This operation logs off users from the Web Server and the command line interface.
DELETE <webservice>/Sessions HTTP/1.1 Host: <host name> Accept: application/xml Authtoken: <authentication token> Content-type: application/xml <delete_sessions.xml>
where <webservice> is the root path used to route the API requests to the Web Server.
For more information, see Available Web Services for REST API.
Request Headers
Name |
Description |
Host |
The host name of the Web Server or Web Console used in the API request. |
Accep |
The format of the response. Valid values are: application/xml or application/json. |
Authtoken |
The authentication token received after successfully logging on. For details on receiving an authentication token, see Authentication. |
Content-type |
The media type contained in the request body. |
Request Body
Download the delete_sessions.xml file required for this request. The following table displays the parameter for the delete_sessions.xml file.
Parameter |
Description |
Element |
val |
The system-generated ID assigned to the session. To find a session ID, use the GET Session Details API. The session ID is returned in the sessionId attribute. To log off of multiple sessions, open the .xml file and add a <sessions> element and val attribute for each session you want to log off, for example:
sessions |
Response Parameters
The response for the DELETE Sessions API is <Api_LogoffUsersResponse />.
Sample Request
DELETE <webservice>/Sessions HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Authtoken: QSDK 38568012f4d1e8ee1841d283a47aa3ba78e124ea58354b5fc6
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<sessions val="EMCAE92D1DD-0C68-49A6-BEBB-404D96D7A4BF"/>
<sessions val="CF1C660B-396F-44B7-86DA-5608CEC97453"/>
</Api_LogoffUsersRequest >
Sample Response
<Api_LogoffUsersResponse />