This operation creates a subclient.
POST <webservice>/Subclient HTTP/1.1 Host: <host name> Accept: application/xml Authtoken: <authentication token> Content-type: application/xml <create_subclient_template.xml> <create_subclient_vm_template.xml>
where <webservice> is the root path used to route the API requests to the Web Server.
For more information, see Available Web Services for REST API.
Request Headers
Name |
Description |
Host |
The host name of the Web Server or Web Console used in the API request. |
Accept |
The format of the response. Valid values are: application/xml or application/json. |
Authtoken |
The authentication token received after successfully logging on. For details on receiving an authentication token, see Authentication. |
Content-type |
The media type contained in the request body. |
Request Body
Download the create_subclient_template.xml file required for this request. To work with virtual machines, download the create_subclient_vm_template.xml file. The following table displays the parameters for the create_subclient_template.xml and create_subclient_vm_template.xml files.
Parameter |
Description and Parameter Values |
Element |
Parent Element |
appName |
The name of the application. Valid values are:
subClientEntity |
subClientProperties |
backupsetName |
The name of the backup set. |
subClientEntity |
subClientProperties |
clientName |
The name of the client. |
subClientEntity |
subClientProperties |
instanceName |
The name of the instance, for example: DefaultInstanceName. |
subClientEntity |
subClientProperties |
subclientName |
The name of the subclient. |
subClientEntity |
subClientProperties |
contentOperationType |
The type of operation to perform on the subclient content. The content is defined in the content element. (To work with virtual machines, use the vmContentOperationType element.) Valid values are:
subClientProperties |
App_CreateSubClientRequest |
vmContentOperationType |
The type of operation to perform on the subclient content when the content contains virtual machines. The virtual machines are defined in the children element. (To work with other content, use the contentOperationType element.) Valid values are:
subClientProperties |
App_CreateSubClientRequest |
clientName |
The option to set the proxy client for a NAS client. The proxy client is used for scan, backup, and stubbing operations. Note: This parameter is used to assign the proxy client for OnePass for BlueArc, OnePass for Celerra, and OnePass for NetApp. |
turboNASClient |
commonProperties |
encryptionFlag |
The option to set the encryption points during backups. Valid values are:
commonProperties |
subClientProperties |
description |
The description of the subclient. |
commonProperties |
subClientProperties |
enableBackup |
The option to enable/disable backup. Valid values are True/False. |
commonProperties |
subClientProperties |
numberOfBackupStreams |
The option to set the number of backup streams. |
commonProperties |
subClientProperties |
onDemandSubClient |
The option to define the subclient as an on demand subclient. |
commonProperties |
subClientProperties |
allowMultipleDataReaders |
The option to allow multiple data reads for a single Windows physical drive or Unix mount point during backups on the subclient. Valid values are True/False. |
commonProperties |
subClientProperties |
networkAgents |
The option to specify the number of processes the subclient uses to transfer data over a network. Valid values are 1-4 on Windows computers or 1-2 on UNIX computers. |
storageDevice |
commonProperties |
softwareCompression |
The option to enable compression on the client or the MediaAgent computer. Valid values are:
storageDevice |
commonProperties |
throttleNetworkBandwidth |
The maximum network bandwidth per network agent (in megabytes per hour). Valid values are 2-2147483647. |
storageDevice |
commonProperties |
applicableReadSize |
The option to specify the amount of application data backup jobs will read for each unit transferred to the MediaAgent. Valid kilobyte values are 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096. |
storageDevice |
commonProperties |
storagePolicyName |
The name of the storage policy associated with the subclient backup. |
dataBackupStoragePolicy |
storageDevice |
enableDeduplication |
The option to enable deduplication on the subclient. Valid values are True/False. |
deDuplicationOptions |
storageDevice |
generateSignature |
A component of deduplication performed on the client or MediaAgent computer. Valid values are:
deDuplicationOptions |
storageDevice |
snapToTapeProxyToUseSource |
The option to enable or disable using the source if the proxy is unreachable. Valid values are True/False. |
snapCopyInfo |
commonProperties |
isRMANEnableForTapeMovement |
The option to enable or disable using RMAN for the backup copy. |
snapCopyInfo |
commonProperties |
isSnapBackupEnabled |
The option to enable or disable an IntelliSnap backup. Valid values are True/False. |
snapCopyInfo |
commonProperties |
snapShotEngineName |
The name of the engine used for an IntelliSnap backup. |
snapToTapeSelectedEngine |
snapCopyInfo |
clientName |
The name of the client. |
snapToTapeProxyToUse |
snapCopyInfo |
preScanCommand |
The path to the pre-process script that runs before the scan phase. |
prepostProcess |
commonProperties |
postScanCommand |
The path to the post-process script that runs after the scan phase. |
prepostProcess |
commonProperties |
preBackupCommand |
The path to the pre-process script that runs before the backup. |
prepostProcess |
commonProperties |
postBackupCommand |
The path to the post-process script that runs after the backup. |
prepostProcess |
commonProperties |
runPostBackup |
The option to run a process after the backup completes. Valid values are Yes/No. |
prepostProcess |
commonProperties |
runAs |
The option to specify the user name who has permission to run the pre-process and post-process scripts. Valid values are:
prepostProcess |
commonProperties |
userName |
The name of the user with permission to run the scripts defined in the prepostProcess element. This parameter must be used when the runAs parameter is set to USE_IMPERSONATION. |
prepostUserName |
prepostProcess |
password |
The password of the user with permission to run the scripts defined in the prepostProcess element. This parameter must be used when the runAs parameter is set to USE_IMPERSONATION. |
prepostUserName |
prepostProcess |
expandSymbolicLinks |
UNIX: The option to expand and back up the data paths in the symbolic links of the subclient content. Valid values are True/False. |
commonProperties |
subClientProperties |
includePolicyFilters |
Displays the Include Policy Filters option on the Filters tab of the subclient Properties dialog box. Valid values are True/False. |
fsSubClientProp |
subClientProperties |
useGlobalFilters |
The option to enable global filters. Valid values are:
fsSubClientProp |
subClientProperties |
useVSS |
The option to enable/disable VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service) to back up the file system data. Valid values are True/False. |
fsSubClientProp |
subClientProperties |
vssOptions |
The option to use VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service) for all files or for locked files only. Valid values are:
fsSubClientProp |
subClientProperties |
useVSSForAllFilesOptions |
The options to control what happens if the VSS snap fails because the VSS service is unavailable or it is unable to quiesce a volume. This parameter is available when the vssOptions parameter is set to USE_VSS_FOR_ALL_FILES. Valid values are:
fsSubClientProp |
subClientProperties |
useVSSForSystemState |
Option to enable/disable VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service) to back up the system state. Valid values are True/False. |
fsSubClientProp |
subClientProperties |
backupSystemState |
The option to enable/disable backing up the system state. This option should not be enabled in more than one subclient per backup set to avoid system state backup failures. Valid values are True/False. |
fsSubClientProp |
subClientProperties |
backupSystemStateforFullBkpOnly |
The option to backup the system state only during full backups. This parameter is available when backupSystemState is set to True. Valid values are True/False. |
fsSubClientProp |
subClientProperties |
backupFilesQualifiedForArchive |
The option to backup only the files that meet the archive rules. Valid values are True/False. |
fsSubClientProp |
fsSubClientProp |
oneTouchSubclient |
The option to enable/disable 1-Touch Recovery on Linux file system agents. 1-Touch Recovery can be enabled on only one subclient within a backup set. Valid values are True/False. |
fsSubClientProp |
subClientProperties |
retentionRule |
The option to define the retention period for files deleted by a user. When a synthetic full backup is run at the end of the specified retention period, the deleted files are dropped from the synthetic full backup. Valid values are:
fsSubClientProp |
subClientProperties |
daysToKeepItems |
The number of days to keep the deleted items available in the backup cycle. The number of days is calculated from the date the next incremental backup runs after the file is deleted. This parameter is available when the retentionRule parameter is set to AFTER. Valid values are 1 - 9999999999. |
fsSubClientProp |
subClientProperties |
deleteArchiveJob |
The option to define the retention period for files deleted by an archiving job. When a synthetic full backup is run at the end of the specified retention period, the deleted files are dropped from the synthetic full backup. Valid values are:
fsSubClientProp |
subClientProperties |
deleteArchiveJobAfterDays |
The number of days to keep the deleted items available in the backup cycle. The number of days is calculated from the date the next incremental backup runs after the file is deleted. This parameter is available when the deleteArchiveJob parameter is set to AFTER. Valid values are 0-999. |
fsSubClientProp |
subClientProperties |
userDeletedStubRetention |
The option to define the retention period for stubs deleted by a user. When a synthetic full backup is run at the end of the specified retention period, the deleted files are dropped from the synthetic full backup. Valid values are: AFTER, to define the number of days to keep the deleted items available in the backup cycle. The number of days is defined in the userDeletedStubRetentionDays parameter. NEVER, to never drop the deleted items during the synthetic full backup. |
fsSubClientProp |
subClientProperties |
userDeletedStubRetentionDays |
The number of days to keep the deleted items available in the backup cycle. The number of days is calculated from the date the next incremental backup runs after the file is deleted. This parameter is available when the userDeletedStubRetention parameter is set to AFTER. Valid values are 0-999. |
fsSubClientProp |
subClientProperties |
enableOnePass |
The option to enable OnePass. Valid values are True/False. |
fsSubClientProp |
subClientProperties |
customSubclientContentFlags |
This option denotes a default subclient or a custom subclient. Valid values are 0 (default subclient)/1 (custom subclient). |
fsSubClientProp |
subClientProperties |
customSubclientFlag |
This is a bit flag. Each of the following bits denote the selected subclient content:
fsSubClientProp |
subClientProperties |
fsContentOperationType |
The type of operation to perform on the File System subclient content. Note This operation cannot be used with the contentOperationType element. Valid values are:
subClientProperties |
association |
fsExcludeFilterOperationType |
The type of operation to update the exclusion filters in the file system subclient backup job. Note This operation cannot be used with the contentOperationType element. Valid values are:
subClientProperties |
association |
fsIncludeFilterOperationType |
The type of operation to update the inclusion filters in the file system subclient backup job. Note This operation cannot be used with the contentOperationType element. Valid values are:
subClientProperties |
association |
enableArchivingWithRules |
The option to enable archiving with archive rules. This parameter is available when the enableOnePass parameter is set to True. Parameters under the <diskCleanupRules> element are available when enableArchivingWithRules is set to True. Important: Once the enableArchivingWithRules parameter is set to True, the enableOnePass parameter cannot be set to False. Valid values are True/False. |
diskCleanupRules |
fsSubClientProp |
startCleaningIfLessThan |
The option to stop archiving files based on the percentage of available free space on the volume. To ignore this rule, enter 100. Valid values are 0-100. |
diskCleanupRules |
fsSubClientProp |
stopCleaningIfupto |
The option to archive files based on the percentage of available free space on the volume. To ignore this rule, enter 100. Valid values are 0-100. |
diskCleanupRules |
fsSubClientProp |
fileAccessTimeOlderThan |
The option to archive files whose access time is older than the number of days specified. To ignore this rule, enter 0. Valid values are 0-1000. |
diskCleanupRules |
fsSubClientProp |
fileModifiedTimeOlderThan |
The option to archive files whose modified time is older than the number of days specified. To ignore this rule, enter 0. Valid values are 0-1000. |
diskCleanupRules |
fsSubClientProp |
fileCreatedTimeOlderThan |
For Windows file systems only, the option to archive files whose created time is older than the number of days specified. To ignore this rule, enter 0. Valid values are 0-1000. |
diskCleanupRules |
fsSubClientProp |
fileSizeGreaterThan |
The option to archive files whose size is greater than the kilobytes specified. To ignore this rule, enter 0. Valid values are 0 and greater. |
diskCleanupRules |
fsSubClientProp |
maximumFileSize |
The option to archive files whose size is lesser than or equal to the kilobytes specified. To ignore this rule, enter 0. Valid values are 0 and greater. |
diskCleanupRules |
fsSubClientProp |
archiveReadOnlyFiles |
The option to archive the read only files. Valid values are True/False. |
diskCleanupRules |
fsSubClientProp |
afterArchivingRule |
The option to replace the archived file with a stub or to delete the archived file. Valid values are:
diskCleanupRules |
fsSubClientProp |
useNativeSnapshotToPreserveFileAccessTime |
For Unix file systems only, the option to use a native snapshot to preserve the file access time. Valid values are True/False. |
diskCleanupRules |
fsSubClientProp |
selectiveOnlineFull |
Enable or disable selective online full backups. Valid values are:
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
data |
Include datafiles and tablespaces in backups. Valid values are:
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
backupMode |
The option to define how the data file backups for this subclient are conducted. Valid values are:
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
backupControlFile |
Back up the control file. Valid values are:
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
backupSPFile |
Back up the SP file. Valid values are:
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
protectBackupRecoveryArea |
Back up the Flash Recovery Area (FRA) for Oracle 10g database or higher versions. This is not supported when the validate parameter is set to true. Valid values are:
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
dataFilesPerBFS |
The number of data files bundled in each RMAN backup set. Valid values are 1-1000. |
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
maxBackupSetSizeInKB |
The maximum size in kilobytes for the RMAN backup set. Valid values are 1-1072693248. |
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
archiveFilesPerBFS |
The number of archive files bundled in each RMAN backup set. Valid values are 1-1072693248. |
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
maxOpenFiles |
The maximum number of concurrent open datafiles that RMAN can read from simultaneously during a backup operation. Valid values are 0-1000. |
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
oracleTag |
The character string used as the Oracle Tag argument associated with subclient backups. |
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
lightsOutScript |
The option to automatically execute the lights-out script before backing up databases. This can only be set when the backupMode parameter is set to OFFLINE_DB. Valid values are:
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
warning |
The option to issue a message to the physical node for users logged into the database warning them that the database is shutting down. This can only be set when the lightsOutScript parameter is set to true. Valid values are:
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
delayTimeinMin |
The number of minutes the system should wait before attempting to shut down the database after the warning message is sent to the physical node. This can only be set when the lightsOutScript parameter is set to true. Valid values are 0-100. |
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
sleepTimeinMin |
The interval in minutes the system should wait or sleep between attempts to shut down the database and check the status. Note: This option is only activated when the number of tries limit has been reached for the Sleep Time (sec) option. This can only be set when the lightsOutScript parameter is set to true. Valid values are 0-59. |
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
sleepTimeinSec |
The interval in seconds the system should wait or sleep between retry attempts. This can only be set when the lightsOutScript parameter is set to true. Valid values are 0-59. |
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
triesNumber |
The number of times the system tries to shut down the database when the sleepTimeinSec parameter is set. This can only be set when the lightsOutScript parameter is set to true. Valid values are 0-59. |
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
useSQLConntect |
The CommServe connects to the Oracle database using the SQL command 'Connect <Connect String> as sysdba'. This can only be set when the lightsOutScript parameter is set to true. Valid values are:
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
startupPFile |
The location of the pfile used with the lights-out script option. Select this option to start the database by using the pfile. This can only be set when the lightsOutScript parameter is set to true. Valid value is the full path to the pfile. |
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
skipReadOnly |
The option to omit read-only tablespaces from the backup. Valid values are:
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
skipOffline |
Omit offline tablespaces from the backup. Valid values are:
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
skipInaccessible |
Omit inaccessible tablespaces from the backup. Valid values are:
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
validate |
Validate backup jobs for the subclient before they run. Valid values are:
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
enableTableBrowse |
The option to enable table level restores. This is not supported when the validate parameter is set to true. This can be set when the backupMode parameter is set to ONLINE_DB or ONLINE_SUBSET_DB. Valid values are:
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
mergeIncImageCopies |
The option to create an image copy of a database and to regularly create incremental backups of the database and apply them to this image copy. Valid values are:
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
resyncCatalog |
The option to synchronize the recovery catalog with the contents of the control file. Valid values are:
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
backupArchiveLog |
The option to back up the archive redo log. This can only be set when the backupMode parameter is set to ONLINE_DB or ONLINE_SUBSET_DB. Valid values are:
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
archiveDelete |
The option to delete the archived redo log files after they are backed up. This can only be set when the backupMode parameter is set to ONLINE_DB or ONLINE_SUBSET_DB and the backupArchiveLog parameter is set to true. Valid values are:
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
disableSwitchCurrentLog |
The option to disable log switching for the current redo log. This can only be set when the data parameter is false and the selectiveOnlineFull parameter is set to false. Valid values are:
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
selectArchiveLogDestForBackup |
The option to add a location from where the archive logs are backed up. Valid values are:
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
archiveLogDestForBackupOpType |
The option to add or delete a backup location. This can only be set when the selectArchiveLogDestForBackup parameter is set to true. Valid values are:
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
archiveLogDestForBackup |
The location from where the archive logs are backed up. This can only be set when the selectArchiveLogDestForBackup parameter is set to true and the archiveLogDestForBackupOpType parameter is set. Valid value is a directory name, for example, e:/u2/logs. |
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
selectArchiveLogDestForDelete |
The option to add a location from where the archive logs are deleted. Valid values are:
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
archiveLogDestForDeleteOpType |
The option to add or delete a location. This can only be set when the selectArchiveLogDestForDelete parameter is set to true. Valid values are:
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
archiveLogDestForDelete |
The location from where the archive logs are deleted. This can only be set when the selectArchiveLogDestForDelete parameter is set to true and the archiveLogDestForDeleteOpType is set to true. Valid value is a directory name, for example, e:/u2/logs. |
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
dataThresholdStreams |
The minimum number of streams to use to execute a backup. This can only be used when the storagePolicyName parameter is set. |
oracleSubclientProp |
subClientProperties |
path |
The location of the content to back up. This parameter must be used with the contentOperationType parameter. To add more than one path, add a <content> element for each path:
content |
subClientProperties |
excludePath |
The location of the content to exclude from the backup. This parameter must be used with the contentOperationType parameter. |
content |
subClientProperties |
includePath |
The location of the content to back up if the excludePath parameter is used but exceptions exist. This parameter must be used with the contentOperationType parameter. |
content |
subClientProperties |
tableSpace |
The tablespace name to add to the subclient. This parameter can only be set when the backupMode parameter equals ONLINE_SUBSET_DB. |
oracleContent |
content |
dataFile |
The datafile name to add to the subclient. This parameter can only be set when the backupMode parameter equals ONLINE_SUBSET_DB. |
oracleContent |
content |
equalsOrNotEquals |
Excludes the virtual machines, the datastore, or the ESX host that does not match the displayName parameter. This parameter must be used with the vmContentOperationType parameter. Valid value is 1. |
children |
vmContent |
displayName |
The name of the virtual machine or datastore depending on the content type defined in the type parameter. This parameter must be used with the vmContentOperationType parameter. To add more than one virtual machine, add a <children> element for each virtual machine:
children |
vmContent |
type |
The type of content to add to the subclient. This parameter must be used with the vmContentOperationType parameter. Valid values are:
children |
vmContent |
userName |
The user name of the user who has the privileges to access the data on a network share when specifying UNC paths for the subclient content. |
impersonateUser |
subClientProperties |
password |
The password of the user who has the privileges to access the data on a network share when specifying UNC paths for the subclient content. |
impersonateUser |
subClientProperties |
Response Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Element |
errorCode |
The possible error codes. Valid values are:
response |
errorString |
The description of the error code. Not all error codes have an error string. |
response |
Sample Request
This request creates a subclient under a file system agent.
POST <webservice>/Subclient HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Authtoken: QSDK 38568012f4d1e8ee1841d283a47aa3ba78e124ea58354b5fc6
Content-type: application/xml
<appName>File System</appName>
This request creates a subclient under a virtual server agent.
POST <webservice>/Subclient HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Authtoken: QSDK 38568012f4d1e8ee1841d283a47aa3ba78e124ea58354b5fc6
Content-type: application/xml
<appName>Virtual Server</appName>
<children type="VMName" displayName="VM001" equalsOrNotEquals="1"/>
<children type="VMName" displayName="VM011" equalsOrNotEquals="1"/>
Sample Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<response errorCode="0"/>