This operation returns the properties associated with a user group.
Send the request using either the ID or the name:
GET <webservice>/UserGroup/{userGroupId} HTTP/1.1 Host: <host name> Accept: application/xml Authtoken: <authentication token>
GET <webservice>/UserGroup/byName(userGroupName='{userGroupName}') HTTP/1.1 Host: <host name> Accept: application/xml Authtoken: <authentication token>
where <webservice> is the root path used to route the API requests to the Web Server.
For more information, see Available Web Services for REST API.
Request Parameters
Name |
Description |
Required |
userGroupId |
The user group ID for the user group. If the user group ID is not known, use the GET User Group API to retrieve it. |
Yes-for the request by ID |
userGroupName |
The user group name of the user group. If the user group name is not known, use the GET User Group API to retrieve it. |
Yes-for the request by name |
Request Headers
Name |
Description |
Host |
The host name of the Web Server or Web Console used in the API request. |
Accept |
The format of the response. Valid values are: application/xml or application/json. |
Authtoken |
The authentication token received after successfully logging on. For details on receiving an authentication token, see Authentication. |
Response Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Element |
Parent Element |
allAssociations |
The option to include all CommCell entities (for example, clients, libraries, storage policies) in the security association. Valid values are True/False. |
userGroups |
App_GetUserGroupPropertiesResponse |
allCapabilities |
The option to include all permissions in the security association. Valid values are True/False. |
userGroups |
App_GetUserGroupPropertiesResponse |
description |
A general description of the user group. |
userGroups |
App_GetUserGroupPropertiesResponse |
associationsOperationType |
The operation performed on the security association. |
userGroups |
App_GetUserGroupPropertiesResponse |
capabilitiesOperationType |
The operation performed on permissions in the security association. |
userGroups |
App_GetUserGroupPropertiesResponse |
externalUserGroupsOperationType |
The operation performed on the external users in the group. |
userGroups |
App_GetUserGroupPropertiesResponse |
usersOperationType |
The operation performed on the users in the group. |
userGroups |
App_GetUserGroupPropertiesResponse |
enabled |
The option to enable or disable the user group. Valid values are True/False. |
userGroups |
App_GetUserGroupPropertiesResponse |
enforceFSQuota |
Limit the file system backups for clients owned by users in the user group to the quota set in the quotaLimitInGB parameter. Valid values are True/False. |
userGroups |
App_GetUserGroupPropertiesResponse |
quotaLimitInGB |
The maximum gigabytes users in the user group can backup. This parameter is valid when the enforceFSQuota parameter is set to "true." |
userGroups |
App_GetUserGroupPropertiesResponse |
isCreatorAssociation |
Valid values are True/False. |
properties |
groupSecurity/associations |
_type_ |
The type of CommCell object. Valid value is ROLE_ENTITY. |
role |
groupSecurity/associations/properties |
roleId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the role included in the security association. The users under the <groupSecurity> element can manage the user group in the <userGroupEntity> element. |
role |
groupSecurity/associations/properties |
roleName |
The name of the role included in the security association. The users under the <groupSecurity> element can manage the user group in the <userGroupEntity> element. |
role |
groupSecurity/associations/properties |
_type_ |
The type of CommCell object. Valid values are USERGROUP_ENTITY or USER_ENTITY. |
userOrGroup |
groupSecurity/associations |
userGroupId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the user group included in the security association. The users under the <groupSecurity> element can manage the user group in the <userGroupEntity> element. |
userOrGroup |
groupSecurity/associations |
userGroupName |
The name of the user group included in the security association. The users under the <groupSecurity> element can manage the user group in the <userGroupEntity> element. |
userOrGroup |
groupSecurity/associations |
userId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the user included in the security association. The users under the <groupSecurity> element can manage the user group in the <userGroupEntity> element. |
userOrGroup |
groupSecurity/associations |
userName |
The name of the user included in the security association. The users under the <groupSecurity> element can manage the user group in the <userGroupEntity> element. |
userOrGroup |
groupSecurity/associations |
isCreatorAssociation |
Valid values are True/False. |
properties |
groupSecurity/inheritedAssociations/association |
_type_ |
The type of CommCell object. Valid value is ROLE_ENTITY. |
role |
groupSecurity/inheritedAssociations/association/properties |
roleId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the role included in the security association. The users under the <groupSecurity> element can manage the user group in the <userGroupEntity> element. The security associations under the <inheritedAssociations> element are inherited from the entity in the <parentEntity> element. |
role |
groupSecurity/inheritedAssociations/association/properties |
roleName |
The name of the role included in the security association. The users under the <groupSecurity> element can manage the user group in the <userGroupEntity> element. The security associations under the <inheritedAssociations> element are inherited from the entity in the <parentEntity> element. |
role |
groupSecurity/inheritedAssociations/association/properties |
_type_ |
The type of CommCell object. Valid values are USERGROUP_ENTITY or USER_ENTITY. |
userOrGroup |
groupSecurity/inheritedAssociations/association |
userGroupId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the user group included in the security association. The users under the <groupSecurity> element can manage the user group in the <userGroupEntity> element. The security associations under the <inheritedAssociations> element are inherited from the entity in the <parentEntity> element. |
userOrGroup |
groupSecurity/inheritedAssociations/association |
userGroupName |
The name of the user group included in the security association. The users under the <groupSecurity> element can manage the user group in the <userGroupEntity> element. The security associations under the <inheritedAssociations> element are inherited from the entity in the <parentEntity> element. |
userOrGroup |
groupSecurity/inheritedAssociations/association |
userId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the user included in the security association. The users under the <groupSecurity> element can manage the user group in the <userGroupEntity> element. The security associations under the <inheritedAssociations> element are inherited from the entity in the <parentEntity> element. |
userOrGroup |
groupSecurity/inheritedAssociations/association |
userName |
The name of the user included in the security association. The users under the <groupSecurity> element can manage the user group in the <userGroupEntity> element. The security associations under the <inheritedAssociations> element are inherited from the entity in the <parentEntity> element. |
userOrGroup |
groupSecurity/inheritedAssociations/association |
_type_ |
The type of CommCell object. Valid value is COMMCELL_ENTITY. |
parentEntity |
groupSecurity/inheritedAssociations |
commCellId |
The security association under the <inheritedAssociations> element is inherited from this entity. |
parentEntity |
groupSecurity/inheritedAssociations |
commCellName |
The security association under the <inheritedAssociations> element is inherited from this entity. |
parentEntity |
groupSecurity/inheritedAssociations |
_type_ |
The entity included in the security association. The users in the user group in the <userGroupEntity> element can manage the entities under the <securityAssociations> element. The following are valid type values:
entity |
securityAssociations/associations/entities |
includeAll |
If all of the entities identified in the _type_ parameter are selected for the security association, this parameter is set to "true." For example, the security association includes all of the clients in the CommCell group. Valid values are True/False. |
flags |
entity |
entity_ID |
The system-generated ID assigned to the entity included in the security association. |
entity |
securityAssociations/associations/entities |
entity_name |
The name of the entity included in the security association. |
entity |
securityAssociations/associations/entities |
isCreatorAssociation |
Valid values are True/False. |
properties |
securityAssociations/associations |
_type_ |
Valid value is ROLE_ENTITY. |
role |
securityAssociations/associations/properties |
roleId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the role included in the security association. The users in the user group in the <userGroupEntity> element can manage the entities under the <securityAssociations> element. |
role |
securityAssociations/associations/properties |
roleName |
The name of the role included in the security association. The users in the user group in the <userGroupEntity> element can manage the entities under the <securityAssociations> element. |
role |
securityAssociations/associations/properties |
userGroupId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the user group. |
userGroupEntity |
userGroups |
userGroupName |
The name of the user group. |
userGroupEntity |
userGroups |
userId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the user associated with the user group. |
users |
userGroups |
userName |
The name of the user associated with the user group. |
users |
userGroups |
Sample Request
This request uses the ID.
GET <webservice>/UserGroup/6 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Authtoken: QSDK 38568012f4d1e8ee1841d283a47aa3ba78e124ea58354b5fc6
This request uses the name.
GET <webservice>/UserGroup/byName(userGroupName='Test20Feb') HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Authtoken: QSDK 38568012f4d1e8ee1841d283a47aa3ba78e124ea58354b5fc6
Sample Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<userGroups allAssociations="false" allCapabilities="false" associationsOperationType="ADD" capabilitiesOperationType="ADD" enabled="true" enforceFSQuota="false" externalUserGroupsOperationType="ADD" quotaLimitInGB="100" usersOperationType="ADD">
<properties isCreatorAssociation="false">
<role _type_="ROLE_ENTITY" roleId="8" roleName="role008"/>
<userOrGroup _type_="USERGROUP_ENTITY" clientSidePackage="true" consumeLicense="true" type="GALAXY" userGroupId="5" userGroupName="Test20Feb"/>
<properties isCreatorAssociation="true">
<role _type_="ROLE_ENTITY" roleId="1" roleName="Master"/>
<userOrGroup _type_="USERGROUP_ENTITY" clientSidePackage="true" consumeLicense="true" groupId="0" type="GALAXY" userGroupId="1" userGroupName="master" userId="0"/>
<parentEntity _type_="COMMCELL_ENTITY" commCellId="2" commCellName="WINTER"/>
<entity _type_="COMMCELL_ENTITY" clientSidePackage="true" commCellId="2" commCellName="WINTER" consumeLicense="true" type="GALAXY"/>
<properties isCreatorAssociation="false">
<role _type_="ROLE_ENTITY" roleId="19" roleName="Client Admins"/>
<entity _type_="CLIENT_ENTITY" clientId="0" clientSidePackage="true" consumeLicense="true" type="GALAXY">
<flags includeAll="true"/>
<properties isCreatorAssociation="false">
<role _type_="ROLE_ENTITY" roleId="29" roleName="Security Assoc"/>
<userGroupEntity userGroupId="6" userGroupName="test_group"/>
<users _type_="USER_ENTITY" userId="5" userName="company-nj\ssmith"/>
<users _type_="USER_ENTITY" userId="1008" userName="company-nj\ldoe"/>