Recovering Permanently Offline DDB Partitions


You can recover the Deduplication Database (DDB) by changing the location or the MediaAgent of the partitions in the CommServe database.

Changing the location or the MediaAgent is useful in the following situations:

  • The MediaAgent of the partition is permanently offline.

  • DDB files are inaccessible.

  • The DDB folder or the content of the DDB was deleted.

  • The DDB partition that you want to move is empty.

Before You Begin

Before recovering permanently offline DDB partitions, check that you meet the following requirements:

  • No DDB backup or DDB reconstruction jobs are running to the storage policy copy that is associated with the DDB move.

  • Ensure that the destination MediaAgent has at least 5% more free space to host the DDB.

  • All storage policy copies associated with the global deduplication storage policy are active.

  • The destination MediaAgent is of same operating system type as of source MediaAgent. For example, 64-bit to 64-bit or Windows to Windows MediaAgent.

    You cannot copy the DDB from Windows to Linux or from Linux to Windows and Linux different bit versions (for example, 64-bit to 32-bit version).


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Storage Resources > Deduplication Engines > storage_policy_copy.

  2. Right-click the deduplication_database, and then click Move Partitions.

  3. In the Target MediaAgent And Partition Path column, click Choose Path to change the location of the appropriate partition.

  4. From the MediaAgent list, select the MediaAgent.

  5. In the Partition Path, enter the file path where you want to move the DDB, and then click OK.


    • If you have a DDB partition path that contains an active store and sealed stores, moving an active store will not move the sealed stores. You must move each sealed store separately using DDB Move operation.

    • Do not move the DDB under the software installation directory.

  6. Under Change Config only column, select the check box.


    The next deduplication database (DDB) verification job will automatically convert to a full DDB verification job.

  7. Click OK.

    A message indicates that the process to move the partitions changes the path only in the CommServe database.

  8. Click OK.

    A confirmation popup appears for suspending the active jobs on the DDB.

    • Click Yes to automatically suspend any active jobs and proceed with the move operation. The suspended jobs resume after the move operation completes.

    • Click No to not suspend any active jobs. The move operation proceeds only if there are no active jobs. Otherwise, the move operation is cancelled automatically. You can proceed with move operation only after the active jobs are suspended or completed.

    On successful completion of the DDB move, a message is displayed in the Event Viewer window.

  9. If you moved a full partition successfully, perform the reconstruction of the full partition:

    1. Mark the partition for recovery. For instruction, see Marking the Deduplication Database for Recovery.

    2. The partition of the DDB is recovered automatically.

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