs on a client. If needed, you can also limit the number of database data and log backup jobs that can run simultaneously on a client. See Throttling Backup Jobs for details.


  1. Run the qlogin command to log on to the CommServe computer.

  2. Download the backup.xml file to the computer where you will run the command.

  3. On the command line, go to software_installation_directory/Base, and then type the following command:

    qoperation execute -af backup.xml -appName 'DB2 on Unix' -clientName '<client_name>' -backupsetName '<backup_set> -subclientName '<subclient_name>' -backupLevel '<backup_level>'

    For information about additional parameters, see XML Parameters for DB2 Backups and Restores.

  4. Run the qlogout command to log off the CommServe computer.

You can also define parameter values in the XML file:

  • Open the backup.xml file and update the XML parameters.


The following command runs a full backup operation. In this example, the parameters are listed on the command line:

qoperation execute -af backup.xml -appName 'DB2 on Unix' -clientName client1 -backupsetName backupset1 -subclientName subclient1 -backupLevel FULL

The following command runs n incremental backup operation. In this example, the parameters are listed on the command line:

qoperation execute -af backup.xml -appName 'DB2 on Unix' -clientName client1 -backupsetName backupset1 -subclientName subclient1 -backupLevel INCREMENTAL

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