Performing an On-Demand Backup with the Command Center


Backup jobs can be run immediately by clicking Backup Now.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Laptops.

    The Laptops page appears.

  2. Click the computer that you want to back up.

    The laptop page appears.

  3. On the top right corner of the page, click Backup Now.

    The Select backup level dialog box appears.

  4. Select one of the following options:

    • Incremental: Backs up only data that is new or has changed since the last backup.

    • Synthetic full: Consolidates the data from the latest full backup or synthetic full backup together with any subsequent incremental backups.

  5. Optional: To get an email notification on backup job completion, select When the job completes, notify me via email.

  6. Click SUBMIT.

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