This operation returns the details for a job.
POST <webservice>/JobDetails HTTP/1.1
Host: <host name>
Accept: application/xml
Authtoken: <authentication token>
Content-type: application/xml
<JobManager_JobDetailRequest jobId=""/>
where <webservice> is the root path used to route the API requests to the Web Server.
For more information, see Available Web Services for REST API.
Request Headers
Name |
Description |
Host |
The host name of the Web Server or Web Console used in the API request. |
Accept |
The format of the response. Valid values are: application/xml or application/json. |
Authtoken |
The authentication token received after successfully logging on. For details on receiving an authentication token, see Authentication. |
Content-type |
The media type contained in the request body. |
Request Body
The following XML element is required:
<JobManager_JobDetailRequest jobId="">CommCell <commCellId></commCellId> </commcell> <JobManager_JobDetailRequest/>
The following table displays the parameters for the element.
Name |
Description |
Element |
jobId |
The job ID for the job. If the job ID is not known, use the GET Job API to retrieve it. |
JobManager_JobDetailRequest |
CommCellId |
The CommCell ID of the CommServe computer. The default value is 2. |
CommCell |
Response Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Element |
Parent Element |
jobId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the job. |
generalInfo |
jobDetail |
totalNumOfFiles |
The total number of files processed during the job. |
generalInfo |
jobDetail |
jobStartedBy |
The user who started the job. |
generalInfo |
jobDetail |
startTime |
The date and time the job started. Valid values are UNIX-style timestamps (seconds since January 1, 1970). |
generalInfo |
jobDetail |
jobStartedFrom |
The way the job was started. Valid values are:
generalInfo |
jobDetail |
priority |
The priority of the job. |
generalInfo |
jobDetail |
systemState |
The option to include the system state in the backup job. Valid values are Yes/No. |
generalInfo |
jobDetail |
softwareCompression |
The option to enable compression on the client or the MediaAgent computer. Valid values are:
generalInfo |
jobDetail |
backupType |
The type of backup job. Valid values are:
generalInfo |
jobDetail |
backupsetName |
The name of the backup set associated with the job. |
subclient |
generalInfo |
subclientName |
The name of the subclient associated with the job. |
subclient |
generalInfo |
appName |
The name of the application. Valid values are:
subclient |
generalInfo |
instanceName |
The name of the instance associated with the job. |
subclient |
generalInfo |
clientName |
The name of the client associated with the job. |
subclient |
generalInfo |
mediaAgentName |
The name of the MediaAgent associated with the job. |
mediaAgent |
generalInfo |
storagePolicyName |
The name of the storage policy associated with the job. |
storagePolicy |
generalInfo |
currentPhase |
This parameter is available when the job is active. The name of the current job phase, for example, "Backup" or "Scan." |
progressInfo |
jobDetail |
state |
This parameter is available when the job is active. The status of the job. Valid values are:
progressInfo |
jobDetail |
elapsedTime |
This parameter is available when the job is active. The time in seconds that the job has been running. |
progressInfo |
jobDetail |
numOfFilesTransferred |
This parameter is available when the job is active. The number of files transferred. |
progressInfo |
jobDetail |
sizeOfApplication |
This parameter is available when the job is active. The amount of application data that has been protected during the job. |
progressInfo |
jobDetail |
transferTime |
This parameter is available when the job is active. The time taken thus far for the data to be transferred. |
progressInfo |
jobDetail |
estimatedCompletionTime |
This parameter is available when the job is active. The estimated completion time of the job. |
progressInfo |
jobDetail |
lastJobUpdateTime |
This parameter is available when the job is active. The date and time the job was last updated. Valid values are UNIX-style timestamps (seconds since January 1, 1970). |
progressInfo |
jobDetail |
percentComplete |
This parameter is available when the job is active. The progress of the job shown as a percentage. |
progressInfo |
jobDetail |
currentAttemptThroughput |
This parameter is available when the job is active. The data transfer rate for the current operation. |
progressInfo |
jobDetail |
averageThroughput |
This parameter is available when the job is active. The average data transfer rate (in GB of data per hour) based on all data transfer attempts that have taken place. |
progressInfo |
jobDetail |
savingsPercent |
This parameter is available when the job is complete. The percentage of space saved due to deduplication and compression, if employed. |
detailInfo |
jobDetail |
failures |
This parameter is available when the job is complete. The total number of folders and files that failed during the job. |
detailInfo |
jobDetail |
unCompressedBytes |
This parameter is available when the job is complete. |
detailInfo |
jobDetail |
compressedBytes |
This parameter is available when the job is complete. |
detailInfo |
jobDetail |
endTime |
This parameter is available when the job is complete. The date and time the job ended. Valid values are UNIX-style timestamps (seconds since January 1, 1970). |
detailInfo |
jobDetail |
numOfObjects |
This parameter is available when the job is complete. |
detailInfo |
jobDetail |
transferTime |
This parameter is available when the job is complete. The time taken for the data transfer. |
detailInfo |
jobDetail |
startTime |
This parameter is available when the job is complete. The date and time the job started. Valid values are UNIX-style timestamps (seconds since January 1, 1970). |
detailInfo |
jobDetail |
dataWritten |
This parameter is available when the job is complete. |
detailInfo |
jobDetail |
numOfStreams |
This parameter is available when the job is complete. The number of streams used during the job. |
detailInfo |
jobDetail |
dataXferedNetwork |
This parameter is available when the job is complete. The amount of data transferred through the network calculated by adding all the data written attempts by this job. |
detailInfo |
jobDetail |
sizeOfApplication |
This parameter is available when the job is complete. The amount of application data that was protected during the job. |
detailInfo |
jobDetail |
OperatingSystem |
The operating system version for the virtual machine, for example, Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (64-bit). |
vmStatus |
clientStatusInfo |
Size |
The total space allocated for the virtual machine, calculated as the sum of the maximum disk sizes for all of the virtual machine hard disks. virtual machine size is usually larger than guest size because virtual machine disks are often thin provisioned. |
vmStatus |
clientStatusInfo |
UsedSpace |
The amount of data backed up after eliminating white spaces; data that was written and deleted still counts as reserved (allocated) space. |
vmStatus |
clientStatusInfo |
ArchivedByCurrentJob |
Indicates whether a virtual machine was archived by the backup job. |
vmStatus |
clientStatusInfo |
CBTStatus |
Whether Changed Block Tracking (CBT) was enabled for the job. |
vmStatus |
clientStatusInfo |
BackupType |
VMware: The method used to perform the backup. Valid values are:
vmStatus |
clientStatusInfo |
GuestSize |
The actual space used on the storage volume for the virtual machine. For Linux virtual machines, the guest size is 0. |
vmStatus |
clientStatusInfo |
Status |
The status of the backup for the virtual machine. Valid values are:
vmStatus |
clientStatusInfo |
Agent |
The name of the agent that performed the backup. |
vmStatus |
clientStatusInfo |
vmName |
The name of the virtual machine. |
vmStatus |
clientStatusInfo |
ToolsVersion |
Indicates whether either VMware Tools or Microsoft Integration Services is installed and running on the virtual machine. |
vmStatus |
clientStatusInfo |
clientId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the virtualization client. |
vmStatus |
clientStatusInfo |
Host |
The host name for the machine where the source virtual machine resides. |
vmStatus |
clientStatusInfo |
HardwareVersion |
VMware: The hardware version of the virtual machine. |
vmStatus |
clientStatusInfo |
StubStatus |
Indicates whether a virtual machine was archived by a backup job. Valid values are 0/1. |
vmStatus |
clientStatusInfo |
BackupEndTime |
The date and time that the backup of the virtual machine finished. Valid values are UNIX-style timestamps (seconds since January 1, 1970). |
vmStatus |
clientStatusInfo |
FailureReason |
The reason the backup failed. |
vmStatus |
clientStatusInfo |
BackupStartTime |
The date and time that the backup of the virtual machine began. Valid values are UNIX-style timestamps (seconds since January 1, 1970). |
vmStatus |
clientStatusInfo |
TransportMode |
VMware: The transport mode for the job. Valid values are:
vmStatus |
clientStatusInfo |
PoweredOffByCurrentJob |
Indicates whether the virtual machine was powered off for the backup job. Valid values are 0/1. |
vmStatus |
clientStatusInfo |
PoweredOffSince |
The date and time that the virtual machine was powered off. Valid values are UNIX-style timestamps (seconds since January 1, 1970). |
vmStatus |
clientStatusInfo |
Sample Request
POST <webservice>/JobDetails HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Authtoken: QSDK 38568012f4d1e8ee1841d283a47aa3ba78e124ea58354b5fc6
Content-type: application/xml
<JobManager_JobDetailRequest jobId="2575"/>
"jobId": 1248,
"commcell": {
"commCellId": 6
Sample Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<generalInfo jobId="71" backupType="Incremental" priority="166" totalNumOfFiles="0" startTime="1409775518" jobStartedBy="admin" jobStartedFrom="Interactive" systemState="No" softwareCompression="Off">
<subclient subclientName="default" clientName="fall" instanceName="DefaultInstanceName" backupsetName="defaultBackupSet" appName="Windows File System" />
<mediaAgent mediaAgentName="fall" />
<storagePolicy storagePolicyName="Protection_SP_001" />
<progressInfo currentPhase="Scan" state="Running" elapsedTime="18" numOfFilesTransferred="0" sizeOfApplication="0" transferTime="0" estimatedCompletionTime="0" lastJobUpdateTime="1409775518" percentComplete="0" currentAttemptThroughput="0" averageThroughput="0" failures="0 Folders, 0 Files" />
This response is for a job run on a virtual machine:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<generalInfo priority="-999" backupType="Full" totalNumOfFiles="-999" jobId="41727" softwareCompression="Storage Policy" systemState="No" jobStartedFrom="Interactive" startTime="1453132086" jobStartedBy="Admin">
<subclient clientName="vsa6" instanceName="VMware" appName="Virtual Server" backupsetName="defaultBackupSet" subclientName="VMowner2" />
<detailInfo sizeOfApplication="4571424148" failures="0 Folders, 0 Files" transferTime="262" unCompressedBytes="4.571424E+09" dataWritten="3753892644" dataXferedNetwork="1248933901" numOfStreams="1" numOfObjects="4391" savingsPercent="0" startTime="1453132086" endTime="1453132426" compressedBytes="3.741148E+09" />
<vmStatus OperatingSystem="Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (64-bit)" Size="5396461258" UsedSpace="4570742784" ArchivedByCurrentJob="0" CBTStatus="Used" BackupType="2" GuestSize="5218408448" Status="0" Agent="VSA_cn" vmName="kvm3" ToolsVersion="Out of date" clientId="4007" GUID="5036e64d-897f-f1e9-229d-c05df054d58a" Host="" HardwareVersion="vmx-07" StubStatus="0" BackupEndTime="1453132375" FailureReason="" BackupStartTime="1453132139" TransportMode="hotadd" PoweredOffByCurrentJob="0" PoweredOffSince="0" />
"job": {
"jobDetail": {
"detailInfo": {
"sizeOfApplication": "45633966",
"scanFolderFailures": 0,
"dataWritten": "10881688",
"numOfObjects": 75,
"scanFileFailures": 0,
"startTime": 1636452844,
"skippedItems": 0,
"workflowInputsXml": "",
"failures": "0 Folders, 0 Files",
"backupFileFailures": 0,
"transferTime": "45",
"unCompressedBytes": 45633966,
"dataXferedNetwork": "10895704",
"backupFolderFailures": 0,
"numOfStreams": 4,
"sizeOfMediaOnDisk": 10881688,
"savingsPercent": "76.15",
"throughPut": "3.40",
"endTime": 1636453101,
"compressedBytes": 10664099,
"detailThroughput": {
"readThroughPut": {
"averageThroughput": 2.25
"xmlJobInfo": {
"adminJobInfo": {},
"rstJobInfo": {},
"bkpJobInfo": {
"genericJobDetails": {
"compressionDetails": {
"hardwareCompression": 0
"clientGroups": [
"_type_": 28,
"clientGroupId": 1,
"clientGroupName": "Infrastructure"
"_type_": 28,
"clientGroupId": 3,
"clientGroupName": "Media Agents"
"generalInfo": {
"agingOn": 0,
"vsaParentJobID": 0,
"opType": 4,
"useScalableResourceAllocation": "No",
"readThroughtputInMBPerSec": 0,
"totalFilesToDownload": 0,
"jobStartedBy": "admin",
"writeThroughtputInMBPerSec": 0,
"jobAttributes": 288230376151711744,
"jobAttributesEx": 0,
"backupOption": 0,
"priority": 166,
"jobId": 1248,
"operationType": "Backup",
"verificationType": 2,
"scanType": 4,
"snapToTapeStatus": 0,
"backupType": "Full",
"jobStartedFrom": "Interactive",
"startTime": 1636452844,
"jobIdActedOn": 0,
"pendingReasonErrorCode": "",
"mediaInventoryType": 0,
"snapDeferredCatalogStatus": 0,
"dataVerificationType": 3,
"softwareCompression": "Storage Policy",
"systemState": "No",
"encrypted": "No",
"dataSizeInMB": 0,
"workflow": {
"workflowName": ""
"mediaLibrary": {
"libraryId": 0
"logStoragePolicy": {
"storagePolicyName": "",
"storagePolicyId": 0
"destInstance": {
"instanceName": "",
"instanceId": 0
"subclient": {
"clientName": "skma_2",
"instanceName": "DefaultInstanceName",
"displayName": "skma_2",
"backupsetId": 1584,
"instanceId": 1,
"subclientId": 1635,
"clientId": 1325,
"appName": "Windows File System",
"backupsetName": "defaultBackupSet",
"applicationId": 33,
"subclientName": "s-1"
"DDBdetails": {
"sidbStoreId": 0
"storagePolicy": {
"storagePolicyName": "CCM_s-2",
"storagePolicyId": 89
"destinationClient": {
"clientId": 0
"commcell": {
"commCellId": 6
"progressInfo": {
"reasonForJobDelay": "",
"state": "Completed",
"numOfFilesTransferred": 75