Prerequisites - Oracle RAC Agent


Before you configure an Oracle RAC client, run the following procedures and obtain the following information:



Physical client name

The client name of the Oracle RAC node.

Oracle RAC database name

  1. Log on to the physical client as the Oracle user.

  2. Set the ORACLE_SID environment variable:


    export ORACLE_SID=oracle_sid


    set ORACLE_SID=oracle_sid

  3. Verify the Oracle RAC database name.

    To see all Oracle RAC instances for the Oracle RAC configuration, run the following query:

    select instance_name, host_name from gv$instance;

    To see one Oracle RAC instance for the Oracle RAC configuration, run the following query:

    select instance_name from v$instance;

Oracle user name (ORACLE_USER)

This is the operating system user name for the Oracle application. The user has complete administrative privileges (read and write permissions) on the Oracle database files and can perform database backups.

On UNIX, the user must be part of the user group used when you installed the Oracle Agent.

Oracle remote password file name

Add the following entry to the Oracle profile:

remote_login_passwordfile = exclusive

Instance name (ORACLE_SID)

Name of the ORACLE instance running on each node.

To verify the instance is correct and belongs to the Oracle RAC database, do the following:

  1. Log on to the physical client as the Oracle user.

  2. Set the ORACLE_SID environment variable.

    On UNIX:

    export ORACLE_SID=oracle_sid

    On Windows:

    set ORACLE_SID=oracle_sid

  3. Verify the RAC database name


Connect string user name and password

This is the Oracle database user name. Provide the user name and password of the database user that has sysdba privileges.

Connect string name

The Connect string name is used to connect to each RAC database node.

The following rules apply to the Connect string name:

  • The Connect string cannot contain a "/" (slash) because the backup streams are distributed across all the configured Oracle RAC nodes.

  • The Connect string must connect to a dedicated client/instance from any of the RAC nodes.

  • The Connect string must connect to the database in started (NOMOUNT) mode when you perform a restore.

    This is needed to make sure database backups and restores are load balanced and work according to the stream reservation (per node basis).

    The Connect string can be a TNS alias name configured in the tnsnames.ora (located in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin or the $TNS_ADMIN folder).

    For example:



    • RACDB1 is the instance name

    • racdb is the RAC database name

TNS_ADMIN folder

This is an environment variable parameter that points to the directory where the SQL*Net configuration files (for example, sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora) are located. This parameter is optional and only needs to be set when the SQL*Net configuration is present in a non-default location. If this is not set the configuration files are obtained from the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory.


The Oracle application install path in the Oracle RAC node.

SCAN connect

If you use SCAN connect to invoke RMAN, then the Commvault software must be installed on the same path on all Oracle RAC nodes.

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