This operation returns the email message header and footer configured for the organization.
GET <webservice>/Organization/{organizationId}/EmailCustomization HTTP/1.1
Host: <host name>
Accept: {application/xml | application/json}
Authtoken: <authentication token>
where <webservice> is the root path used to route the API requests to the Web Server.
For more information, see Available Web Services for REST API.
Request Parameters
Name |
Description |
Required |
organizationId |
The organization ID for the organization. If the organization ID is not known, use the GET Organization API to retrieve it. The organization ID is the ID in the shortName element. |
Yes |
Request Headers
Name |
Description |
Host |
The host name of the Web Server or Web Console used in the API request. |
Accept |
The format of the response. Valid values are: application/xml or application/json. |
Authtoken |
The authentication token received after successfully logging on. For details on receiving an authentication token, see Authentication. |
Response Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Element |
masterEmailTemplate |
The wrapper HTML that is applied to all emails sent out using the email template framework. The wrapper HTML provides standard behavior across email clients. |
Api_GetEmailTemplateSettingsResponse |
headerTemplate |
The header text for email messages. This is set at the company level. |
companySettings |
footerTemplate |
The footer text for email messages. This is set at the company level. |
companySettings |
headerTemplate |
The header text for email messages. This is set at the CommCell level. |
defaultSettings |
footerTemplate |
The footer text for email messages. This is set at the CommCell level. |
defaultSettings |
Sample Request
GET <webservice>/Organization/16/EmailCustomization HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authtoken: QSDK 38568012f4d1e8ee1841d283a47aa3ba78e124ea58354b5fc6
Sample Response
<Api_GetEmailTemplateSettingsResponse masterEmailTemplate=<!doctype html><html><head/><body><div style=\"width: 600px;padding: 0;margin: 0 auto;text-align: center;text-align:-moz-center; text-align:-webkit-center;border:0;\"><table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" width=\"600\" style=\"color: #666;background: #ffffff;width: 600px;border:0;\"><tbody><tr><td width=\"100%\" valign=\"middle\" bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" style=\"color: #666666;background: #ffffff;vertical-align: middle;font-size: 1em;line-height: 1.2em; text-align: left;font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;\">[CONTENT_EMAIL]</td></tr></tbody> </table></div></body></html>""> <companySettings headerTemplate="<p>My Company</p>\n" footerTemplate="<p>Contact your administrator at</p>\n" /> <defaultSettings headerTemplate="" footerTemplate="" />
{ "masterEmailTemplate": "<!doctype html><html><head/><body><div style=\"width: 600px;padding: 0;margin: 0 auto;text-align: center;text-align:-moz-center; text-align:-webkit-center;border:0;\"><table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" width=\"600\" style=\"color: #666;background: #ffffff;width: 600px;border:0;\"><tbody><tr><td width=\"100%\" valign=\"middle\" bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" style=\"color: #666666;background: #ffffff;vertical-align: middle;font-size: 1em;line-height: 1.2em; text-align: left;font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;\">[CONTENT_EMAIL]</td></tr></tbody> </table></div></body></html>", "companySettings": { "footerTemplate": "<p>Contact your administrator at</p>\n", "headerTemplate": "<p>My Company</p>\n" }, "defaultSettings": { "footerTemplate": "", "headerTemplate": "" }