Reserving a Mount Path for Silo Restores



The archive data for cold storage on tape using deduplication (Silo) feature is deprecated.
See End-of-Life, Deprecated and Extended Support - Features for comprehensive information on deprecated features.

When data from a silo storage is restored, by default, the silos are retrieved to the primary media to the original mount path from where the data was migrated. However, during a restore, if the original mount path does not have enough space, the Silos are automatically copied to another mount path with sufficient space available in the library.

To ensure that a mount path with sufficient space is always available in the library, you can specify a dedicated mount path that is reserved for Silo restore operations only. When reserved for Silo restores, the number of data writers to the mount path is set to zero, which prevents the mount path from being used for regular backup operations.

When a reserved mount path is available, then all Silo restore operations on the library are run to the mount path by default.

Best Practice: Set the storage capacity on this mount path to a size equal to that of Total Data Size for all the DDB(s) size available on the DDB Information tab in the Copy Properties dialog box.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Storage Resources > Libraries > library.

  2. Right-click the mount path and then click Properties.

  3. Select the Reserve Space for Silo Restores check box, and click OK.

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