This operation creates a client computer group.
POST <webservice>/ClientGroup HTTP/1.1 Host: <host name> Accept: application/xml Authtoken: <authentication token> Content-type: application/xml <create_client_computer_group_template.xml>
where <webservice> is the root path used to route the API requests to the Web Server.
For more information, see Available Web Services for REST API.
Request Headers
Name |
Description |
Host |
The host name of the Web Server or Web Console used in the API request. |
Accept |
The format of the response. Valid values are: application/xml or application/json. |
Authtoken |
The authentication token received after successfully logging on. For details on receiving an authentication token, see Authentication. |
Content-type |
The media type contained in the request body. |
Download the create_client_computer_group_template.xml file required for this request. The following table displays the parameters for the create_client_computer_group_template.xml file.
Name |
Description |
Elements |
Parent Element |
clientName |
The name of the client. |
associatedClients |
clientGroupDetail |
clientGroupName |
The name of the client computer group. |
clientGroup |
clientGroupDetail |
newName |
Leave this blank when creating a new client computer group. |
clientGroup |
clientGroupDetail |
activityType |
The client computer group activities. Valid values are:
activityControlOptions |
clientGroupActivityControl |
TimeZoneName |
The time zone to use when the Enable after a Delay option is used with an activity. Use this parameter when the enableAfterADelay parameter is set to "true." Sample values:
dateTime |
activityControlOptions |
timeValue |
The date and time to use when the Enable after a Delay option is used with an activity. Use this parameter when the enableAfterADelay parameter is set to "true." Sample values:
dateTime |
activityControlOptions |
enableActivityType |
The option to enable or disable an activity for a client. Valid values are True/False. |
activityControlOptions |
clientGroupActivityControl |
enableAfterADelay |
The option to enable an activity for a client on a date and time defined in the Enable Backup dialog box. Valid values are True/False. |
activityControlOptions |
clientGroupActivityControl |
userGroupName |
The name of the user group associated with the client computer group. |
associatedUserGroups |
clientGroupSecurity |
associatedUserGroupsOperationType |
The operation to perform on the user groups in the userGroupName parameter in the <associatedUserGroups> element. Valid values are:
clientGroupSecurity |
clientGroupDetail |
individualCapabilities |
The capabilities of the client computer owners to be acted on by the individualCapabilitiesOperationType parameter. |
ownerCapabilities |
clientGroupSecurity |
individualCapabilitiesOperationType |
The operation to perform on the capabilities in the individualCapabilities parameter in the <ownerCapabilities> element. Valid values are:
ownerCapabilities |
clientGroupSecurity |
description |
The description of the client computer group. |
clientGroupDetail |
App_PerformClientGroupReq |
val |
The path to the content that should be locked when the DLP scan runs. |
dlpContents |
dlpPropertise |
dlpEnableClientKeys |
The option to unlock files before backups are performed and to allow users to open locked files without entering a pass-key. Valid values are True/False. |
dlpPropertise |
clientGroupDetail |
val |
The paths or file extensions that should not be locked when the DLP scan runs, for example, *.dll. |
dlpFilters |
dlpPropertise |
dlpMinFileAgeMins |
The age in minutes of a document (created or modified) before it is locked during a DLP scan. |
dlpPropertise |
clientGroupDetail |
dlpScanIntervalMins |
The number of minutes the DLP scan waits between scans for new or unlocked content. |
dlpPropertise |
clientGroupDetail |
dlpStolen |
The settings related to the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) feature. |
dlpPropertise |
clientGroupDetail |
enableDLP |
The option to enable Data Loss Prevention (DLP). Valid values are True/False. |
dlpPropertise |
clientGroupDetail |
dlpRmNow |
The option to erase the files listed in the val parameter in the dlpRmFilters element. This action is irreversible. Valid values are True/False. |
dlpRMProperties |
dlpPropertise |
dlpRmOfflineDays |
The number of days a client must be offline before files are erased. |
dlpRMProperties |
dlpPropertise |
enableRmDLP |
The option to enable the Secure Erase feature of Data Loss Prevention (DLP). Valid values are True/False. |
dlpRMProperties |
dlpPropertise |
val |
The path to the content that will be deleted when Secure Erase is activated. |
dlpRmContent |
dlpRMProperties |
val |
The paths or file extensions that should not be deleted when Secure Erase is activated, for example, *.exe. |
dlpRmFilters |
dlpRMProperties |
isAddinClientGroup |
Valid values are True/False. |
clientGroupDetail |
App_PerformClientGroupReq |
isEDCInstanceAssociated |
Valid values are True/False. |
clientGroupDetail |
App_PerformClientGroupReq |
isEDCInstanceDeleted |
Valid values are True/False. |
clientGroupDetail |
App_PerformClientGroupReq |
isNetworkThrottleEnabled |
The option to use network throttling. For information on network throttling, see Configuring Network Throttling. Valid values are True/False. |
clientGroupDetail |
App_PerformClientGroupReq |
isSmartClientGroup |
The option to use automatic associations. For information on automatic associations, see Smart Client Groups using Automatic Association. Valid values are True/False. |
clientGroupDetail |
App_PerformClientGroupReq |
overrideGlobalAuthentication |
The option to override Global Authentication. Valid values are True/False. This option is supported only for SQL Server Agent. |
overrideHigherLevelSettings |
clientGroupDetail |
useLocalSystemAccount |
The option to use the local system account when overriding higher level settings. This option is supported only for SQL Server Agent. |
overrideHigherLevelSettings |
clientGroupDetail |
userName |
The name of the user. This option is supported only for SQL Server Agent. |
userAccount |
overrideHigherLevelSettings |
op |
The rules related to the Smart Client Computer Group (SCG) feature. Use this attribute when the isSmartClientGroup parameter equals "true." |
scgRule |
clientGroupDetail |
op |
The rules related to the Smart Client Computer Group (SCG) feature. Use this attribute when the isSmartClientGroup parameter equals "true." |
rule |
rules |
filterID |
The rules related to the Smart Client Computer Group (SCG) feature. Use this attribute when the isSmartClientGroup parameter equals "true." |
rule |
rules |
propID |
The rules related to the Smart Client Computer Group (SCG) feature. Use this attribute when the isSmartClientGroup parameter equals "true." |
rule |
rules |
propType |
The rules related to the Smart Client Computer Group (SCG) feature. Use this attribute when the isSmartClientGroup parameter equals "true." |
rule |
rules |
secValue |
The rules related to the Smart Client Computer Group (SCG) feature. Use this attribute when the isSmartClientGroup parameter equals "true." |
rule |
rules |
value |
The rules related to the Smart Client Computer Group (SCG) feature. Use this attribute when the isSmartClientGroup parameter equals "true." |
rule |
rules |
clientName |
The name of the client. |
webSearchServer |
clientGroupDetail |
clientGroupOperationType |
The operation to create a client computer group. Valid value is Create. |
App_PerformClientGroupReq |
Response Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Element |
_type_ |
The CommCell objects associated with the client computer group. Valid value is CLEINT_GROUP_ENTITY. |
clientGroup |
clientGroupId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the client computer group. |
clientGroup |
clientGroupName |
The name of the client computer group. |
clientGroup |
Sample Request
POST <webservice>/ClientGroup HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Authtoken: QSDK 38568012f4d1e8ee1841d283a47aa3ba78e124ea58354b5fc6
Content-type: application/xml
<description>client computer group description</description>
Sample Response
This is the response when the client computer group is added.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<clientGroup _type_="CLIENT_GROUP_ENTITY" clientGroupId="10" clientGroupName="sales_group"/>
This is the response when the client computer group is not added because it already exists.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<App_GenericResp errorCode="50209" errorMessage="Data already exists"/>