Preupgrade Tasks for Clients


For a successful upgrade, you must perform the following preparation tasks to address any requirement or preconfiguration before the upgrade:

Download the Software

Choose one of the following methods to download the software:

  • If you plan to upgrade from the CommCell Console, no action is required. The Commvault software is automatically downloaded during the upgrade.


    If you have V9 clients associated with a remote cache, remove the client associations. For a successful upgrade, V9 clients must retrieve the software from the CommServe cache, not from the remote cache.

  • If you plan to use the installation package, make sure that the package includes the required software. If a particular agent is missing, create a new installation package and include the required software. For more information, see Downloading Software for Windows Computers Using the Download Manager.


    The installation package that was used to upgrade the CommServe software is Windows based. If you need to upgrade UNIX computers, see Downloading Software for UNIX, Linux, and Macintosh Computers Using the Download Manager.

Stop Running Jobs

Jobs must not be running for the clients that you want to upgrade. Decide whether you want to wait for the jobs to finish or terminate the jobs.

Move User-Created Files from the Installation Directory

Non-Commvault files and folders created under the installation directory (i.e., C:\Program Files\CommVault in Windows, or /opt/commvault in UNIX) are removed during the upgrade. You must move all user-created files and folders under the installation directory to another location prior to the upgrade.

Uninstall Older Deprecated Products

If products that were deprecated in older Commvault versions are installed on the client computer, you must uninstall the deprecated products and delete them from the CommCell Browser to prevent upgrade errors.

To review the products that were deprecated in older versions, see the following information:


When you delete an agent from the CommCell Browser, the backup data is irretrievably lost. If you want to keep the backup data from the deprecated product, do not upgrade the client.

Uninstall the Resource Pack

If the Resource Pack is installed on the client, failure errors will occur during the upgrade process. Based on the operating system of the client, uninstall the Resource Pack as follows:

  • On Windows clients, use the option to uninstall programs from your Windows Control Panel. The program is listed as Commvault Resource Pack.

  • On UNIX clients, use the cvpkgrm command. In the uninstallation wizard, the Resource Pack is listed as CVGxRP.


The Resource Pack is no longer available in Version 11.