This operation restores data obtained through a backup.
Note: To restore data with options not available in the POST retrieveToClient API, from the Restore Options dialog box, use Save as Script to generate an XML file. Use the TMMsg_CreateTaskReq XML with the POST QCommand API to restore your data.
Send the request using either XML or JSON:
POST <webservice>/retrieveToClient HTTP/1.1 Host: <host name> Accept: application/xml Authtoken: <authentication token> Content-type: application/xml <retrievetoclient_template.xml>
POST <webservice>/retrieveToClient HTTP/1.1 Host: <host name> Accept: application/json Authtoken: <authentication token> Content-type: application/json <retrievetoclient_template.json>
where <webservice> is the root path used to route the API requests to the Web Server.
For more information, see Available Web Services for REST API.
Request Headers
Name |
Description |
Host |
The host name of the Web Server or Web Console used in the API request. |
Accept |
The format of the response. Valid values are: application/xml or application/json. |
Authtoken |
The authentication token received after successfully logging on. For details on receiving an authentication token, see Authentication. |
Content-type |
The media type contained in the request body. |
Request Body
Download the XML or JSON file required for this request: retrievetoclient_template.xml or retrievetoclient_template.json. The following table displays the parameters for the request body.
Parameter |
Description |
Element |
mode |
Valid value is 2. |
DM2ContentIndexing_RetrieveToClientReq |
serviceType |
Valid value is 1. |
DM2ContentIndexing_RetrieveToClientReq |
userGuid |
The globally unique identifier for the user. |
userInfo |
clientId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the client. You can obtain the clientId from REST API - GET Client. |
srcContent |
appTypeId |
The application type ID for the agent type associated with the file. Valid values are:
srcContent |
instanceId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the instance. You can obtain the instanceId from REST API - GET Instance. |
srcContent |
backupSetId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the backup set. You can get the backupSetId from REST API - GET Backup Set. |
srcContent |
subclientId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the subclient. You can get the subclientId from REST API - GET Subclient. |
srcContent |
fromTime |
The option to restore using time. This parameter can be used with the toTime parameter or by itself:
srcContent |
toTime |
The option to restore using time. This parameter can be used with the fromTime parameter or by itself:
srcContent |
clientId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the client. You can obtain the clientId from REST API - GET Client. |
destination |
clientName |
The name of the client. |
destination |
inPlace |
The option to restore data to its original location or to restore data to a new location. Valid values are:
destination |
val |
Use for out-of-place restores. The data is restored to this destination path. If the new path does not exist on the client, the restore operation creates it. |
destPath |
val |
The path to the file or folder to restore. To define more than one path, open the .xml file and add the <filePaths> element for each file or folder to restore, for example:
filePaths |
unconditionalOverwrite |
The option to overwrite data with the version of the data on the media even if the data on the media is older, as old, or newer than the corresponding data on the destination machine. Valid values are 0/1. |
advanced |
restoreDataAndACL |
Valid values are 0/1. |
advanced |
restoreDeletedFiles |
The option to restore deleted files. Valid values are 0/1. |
advanced |
Response Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Element |
jobId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the job. |
DM2ContentIndexing_RetrieveToClientResp |
Sample Request
POST <webservice>/retrieveToClient HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Authtoken: QSDK 38568012f4d1e8ee1841d283a47aa3ba78e124ea58354b5fc6
Content-type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DM2ContentIndexing_RetrieveToClientReq mode="2" serviceType="1">
<userInfo userGuid="8DDB1E31-53B0-46B0-AE2D-A5TEST5916DE"/>
<srcContent clientId="2" appTypeId="33" instanceId="1" backupSetId="31" subclientId="41"/>
<destination clientId="2" clientName="devsrv" inPlace="1"/>
<filePaths val="\C:\Sample Backup\testdata\data2\rc"/>
<filePaths val="\C:\Sample Backup\testdata\data2\bottom_left.png"/>
<advanced restoreDataAndACL="1" restoreDeletedFiles="1"/>
Sample Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<DM2ContentIndexing_RetrieveToClientResp jobId="28075" />