This operation returns a list of storage policies associated with a MediaAgent.
GET <webservice>/StoragePolicyListAssociatedToMediaAgent?MediaAgent={MediaAgent} HTTP/1.1 Host: <host name> Accept: application/xml Authtoken: <authentication token>
where <webservice> is the root path that routes the API requests to the Web Server.
For more information, see Available Web Services for REST API.
Request Parameters
Name |
Description |
Required |
MediaAgent |
The ID of the MediaAgent. If the MediaAgent ID is not known, you can use the GET MediaAgent API to retrieve it. |
Yes |
Request Headers
Name |
Description |
Host |
The host name of the Web Server or the Web Console that is used in the API request. |
Accept |
The format of the response. Valid values are: application/xml or application/json. |
Authtoken |
The authentication token that you receive after successfully logging on. For information about receiving an authentication token, see Authentication. |
Response Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Element |
errorCode |
The possible error codes. Valid values are:
error |
isMADDBHost |
Indicates whether the MediaAgent is hosting the deduplication database. Valid values:
storagePolicyInformationAssociatedToMA |
isMADefaultDataPathInCopy |
Indicates whether the MediaAgent is the default data path in the storage policy copy. Valid values:
storagePolicyInformationAssociatedToMA |
isPrimaryCopy |
Indicates whether this storage policy copy is the primary copy or not. Valid values:
storagePolicyInformationAssociatedToMA |
isProxyMAInCopy |
Indicates whether the MediaAgent is a NAS attached MediaAgent. Valid values:
storagePolicyInformationAssociatedToMA |
mediaAgentId |
The system-generated ID assigned to theThe system-generated ID of the MediaAgentThe system-generated ID of the MediaAgent. |
mediaAgent |
_type_ |
storagePolicyAndCopy |
copyId |
The system-generated ID of the copy. |
storagePolicyAndCopy |
copyName |
The name of the storage policy copy. |
storagePolicyAndCopy |
storagePolicyId |
The system-generated ID of the storage policy. |
storagePolicyAndCopy |
storagePolicyName |
The name of the storage policy that is associated with the MediaAgent. |
storagePolicyAndCopy |
Sample Request
GET <webservice>/StoragePolicyListAssociatedToMediaAgent?MediaAgent=2 HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/xml Authtoken: QSDK 38568012f4d1e8ee1841d283a47aa3ba78e124ea58354b5fc6 0f4dab8a63347d05cf5552484dafda3bfa4c5db84e580b1cb37bcf8e65b39f7f 8549a443e6f78a2c7be3f31b3d845e24776c835e498e8e883bb40c46bd15af4f 40ca94e823acedcdd4e9659e74b34a07a85c4586cd2ed914b6dce015874783ef7 68fda78183a4208930954a377f66eb56c8b92cexampl4s437a19317ca6ce7f323 3d5a01aca35dbad93468b833f2cf71010809006a937670adce711ca8be46638e8
Sample Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?> <App_GetStoragePoliciesForMediaAgentResp> <error errorCode="0"/> <storagePolicyInformationAssociatedToMA isMADDBHost="0" isMADefaultDataPathInCopy="1" isPrimaryCopy="1" isProxyMAInCopy="0"> <mediaAgent mediaAgentId="2"/> <storagePolicyAndCopy _type_="18" copyId="7" copyName="Primary" storagePolicyId="8" storagePolicyName="spOS"/> </storagePolicyInformationAssociatedToMA> <storagePolicyInformationAssociatedToMA isMADDBHost="0" isMADefaultDataPathInCopy="1" isPrimaryCopy="1" isProxyMAInCopy="0"> <mediaAgent mediaAgentId="2"/> <storagePolicyAndCopy _type_="18" copyId="2" copyName="Primary" storagePolicyId="3" storagePolicyName="SPvm5"/> </storagePolicyInformationAssociatedToMA> </App_GetStoragePoliciesForMediaAgentResp>