This operation returns the properties associated with a subclient policy.
GET <webservice>/SubclientPolicies/{subClientPolicyId} HTTP/1.1
Host: <host name>
Accept: {application/xml | application/json}
Authtoken: <authentication token>
where <webservice> is the root path used to route the API requests to the Web Server.
For more information, see Available Web Services for REST API.
Request Parameters
Name |
Description |
subclientPolicyId |
The subclient policy ID for the subclient policy. If the subclient policy ID is not known, use the GET Subclient Policies API to retrieve it. |
Request Headers
Name |
Description |
Host |
The host name of the Web Server or Web Console used in the API request. |
Accept |
The format of the response. Valid values are: application/xml or application/json. |
Authtoken |
The authentication token received after successfully logging on. For details on receiving an authentication token, see Authentication. |
Response Parameters
Name |
Description |
Elements |
backupsetId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the backup set. |
backupSetEntity |
_type_ |
backupSetEntity |
backupsetName |
The name of the backup set. |
backupSetEntity |
clientName |
The name of the client. |
subClientEntity |
instanceName |
The name of the instance, for example: DefaultInstanceName. |
subClientEntity |
backupsetId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the backup set. |
subClientEntity |
_type_ |
subClientEntity |
instanceId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the instance. |
subClientEntity |
subclientGUID |
The GUID of the subclient. |
subClientEntity |
subclientId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the subclient. |
subClientEntity |
clientId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the client. |
subClientEntity |
appName |
The name of the application, for example, Windows File System. |
subClientEntity |
backupsetName |
The name of the backup set. |
subClientEntity |
applicationId |
The ID of the application. Valid value is .1030 |
subClientEntity |
subclientName |
The name of the subclient. |
subClientEntity |
catalogACL |
The option to catalog ACLs (Access Control Lists). Valid values are True/False. |
fsSubClientPro |
useGlobalFilters |
The option to enable global filters. |
fsSubClientProp |
checkArchiveBit |
The option to reset the archive bit of every file backed up during incremental and differential backups. Valid values are True/False. |
fsSubClientProp |
olderFileVersionsMode |
The option to specify a value for the time period for which you want to retain the older versions of the file. Valid values are ON/OFF. |
fsSubClientProp |
backupRetentionMode |
The option to specify job-based retention or object-based retention. |
fsSubClientProp |
unixCtime |
The option to determine which files are selected for incremental backup by changes in the ctime timestamp. |
fsSubClientProp |
keepVersions |
The option to specify a value for the number of older versions you want to retain, starting from the latest backup. |
fsSubClientProp |
backupRetention |
The option to specify object-based retention. |
fsSubClientProp |
scanOption |
The method used to scan files before performing a backup. |
fsSubClientProp |
afterDeletionKeepItemsForNDays |
The option to specify when storage policy retention must be applied to the deleted items. |
fsSubClientProp |
unixMtime |
The option to determine which files are selected for incremental backup by changes in the mtime timestamp. |
fsSubClientProp |
runTrueUpJobAfterJobsForFS |
The option to run Reconcile backup operations for file system subclients. |
fsSubClientProp |
catalogAdditional |
The option to collect file and system data. The data is used in the Build-Your-Own Reports feature and the File Level Analytics Report. Valid values are True/False. |
fsSubClientProp |
oneTouchSubclient |
The option to enable/disable 1-Touch Recovery on Linux file system agents. 1-Touch Recovery can be enabled on only one subclient within a backup set. Valid values are True/False. |
fsSubClientProp |
extendRetentionForNDays |
fsSubClientProp |
customSubclientFlag |
fsSubClientProp |
isTrueUpOptionEnabledForFS |
The option specifies if Reconcile backup is enabled for File System subclients. |
fsSubClientProp |
enableContentIndexing |
fsSubClientProp |
retentionPolicy |
fsSubClientProp |
contentIndexingPolicy |
fsSubClientProp |
archiverRetentionMode |
fsSubClientProp |
enableOnePass |
The option to enable OnePass. Valid values are True/False. |
fsSubClientProp |
runTrueUpJobAfterDaysForFS |
fsSubClientProp |
useVSS |
The option to enable/disable VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service) to back up the file system data. Valid values are True/False. |
fsSubClientProp |
isSynthfullRunAfterOnePassEnabledOnSubclient |
fsSubClientProp |
extendStoragePolicyRetention |
The option to enable retention criteria for archive subclients. Valid values are True/False. |
fsSubClientProp |
keepOlderVersionsForNDays |
fsSubClientProp |
clientId |
oneTouchServer |
_type_ |
oneTouchServer |
_type_ |
backupFilesOnOrAfterDate |
fileModifiedTimeOlderThan |
The option to archive files whose modified time is older than the number of days specified. To ignore this rule, enter 0. Valid values are 0-1000. |
diskCleanupRules |
fileSizeGreaterThan |
The option to archive files whose size is greater than the kilobytes specified. To ignore this rule, enter 0. Valid values are 0 and greater. |
diskCleanupRules |
stubPruningOptions |
The option to prune stubs from the source disk based on certain criteria such as file access time, file modified time, and file created time. |
diskCleanupRules |
afterArchivingRule |
The option to replace the archived file with a stub or to delete the archived file. |
diskCleanupRules |
stubRetentionDaysOld |
diskCleanupRules |
fileCreatedTimeOlderThan |
For Windows file systems only, the option to archive files whose created time is older than the number of days specified. To ignore this rule, enter 0. Valid values are 0-1000. |
diskCleanupRules |
maximumFileSize |
The option to archive files whose size is lesser than or equal to the kilobytes specified. To ignore this rule, enter 0. Valid values are 0 and greater. |
diskCleanupRules |
fileAccessTimeOlderThan |
The option to archive files whose access time is older than the number of days specified. To ignore this rule, enter 0. Valid values are 0-1000. |
diskCleanupRules |
startCleaningIfLessThan |
The option to stop archiving files based on the percentage of available free space on the volume. To ignore this rule, enter 100. Valid values are 0-100. |
diskCleanupRules |
stopCleaningIfupto |
The option to archive files based on the percentage of available free space on the volume. To ignore this rule, enter 100. Valid values are 0-100. |
diskCleanupRules |
rulesToSatisfy |
The option to ensure all rules are satisfied for archiving files. The default value is USE_ALL_RULES and cannot be changed. |
diskCleanupRules |
diskCleanupFileTypes |
The option to archive files based on file extensions. |
diskCleanupRules |
path |
The location of the content to back up. |
content |
excludePath |
The location of the content to exclude from the backup. |
content |
numberOfBackupStreams |
The option to set the number of backup streams. |
commonProperties |
nextBackupTime |
commonProperties |
isTurboSubclient |
The option to indicate that the subclient is an archiver subclient. |
commonProperties |
idaType |
The option to archive files based on the client type. |
commonProperties |
isKeepItemPastExpiryTime |
Valid values are True/False. |
commonProperties |
runTrueUpJobAfterDays |
commonProperties |
totalBackupSize |
commonProperties |
isAdAppAwareSubclient |
commonProperties |
isDefaultSubclient |
commonProperties |
lastBackupTime |
commonProperties |
indexingBackupSubClient |
commonProperties |
isTrueUpOptionEnabled |
commonProperties |
subClientPropertiesFlag |
commonProperties |
lastBackupSize |
commonProperties |
allowVssForSnapbackup |
commonProperties |
enableBackupAfterDelay |
commonProperties |
runAs |
The option to specify the user name who has permission to run the pre-process and post-process scripts. |
commonProperties |
enableBackup |
The option to enable/disable backup. Valid values are True/False. |
commonProperties |
backupCopyInterface |
The backup copy interface. Valid values are:
snapCopyInfo |
IsOracleSposDriverEnabled |
snapCopyInfo |
isRMANEnableForTapeMovement |
The option to enable or disable using RMAN for the backup copy. Valid values are:
snapCopyInfo |
runPostScan |
prepostProcess |
runPostBackup |
The option to run a process after the backup completes. Valid values are 1/0. |
prepostProcess |
runPostLog |
prepostProcess |
userGroupId |
associatedUserGroups |
_type_ |
associatedUserGroups |
userGroupName |
associatedUserGroups |
networkAgents |
The option to specify the number of processes the subclient uses to transfer data over a network. Valid values are 1-4 on Windows computers or 1-2 on UNIX computers. |
storageDevice |
softwareCompression |
The option to enable compression on the client or the MediaAgent computer. |
storageDevice |
throttleNetworkBandwidth |
The maximum network bandwidth per network agent (in megabytes per hour). Valid values are 2-2147483647. |
storageDevice |
_type_ |
dataBackupStoragePolicy |
storagePolicyName |
The name of the storage policy associated with the subclient policy. |
dataBackupStoragePolicy |
storagePolicyId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the storage policy associated with the subclient policy. |
dataBackupStoragePolicy |
enableDeduplication |
The option to enable deduplication on the subclient. Valid values are True/False. |
deDuplicationOptions |
generateSignature |
A component of deduplication performed on the client or MediaAgent computer. |
deDuplicationOptions |
perfSPName |
performanceMode |
multiplexingValid |
Valid values are True/False. |
performanceMode |
enableMultiplexing |
The option to enable multiplexing on the storage policy copy. Valid values are True/False. |
performanceMode |
perfCopyName |
performanceMode |
perfClientName |
performanceMode |
streamsOverMux |
The option on the storage policy copy to copy data streams to available drives first and then fill the drives (spill and fill). Valid values are True/False. |
performanceMode |
pipelineBufferSize |
The pipeline buffer size. |
performanceMode |
numOfPipelineBuffers |
The number of pipeline buffers. |
performanceMode |
muxFactor |
When multiplexing is enabled, the number of data streams from a storage policy copy that are to be backed up concurrently to the same media. |
performanceMode |
lookAheadReaderSlots |
The option to improve the DASH copy and DASH full efficiency by performing more lookups on the destination deduplication databases (DDBs) for the deduplication block signatures. Valid values are 1 to 256. |
performanceMode |
crcOverMedia |
perfCRCDetails |
perfMaId |
perfCRCDetails |
crcOverNetwork |
perfCRCDetails |
perfMa |
perfCRCDetails |
idaType |
subclientPolicy |
modifiedTime |
subclientPolicy |
dissociateBackupsets |
subclientPolicy |
description |
subclientPolicy |
status |
subclientPolicy |
_type_ |
subclientPolicyEntity |
subclientPolicyId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the subclient policy. |
subclientPolicyEntity |
subclientPolicyName |
The name of the subclient policy. |
subclientPolicyEntity |
Sample Request
GET <webservice>/SubclientPolicies/8 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authtoken: QSDK 38568012f4d1e8ee1841d283a47aa3ba78e124ea58354b5fc6
Sample Response
{ "idatype": 3, "subClientPoliciesInfo": { "subClientPolicy": { "backupSetEntity": { "backupsetId": 8, "_type_": 6, "backupsetName": "Laptop plan Linux subclient policy" }, "subClientList": [ { "hcSubclientProp": {}, "impersonateUser": {}, "proxyClient": {}, "subClientEntity": { "clientName": "winter", "instanceName": "DefaultInstanceName", "backupsetId": 8, "_type_": 7, "instanceId": 1, "subclientGUID": "DB0B4B17-5C83-4C9A-80A3-73ED27F4065A", "subclientId": 8, "clientId": 2, "appName": "Subclient Policy", "backupsetName": "Laptop plan Linux subclient policy", "applicationId": 1030, "subclientName": "default" }, "dfsSubClientPropp": { "distributedDataAccessNodes": {} }, "fsSubClientProp": { "catalogACL": true, "useGlobalFilters": 2, "forcedArchiving": false, "checkArchiveBit": false, "olderFileVersionsMode": 2, "backupRetentionMode": 1, "unixCtime": true, "keepVersions": 5, "backupRetention": true, "scanOption": 1, "afterDeletionKeepItemsForNDays": 730, "unixMtime": true, "runTrueUpJobAfterJobsForFS": 0, "catalogAdditional": false, "oneTouchSubclient": false, "extendRetentionForNDays": -1, "customSubclientFlag": true, "isTrueUpOptionEnabledForFS": false, "enableContentIndexing": false, "retentionPolicy": 0, "contentIndexingPolicy": 0, "archiverRetentionMode": 2, "enableOnePass": false, "runTrueUpJobAfterDaysForFS": 30, "useVSS": true, "isSynthfullRunAfterOnePassEnabledOnSubclient": false, "extendStoragePolicyRetention": false, "keepOlderVersionsForNDays": 0, "ibmiSubclientprop": {}, "backupConfiguration": {}, "oneTouchServer": { "clientId": 0, "_type_": 3 }, "backupFilesOnOrAfterDate": { "_type_": 55 }, "diskCleanupRules": { "fileModifiedTimeOlderThan": 90, "fileSizeGreaterThan": 1024, "stubPruningOptions": 0, "afterArchivingRule": 1, "stubRetentionDaysOld": 0, "fileCreatedTimeOlderThan": 0, "maximumFileSize": 0, "fileAccessTimeOlderThan": 90, "startCleaningIfLessThan": 50, "patternMatch": "", "stopCleaningIfupto": 80, "rulesToSatisfy": 1, "entityMatch": "", "diskCleanupFileTypes": {} }, "ocsUserName": {} }, "planEntity": {}, "cassandraProps": {}, "content": [ { "path": "/%Desktop%" }, { "path": "/%Documents%" }, { "path": "/%Office%" }, { "path": "/%Music%" }, { "path": "/%Pictures%" }, { "path": "/%Videos%" }, { "excludePath": "*.vdi" }, { "excludePath": "/%Temporary Files%" } ], "commonProperties": { "numberOfBackupStreams": 1, "nextBackupTime": 0, "isTurboSubclient": false, "idaType": 3, "isKeepItemPastExpiryTime": true, "runTrueUpJobAfterDays": 30, "totalBackupSize": 0, "isAdAppAwareSubclient": false, "isDefaultSubclient": true, "lastBackupTime": 0, "indexingBackupSubClient": false, "isTrueUpOptionEnabled": false, "subClientPropertiesFlag": 0, "lastBackupSize": 0, "allowVssForSnapbackup": false, "enableBackupAfterDelay": false, "runAs": 0, "enableBackup": true, "securityAssociations": { "ownerAssociations": {} }, "enableBackupAtDateTime": { "TimeZoneID": 0, "time": 0 }, "turboNASClient": { "clientId": 0, "_type_": 3 }, "associatedSnapShotSCId": { "_type_": 7 }, "snapCopyInfo": { "backupCopyInterface": 0, "IsOracleSposDriverEnabled": false, "isRMANEnableForTapeMovement": false, "useProxyForSQLIntegrity": {}, "sybaseUser": {}, "snapToTapeSelectedEngine": { "_type_": 110 }, "sqlUser": {}, "vmApplicationUser": {}, "snapToTapeProxyToUse": { "_type_": 3 }, "quiesceImpersonateUser": {}, "separateProxyForSnapToTape": { "_type_": 3 }, "sshKey": {}, "configuredSybaseInstance": { "_type_": 5 } }, "prepostProcess": { "runPostScan": 0, "runPostBackup": 0, "runPostLog": 0, "prepostUserName": {} }, "security": { "clientOwners": [ "admin" ], "associatedUserGroups": [ { "userGroupId": 1, "_type_": 15, "userGroupName": "master" }, { "userGroupId": 3, "_type_": 15, "userGroupName": "View All" } ], "ownerCapabilities": {} }, "storageDevice": { "networkAgents": 1, "softwareCompression": 2, "throttleNetworkBandwidth": 0, "dataBackupStoragePolicy": { "_type_": 17, "storagePolicyName": "Laptop plan", "storagePolicyId": 5 }, "deDuplicationOptions": { "enableDeduplication": true, "generateSignature": 1 }, "logBackupStoragePolicy": { "_type_": 17 }, "performanceMode": { "perfSPName": "Laptop plan", "multiplexingValid": false, "enableMultiplexing": false, "perfCopyName": "Primary", "perfClientName": "winter", "streamsOverMux": false, "pipelineBufferSize": 64, "numOfPipelineBuffers": 90, "muxFactor": 0, "lookAheadReaderSlots": 4, "perfCRCDetails": [ { "crcOverMedia": true, "perfMaId": 3, "crcOverNetwork": true, "perfMa": "winterma" } ] } }, "prepostCredentialinfo": { "credentialId": 0, "credentialName": "" }, "associatedPolicy": { "subclientPolicyId": 8 }, "impersonateUserCredentialinfo": { "credentialId": 0, "credentialName": "" } }, "analyticsSubclientProp": {} } ] } }, "subclientPolicy": { "idaType": 3, "modifiedTime": 1522950999, "dissociateBackupsets": false, "description": "", "status": 128, "securityAssociations": { "ownerAssociations": {} }, "subclientPolicyEntity": { "_type_": 65, "subclientPolicyId": 8, "subclientPolicyName": "Laptop plan Linux subclient policy" } }, "error": { "errorMessage": "", "errorCode": 0 }