This operation creates a storage policy copy.
Send the request using either XML or JSON:
POST <webservice>/V2/StoragePolicy/{storagePolicyId}/Copy Host: <host name> Accept: application/xml Authtoken: <authentication token> Content-type: application/xml <create_storage_policy_copy.xml>
POST <webservice>/V2/StoragePolicy/{storagePolicyId}/Copy Host: <host name> Accept: application/json Authtoken: <authentication token> Content-type: application/json <create_storage_policy_copy.json>
where <webservice> is the root path that routes the API requests to the Web Server.
For more information, see Available Web Services for REST API.
Request Body
Download the XML file that is required for this request: create_storage_policy_copy.xml. The following table displays the parameters for the request body. For more information, see Available XML Attributes for Storage Policy Copy Creation.
Name |
Description |
Element |
Parent Element |
copyName |
The name of the storage policy copy. |
App_CreateStoragePolicyCopyReq |
storagePolicyId |
The system generated ID assigned to the parent storage policy in which the copy must be created. To retrieve the ID, you can use the POST Storage Policy Copy API. |
StoragePolicyCopy |
App_CreateStoragePolicyCopyReq |
storagePolicyName |
The name of the parent storage policy in which the copy must be created. To retrieve the name, you can use the POST Storage Policy Copy API . |
StoragePolicyCopy |
App_CreateStoragePolicyCopyReq |
libraryId |
The system-generated ID of the library. To retrieve the ID, you can use the GET Library API . |
library |
StoragePolicyCopy |
libraryName |
The name of the library. To retrieve the name, you can use the GET Library API. |
library |
StoragePolicyCopy |
mediaAgentId |
The system-generated ID of the MediaAgent that is associated with the storage policy copy. To retrieve the ID, you can use GET MediaAgent API. |
mediaAgent |
storagePolicyCopy |
mediaAgentName |
The name of the MediaAgent. To retrieve the name, you can use GET MediaAgent API. |
mediaAgent |
storagePolicyCopy |
Request Headers
Name |
Description |
Host |
The host name of the Web Server or the Web Console that is used in the API request. |
Accept |
The format of the response. Valid values are: application/xml or application/json. |
Authtoken |
The authentication token that you receive after successfully logging on. For information about receiving an authentication token, see Authentication. |
Content-type |
The media type that is contained in the request body. |
Response Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Element |
responseType |
App_CreateStoragePolicyResp |
_type_ |
archiveGroupCopy |
copyId |
The system-generated ID of the copy. |
archiveGroupCopy |
copyName |
The name of the storage policy copy. |
archiveGroupCopy |
storagePolicyId |
The system-generated ID of the storage policy. |
archiveGroupCopy |
storagePolicyName |
The name of the storage policy. |
archiveGroupCopy |
errorCode |
The possible error codes. Valid values are:
error |
Sample Request
This request creates a storage policy copy.
POST <webservice>/V2/StoragePolicy/704/Copy HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Authtoken: QSDK 38568012f4d1e8ee1841d283a47aa3ba78e124ea58354b5fc6
Content-type: application/xml
<App_CreateStoragePolicyCopyReq copyName="SP1">
<storagePolicyCopyInfo active="1" deferAuxiliaryCopyDays="0" hardWareCompression="0" isDefault="0">
<StoragePolicyCopy _type_="" copyId="" copyName="SP_Try" storagePolicyId="704" storagePolicyName="SP_01"/>
<copyFlags autoAddDataPaths="2" auxCopyReencryptData="2" combineStreams="2" demultiplexOnCopy="2" enableMediaRefresh="2" enableParallelCopy="2" inlineAuxCopy="2" markMediaToBeErasedAfterRecycling="2" multiplexSourceStreams="2" noAuxCopyToSameLibrary="2" noInlineCopyToSameLibrary="2" roundRobbinDataPath="2" siloCopy="2" storeKeyOnMedia="2" switchIfBusy="2" switchIfOffline="2" useStreamsOverMultiplexing="2"/>
<library _type_="9" libraryId="567" libraryName="maglib_01"/>
<mediaAgent _type_="11" mediaAgentId="181" mediaAgentName="MA_01"/>
<drivePool _type_="47" drivePoolName="" drivePoolId="" libraryId="" libraryName=""/>
<spareMediaGroup _type_="67" libraryId="" libraryName="" spareMediaGroupName="" spareMediaGroupId=""/>
<retentionRules retainArchiverDataForDays="-1" retainBackupDataForCycles="-1" retainBackupDataForDays="-1"> <retentionFlags enableDataAging="2" enableManagedDiskSpace="2" extendedRetentionFirst="2" flagsMask="2" grcRemoteCopy="2" jobBasedRetention="2" retainFullAndLastDifferential="2" selectJobsFromPreviousTier="2"/><extendedRetentionRuleOne endDays="90" graceDays="0" isEnabled="2" rule="2"/> <extendedRetentionRuleTwo endDays="365" graceDays="1" isEnabled="2" rule="4"/> <extendedRetentionRuleThree endDays="1825" graceDays="2" isEnabled="2" rule="8"/> <financialCalendarXML calendarId="1" monthStartsOn="1" startingMonthOfYear="0"/> </retentionRules>
<mediaProperties multiplexingFactor="1"> <mediaRefreshProperties percentage="51"> <refreshFlags enableMediaRetirementThreshold="2"/> <monthsAfterMediaWritten months="12"/> <monthsBeforeMediaAged months="3"/> </mediaRefreshProperties> </mediaProperties> <startTime TimeZoneID="0" _type_="55" time="0"/>
<sourceCopy _type_="" copyId="" copyName="" storagePolicyId="704" storagePolicyName=" SP_01"/>
<useGlobalPolicy _type_="" storagePolicyId="" storagePolicyName=""/> </App_CreateStoragePolicyCopyReq>
POST <webservice>/V2/StoragePolicy/704/Copy HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authtoken: QSDK 38568012f4d1e8ee1841d283a47aa3ba78e124ea58354b5fc6
Content-type: application/json
Sample Response
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<App_CreateStoragePolicyCopyResp isAuxCopyScheduleAvailable="0"><archiveGroupCopy _type_="18" copyId="887" copyName="Copy1"/> <error errorCode="0"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<App_CreateStoragePolicyCopyResp isAuxCopyScheduleAvailable="0">
<archiveGroupCopy _type_="18" copyId="2080" copyName="Copy1"/>
<error errorCode="0"/>