This operation returns a list of schedules.
GET <webservice>/Schedules?storagepolicyId={storagepolicyId}&admin=1&clientId={clientId}&apptypeId={apptypeId}&instanceId={instanceId}&backupsetId={backupsetId}&subclientId={subclientId}&operationType={operationType}&isSystem={true|false}&workflowId={workflowId} HTTP/1.1
Host: <host name>
Accept: application/xml
Authtoken: <authentication token>
where <webservice> is the root path used to route the API requests to the Web Server.
For more information, see Available Web Services for REST API.
Request Parameters
Name |
Description |
Required |
storagepolicyId |
The storage policy ID for the storage policy. If the storage policy ID is not known, use the GET Storage Policy AP Ito retrieve it. To return a list of administrator schedules for the storage policy, use the storagepolicyId request parameter with the admin request parameter. |
No |
admin |
The option to return administrator schedules for a storage policy. This request parameter must be used with the storagepolicyId request parameter. Valid value is 1. |
No |
clientId |
The client ID for the client. If the client ID is not known, use the GET Client API to retrieve it. |
No |
apptypeId |
The application type ID for the agent types associated with the schedule. Valid values are:
No |
instanceId |
The instance ID for the instance. |
No |
backupsetId |
The backup set ID for the backup set. If the backup set ID is not known, use the GET Backup Set API to retrieve it. |
No |
subclientId |
The subclient ID for the subclient. If the subclient ID is not known, use the GET Subclient API to retrieve it. |
No |
operationType |
The type of operation. Valid values are:
No |
isSystem |
The filter returns only the system created schedules when the value is true. |
No |
workflowId |
The workflow ID for the workflow. If the workflow ID is not known, use the GET Workflow API to retrieve it. |
No |
Request Headers
Name |
Description |
Host |
The host name of the Web Server or Web Console used in the API request. |
Accept |
The format of the response. Valid values are: application/xml or application/json. |
Authtoken |
The authentication token received after successfully logging on. For details on receiving an authentication token, see Authentication. |
Response Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Element |
The globally unique identifier for the task. |
task |
alertId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the alert. |
task |
associatedObjects |
The number of objects associated with the schedule. |
task |
description |
The description of the schedule. |
task |
ownerId |
An internal reference number for the user who created the schedule. |
task |
ownerName |
The name of the user who created the schedule. |
task |
policyType |
The type of schedule. Valid values are:
task |
runUserId |
task |
taskId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the schedule. |
task |
taskName |
The name of the schedule. |
task |
taskType |
The type of task. Valid value is SCHEDULE. |
task |
alertId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the alert. |
alert |
alertName |
The name of the alert. |
alert |
commCellId |
The CommCell ID of the CommServe. Valid value is 2. |
originalCC |
disabled |
The option to disable the schedule. Valid values are True/False. |
taskFlags |
forDDB |
Indicates whether the schedule is for deduplication subclients. Valid values are True/False. |
taskFlags |
isEZOperation |
Valid values are True/False. |
taskFlags |
uninstalled |
Indicates whether the client associated with the schedule is uninstalled. Valid values are True/False. |
taskFlags |
Sample Request
This request returns all of the schedules for a client.
GET <webservice>/Schedules?clientId=2 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Authtoken: QSDK 38568012f4d1e8ee1841d283a47aa3ba78e124ea58354b5fc6
This request returns all of the administrator schedules for a storage policy.
GET <webservice>/Schedules?storagepolicyId=3&admin=1 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authtoken: QSDK 38568012f4d1e8ee1841d283a47aa3ba78e124ea58354b5fc6
Sample Response
This response displays all schedules for a client.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<task GUID="33473C32-7CBF-4428-A19E-09TEST096BD5" alertId="0" associatedObjects="0" description="System created schedule policy for All Agent Types" ownerId="1" ownerName="admin" policyType="DATA_PROTECTION" runUserId="1" taskId="2" taskName="System Created (All Agent Types)" taskType="SCHEDULE_POLICY">
<originalCC commCellId="2"/>
<taskFlags disabled="false" forDDB="false" isEZOperation="false" isEdgeDrive="false" uninstalled="false"/>
<!--Name of the task-->
<task GUID="DEE71D66-CCB5-4D86-8C93-F8TEST1FD93F" alertId="0" associatedObjects="0" description="System created schedule policy for DDB subclients" ownerId="1" ownerName="admin" policyType="DATA_PROTECTION" runUserId="1" taskId="7" taskName="System Created for DDB subclients" taskType="SCHEDULE_POLICY">
<originalCC commCellId="2"/>
<taskFlags disabled="false" forDDB="true" isEZOperation="false" isEdgeDrive="false" uninstalled="false"/>
<!--Name of the task-->
This response displays all administrator schedules for a storage policy.
{ "taskDetail": [ { "taskOperation": 1, "associations": [ { "srmReportSet": 0, "type": 0, "srmTemplateId": 0, "subclientId": 0, "clientGroupId": 0, "storagePolicyId": 3, "copyId": 0, "applicationId": 0, "backupsetId": 0, "instanceId": 0, "srmReportType": 0, "sidbStoreId": 0, "clientSidePackage": true, "clientId": 0, "sidbStoreName": "N/A", "copyName": "DUMMY", "agentlessPolicyId": 0, "mediaAgentId": 2, "mediaAgentName": "MA009", "storagePolicyName": "NonDedupeSP", "_type_": 0, "appName": "Default Application Type Name", "consumeLicense": true, "flags": { "exclude": false } } ], "task": { "GUID": "1e89986e-1904-4ea9-ba6d-dc6c3616f6d4", "ownerId": 1, "runUserId": 1, "taskType": 2, "ownerName": "admin", "policyType": 0, "alertId": 0, "taskId": 301, "taskFlags": { "isEZOperation": false, "uninstalled": false, "disabled": false }, "originalCC": { "commCellId": 2 } }, "appGroup": {}, "subTasks": [ { "relativeTime": 5574, "subTaskOperation": 1, "subTask": { "subTaskOrder": 0, "subTaskName": "da", "subTaskType": 1, "flags": 0, "operationType": 4022, "subTaskId": 302 }, "pattern": { "active_end_occurence": 0, "freq_subday_interval": 0, "freq_type": 1, "patternId": 27, "flags": 0, "description": "One time on February 6, 2017 6:14 PM", "active_end_time": 0, "active_start_time": 65640, "freq_restart_interval": 0, "active_start_date": 1486339200, "freq_interval": 0, "freq_relative_interval": 0, "freq_recurrence_factor": 0, "calendar": { "calendarId": 1 }, "timeZone": { "TimeZoneID": 31 } }, "options": { "backupOpts": { "backupLevel": 2, "dataOpt": { "autoCopy": false }, "mediaOpt": { "auxcopyJobOption": { "maxNumberOfStreams": 0, "allCopies": true, "useMaximumStreams": true, "mediaAgent": { "mediaAgentId": 2, "_type_": 11, "mediaAgentName": "MA009" } } } }, "adminOpts": { "contentIndexingOption": { "idaType": 1, "reanalyze": false, "fileAnalytics": true, "subClientBasedAnalytics": false, "browseOptions": { "opType": 4, "entity": { "backupsetId": 3 }, "timeRange": {} }, "mediaAgent": { "mediaAgentId": 2, "_type_": 11, "mediaAgentName": "MA009" }, "clients": [ { "clientId": 2, "clientName": "MA009", "type": 0, "_type_": 3 } ], "clientGroupEntity": { "clientGroupId": 0 } } }, "restoreOptions": { "virtualServerRstOption": { "isBlockLevelReplication": false }, "fileOption": {} } } } ] }, { "taskOperation": 1, "associations": [ { "srmReportSet": 0, "type": 0, "srmTemplateId": 0, "subclientId": 0, "clientGroupId": 0, "storagePolicyId": 3, "copyId": 0, "applicationId": 0, "backupsetId": 0, "instanceId": 0, "srmReportType": 0, "sidbStoreId": 0, "clientSidePackage": true, "clientId": 0, "sidbStoreName": "N/A", "copyName": "DUMMY", "agentlessPolicyId": 0, "mediaAgentId": 0, "storagePolicyName": "NonDedupeSP", "_type_": 0, "appName": "Default Application Type Name", "consumeLicense": true, "flags": { "exclude": false } } ], "task": { "GUID": "11337658-53eb-4080-a48d-7684f599f133", "ownerId": 1, "runUserId": 1, "taskType": 2, "ownerName": "admin", "policyType": 0, "alertId": 0, "taskId": 302, "taskFlags": { "isEZOperation": false, "uninstalled": false, "disabled": false }, "originalCC": { "commCellId": 2 } }, "appGroup": {}, "subTasks": [ { "relativeTime": 9354, "subTaskOperation": 1, "subTask": { "subTaskOrder": 0, "subTaskName": "dv", "subTaskType": 1, "flags": 0, "operationType": 4007, "subTaskId": 303 }, "pattern": { "active_end_occurence": 0, "freq_subday_interval": 0, "freq_type": 1, "patternId": 28, "flags": 0, "description": "One time on February 6, 2017 7:17 PM", "active_end_time": 0, "active_start_time": 69420, "freq_restart_interval": 0, "active_start_date": 1486339200, "freq_interval": 0, "freq_relative_interval": 0, "freq_recurrence_factor": 0, "calendar": { "calendarId": 1 }, "timeZone": { "TimeZoneID": 31 } }, "options": { "backupOpts": { "backupLevel": 2, "dataOpt": { "autoCopy": false }, "mediaOpt": { "auxcopyJobOption": { "maxNumberOfStreams": 0, "allCopies": true, "useMaximumStreams": true, "useScallableResourceManagement": false, "mediaAgent": { "mediaAgentId": 0, "_type_": 11 } } } }, "adminOpts": { "contentIndexingOption": { "subClientBasedAnalytics": false }, "archiveCheckOption": { "jobsToVerify": 0, "allCopies": true } }, "restoreOptions": { "virtualServerRstOption": { "isBlockLevelReplication": false }, "fileOption": {} }, "commonOpts": {} } } ] } ]