Restore Destinations - How To


Restore Out-of-Place, Cross-Platform or Cross-Application

Before You Begin

  • Review the general and agent-specific restore requirements accessed from Restore Backup Data prior to performing any restore operation.

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedgeTo browse and restore data:

  1. Begin any restore procedure. See Browse and Restorefor step-by-step instructions.

  2. From the agent's Restore Options dialog box, select the restore destination:

    • Destination Computer - By default, data is restored to the same computer from which it was backed up. To change the destination computer, select one from the list. The list includes established clients within the CommCell, with Operating Systems that support the out-of-place, cross-platform, or cross-application restore operation from this client.

    • Restore to Same Paths - Specifies whether the restore operation must restore data to the Destination Computer using the same path from which it was backed up. Clear this option if you want to restore to a different path and activate the Destination folder box.

    • Destination Folder - Use this space to enter (or browse to) the path on the destination computer to which the data must be restored. If the specified path does not exist, it will be created during the restore process.

      On Windows computers, the UNC path of a shared drive can be specified. (e.g., \\servername\sharename\directory). Deselect Restore to Same Paths and then type the UNC path of the shared drive in the DestinationFolder field.

  3. After completing your selections, continue with the restore procedure.

Recover Out-of-Place or Cross-Platform

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedgeTo browse and recover data:

  1. Begin a browse and recovery procedure from the CommCell Console.

  2. From the agent's Recover Options dialog box, select the recovery destination:

    • Destination Computer - By default, data is recovered to the same computer from which it was archived. To change the destination computer, select one from the list. The list includes established clients within the CommCell, with Operating Systems that support the out-of-place or cross-platform recovery operation from this client.

    • Recover to Same Paths - Specifies whether the recovery operation must recover data to the Destination Computer using the same path from which it was archived. Clear this option if you want to recover to a different path and activate the Destination folder box.

    • Destination Folder - Use this space to enter (or browse to) the path on the destination computer to which the data must be recovered. If the specified path does not exist, it will be created during the recovery process.

      On Windows computers, the UNC path of a shared drive can be specified. (e.g., \\servername\sharename\directory). Deselect Recover to Same Paths and then type the UNC path of the shared drive in the DestinationFolder field.

  3. After completing your selections, continue with the recovery procedure.

Restore to a Network Drive or NFS-Mounted File System

Before You Begin:

  • On Windows computers, shared network drives exist as Windows share directories (i.e., shares) on some other computer on the network. For data security reasons, these shares possess access privileges that determine who can access the share and the rights under which access is permitted. If your Windows account does not have privileges to write data to the share, you must be prepared to provide the login and password of a Windows account that does have these privileges.

  • For Unix computers, ensure that the destination computer has root permissions for the NFS-mounted file system. If the destination computer does not have these permissions, restores will fail.

  • Ensure that the network drive / mounted file system to which you intend to restore the data is accessible as a mapped network drive/ NFS-mounted file system from the destination computer.

  • Review the general and agent-specific restore requirements accessed from Restore Backup Data prior to performing any restore operation.

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedgeTo browse and restore data using wildcards:

  1. Begin any restore procedure. See Browse and Restore for step-by-step instructions.

  2. From the Restore Options dialog box, ensure that the Destination Computer is the source computer from which the shared drive was backed up, not the computer that has the share. If the data did not originate from the shared drive, de-select Restore to Same Paths and then type the UNC path of the shared drive in the Destination Folder field (e.g., \\servername\sharename\directory).

  3. To restore to a Windows computer, click Advanced.

    If you do not have Change permissions for the share to which you intend to restore the data, then you must select Impersonate NT User in the Advanced Restore Options dialog box and provide the login and password of a Windows account that does have these permissions. (Otherwise, the data cannot be restored to the selected share. Ordinarily, if you can copy or create a file in the share, you should be able to restore data to that share without having to select this option.)


    If the user account is established as a domain user account, you must enter a fully qualified user name (e.g., <domain_name>\<user_name>) and password.

  4. Optionally select the additional restore options that you want to use from the Advanced Restore Options dialog box.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Optionally select the additional restore options that you want to use from the Restore Options dialog box.

  7. Click OK.

  8. After completing your selections, you can either start an immediate restore or schedule the restore.

    • If you want to schedule the job, click the Job Initiation tab from the Restore Options dialog box, click Schedule, and enter your selections in the Schedule Details (Schedule Details) dialog box. Clicking OK from this dialog box saves your schedule. See Scheduled Data Recovery Operations for an overview of this feature.

    • If you want to run the job now, accept or click Run Immediately in the same tab and then click OK.

    While the job is running, you can right-click the job in the Job Controller and select Detail to view information on the job.


  • The restored data assumes the access characteristics of the destination share.

  • In the case of a File Level restore using the Image-Level iDataAgent, the restored data assumes the access characteristics of the destination share.

Restore Out-of-Place or Cross-Platform (DB2)

See Advanced Restore - DB2 iDataAgent for step-by-step instructions to perform an Out-of-Place and Cross-Platform restore operations.

Restore Out-of-Place or Cross-Application (Exchange iDataAgents)

Before You Begin

Review the general and agent-specific restore requirements accessed from Restore Backup Data prior to performing any restore operation.

  1. Begin any restore procedure. See Browse and Restore for instructions.

  2. From the agent's Restore Options (General) dialog box, select the restore destination:

    • If applicable, select To Mailbox.

    • Restore to Original Client - By default, data is restored to the same computer from which it was backed up.

    • Restore to a Different Client - To change the destination computer, select one from the list. The list includes established clients within the CommCell, with Exchange Server versions that support the out-of-place or cross-application restore operation from this client.

  3. If applicable, choose one of the following:

    • To restore data to the same path, folder or mailbox, select Restore to Same Path.

    • To restore data to a different path, folder or mailbox, select Restore to Different Path then click Browse to specify the location.

    • To restore Exchange 2007 Database data out-of-place to a different Storage Group, from the display pane in the Restore Options (General) dialog select a store under the Source DB column then double-click the corresponding space in the Destination DB column to access the "..." button. Next, click the "..." button, select the appropriate destination from the Choose Storage Group dialog then click OK.

    • To restore Exchange 2007 Database data out-of-place to a non-Exchange location (i.e., any disk location on the Exchange Server), from the display pane in the Restore Options (General) dialog select a store under the Source DB column then double-click the corresponding space in the Destination DB column to access the "..." button. Next, click the "..." button, select either Restore to Non-Exchange Location <Out Of Place> (logs will be replayed), or Restore to Non-Exchange Location <Out Of Place, No Recover> (logs will not be replayed) from the Choose Storage Group dialog then click OK. Afterwards, double-click the corresponding row under the Out of Place Location column then type in or browse to the fully qualified destination path on the Exchange Server (for example, C:\staging_area).

  4. After completing your selections, continue with the restore procedure.

Recover Out-of-Place or Cross-Application (Exchange Mailbox or Public Folder Archiver Agents)

  1. Begin a browse and recovery procedure from the CommCell Console. See Recover - Exchange Mailbox Archiver Agent for instructions.

  2. From the agent's Recovery Options (General) dialog box, select the recovery destination:

    • If applicable, select To Mailbox.

    • Recover to Original Client - By default, data is recovered to the same computer from which it was archived.

    • Recover to Different Client - To change the destination computer, select one from the list. The list includes established clients within the CommCell, with Exchange Server versions that support the out-of-place or cross-application recovery operation from this client.

  3. If applicable, choose one of the following:

    • To recover data to the same folder or mailbox, select Recover to Same Path.

    • To recover data to a different folder or mailbox, select Recover to Different Path then click Browse specify the location.

  4. After completing your selections, continue with the recovery procedure.

Retrieve Out-of-Place or Cross-Application (Exchange Compliance Archiver Agent)

Before You Begin

Review the general and agent-specific retrieve requirements accessed from Retrieve Data - Exchange Compliance Archiver Agent prior to performing any retrieve operation.

  1. Begin a browse and retrieve procedure. See Browse and Retrieve Mail Messages for instructions.

  2. From the agent's Retrieve Options (General) dialog box, select To Mailbox then select the retrieve destination:

    • Retrieve to Original Client - By default, data is retrieved to the same target mailbox on the same computer from which it was archived.

    • Retrieve to Different Client - To change the destination computer, select one from the list. The list includes established clients within the CommCell, with Exchange Server versions that support the out-of-place or cross-application retrieve operation from this client.

    • If you would like to retrieve to a different Target Mailbox, select the corresponding checkbox and then select the desired target mailbox from the list.

  3. Choose one of the following:

    • To retrieve data to the default folder select Retrieve to Default Destination Folder.

    • To retrieve data to a different folder, select Retrieve to Different Folder then click Browse to specify the location.

  4. After completing your selections, continue with the retrieve procedure.

Restore Out-of-Place or Cross-Platform (Informix)

Before You Begin:

  • Review the general and agent-specific restore requirements accessed from Restore Backup Data prior to performing any restore operation.

  • Do the following to gather information for the destination computer:

    • On the source computer, as an Informix user, run onstat -d. From the output, note the Dbspaces name and Dbspaces pathname.

    • On the source computer, run the env command to note the environmental variables ($INFORMIXSERVER, $INFORMIXDIR, $ONCONFIG) for user Informix.

    • Go to the CommCell Console and access the property screen for the instance on the source computer; if this is not possible, use a link.

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedgeTo restore out-of-place or cross-platform:

  1. On the destination computer, if the Informix Server is not installed, install the Informix server, but do not configure the Informix instance. (Refer to the Installation Guide for the Informix Dynamic Server for more information.)

  2. Create a simple instance on the destination host as discussed in Create an Instance. Use the parameters and options that you noted per the task using the CommCell Console in Before You Begin above.

  3. On the destination host, start up the instance and then (using onmode -yuk) shut down the instance.

  4. Using the environmental variables from the source computer, set the following on the destination computer in the user Informix environment: $INFORMIXSERVER, $INFORMIXDIR, and $ONCONFIG.

  5. Ensure that $INFORMIXDIR/bin is listed in the user Informix $PATH environmental variable just one time.

  6. Install the Base client software (CVGxBase), either the HP-UX File System or Solaris File System iDataAgent software (CVGxIDA), and the Informix iDataAgent software (CVGxIfIDA) on the destination host.

  7. Using the CommCell Console, create a new instance for the Informix iDataAgent on the destination host.

  8. Log in to the destination host and navigate to the $INFORMIXDIR/etc directory. Then perform the following file copies (using cp):
    ixbar.$servernum to ixbar.$
    onconfig.$servername to onconfig.$
    oncfg_$servername.$servernum to oncfg_$servername.$servernum .org

  9. Use the appropriate directives in Browse and Restore to cross-restore the ixbar, onconfig, and oncfg files on the CommCell Console from the source host's backups.

  10. Modify the onconfig.$ file to be identical to the onconfig.$servername file (i.e., ensure that DBSERVERNAME, SERVERNUM, and ROOTPATH are the same).

  11. Copy the onconfig.$ file to the onconfig.$servername file.

  12. Log in to the destination host and create Dbspaces that refer to the oncfg files. Create the Dbspaces based on the output of the onstat -d command run on the source computer. All Dbspaces physical paths must be the same (e.g, prepare the cooked file space, cat /dev/null > $INFORMIXDIR/dbs/test1/data/testdbs1.c1,
    chmod 666 $INFORMIXDIR/dbs/test1/data/testdbs1.c1,
    chown -R informix:informix $INFORMIXDIR/dbs/test1/data/testdbs1.c1). Ensure that the Dbspace files have the correct permissions. (Refer to the Installation Guide for the Informix Dynamic Server for more information.)

  13. Configure the Informix instance in the same CommCell where the source Informix instance was installed and the data was backed up.

  14. Bring the destination instance down (using onmode -yuk) if it is not already down.

  15. Try to cross-restore the whole system by using the directives in Browse and Restore. It is recommended that you avoid performing a salvage backup (e.g., zeroing out the root Dbspace before restoring or performing a physical whole system restore plus a logical whole system restore).

Restore and Recover a Database to a New Host with the Same Directory Structure (Oracle and Oracle RAC)

See Advanced Restore - Oracle iDataAgent for step-by-step instructions to restore and recover a database to a new host with the same directory structure on Oracle.

See Advanced Restore - Oracle RAC iDataAgent for step-by-step instructions to restore and recover a database to a new host with the same directory structure on Oracle RAC.

Restore and Recover a Database to a New Host with a Different Directory Structure (Oracle and Oracle RAC)

See Cross-Machine Restores for Oracle for step-by-step instructions to restore and recover a database to a new host with a different directory structure on Oracle.

See Cross-Machine Restores for Oracle RAC for step-by-step instructions to restore and recover a database to a new host with a different directory structure on Oracle RAC.

Restore Out-of-Place or Cross-Platform (SAP for Oracle)

Before You Begin:

  • Review the general and agent-specific restore requirements accessed from Restore Backup Data prior to performing any restore operation.

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedgeTo browse and restore data:

  1. Install the SAP for Oracle iDataAgent on the source machine (e.g., Host A).

  2. Run several full, incremental, and log backups on the source machine.

  3. If the Oracle application is not already installed on the destination machine (e.g., Host B), install the application on this machine. Do not create an instance (database) on this machine.

  4. Set up Host B (destination machine) similar to how Host A (source machine) is set up. Specifically, do the following:

    1. Create the same directory structure that is set up in Host A (e.g., include init.ora, tnsnames.ora)

    2. Add the following lines to the init.utl file:


      <source machine name>.<company_name>.com

    3. Copy the ORAPWD file from Host A to Host B

    4. Copy the sapbackup directory to Host B

    5. Copy saparch/archCER.log to Host B

  5. On Host B (destination computer), ensure that the name of the instance is the same as the name of the instance on Host A. Start the instance in the NOMOUNT state (startup nomount).

  6. Install the SAP for Oracle iDataAgent on Host B to the same CommServe as for Host A. Relink Oracle either during the install or by using the <software installation path>/iDataAgent/ script.

  7. From the CommCell Console, create on Host B (destination machine) an instance that has the same name as the instance on Host A (source machine).

  8. From Host B, restore the data backed from Host A as follows:

    • To restore control files, enter the brrestore -m 0 command

    • To restore data, enter the brrestore -d util_file -b last -m all command

    • To restore logs, enter the brrestore -d util_file -a - command

  9. Recover the database manually.

Restore Out-of-Place or Cross-Platform (SAP for MAXDB)

Before You Begin:

  • Review the general and agent-specific restore requirements accessed from Restore Backup Data prior to performing any restore operation.

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedgeTo browse and restore data:

  1. Build a secondary (destination) client computer, and assign a different name to this computer. Both the source client computer and the destination client computer must have the same operating system.

  2. Install the SAP for MAXDB software on the destination client. On the destination client, create the database and volume that are identical to those on the source client. Ensure that the database is in ADMIN mode.

  3. Install the SAP for MAXDB iDataAgent on the destination client and configure the database instance on the CommServe.

  4. Define a backup medium on the destination computer using the medium_put command.

  5. In the parameter file, include the srccrossclient parameter followed by the name of the source client. For example:


  6. If the dbm.knl and dbm.ebf catalog files do not exist on the destination client and if the source client is still available, copy these files if they are available. Otherwise, restore these files manually by using the backint command. For example:

    1. Get the full set of backup job IDs. Specifically, create an input file called file1.txt. Ensure that the contents of the file is #NULL, and run an inquiry to get a list of backups. For example:

      backint -u -f inquire -t file -p param -l file1.txt

    2. Using the last job ID to get the catalog files, create an input file called file2.txt, and include the last job ID in the file (e.g., SAP_0_28). Then execute the following command:

      backint -u -f inquire -t file -p param -i file2.txt

    3. Restore the catalog files. Specifically, create an input file called file3.txt. Include contents similar to the following in the file:

      SAP_0_28 d:\maxdb\sdb\data\wrk\CLDB\dbm.ebf

      SAP_0_28 d:\maxdb\sdb\data\wrk\CLDB\dbm.knl

      Then execute the following command to restore the dbm.knl and dbm.ebf catalog files:

      backup backint -u -f restore -t file -p param -i inp3.txt

  7. Perform the required data and log restores to the destination client by using the following command:

    backup_ext_ids_get BACKData2


    Activate the database and recover the full backup. Use a comma to separate each ID specified.

    db_activate RECOVER BACKData2 DATA ExternalBackupID "... , ..."

    Then restore from the incremental backups.

    recover_start BackPages2 PAGES ExternalBackupID "... , ..."

    Then restore all the logs.

    recover_start BackLog LOG ExternalBackupID "..."

    recover_replace BackLog ExternalBackupID "..."

    recover_replace BackLog ExternalBackupID "..."



Restore Out-of-Place or Cross-Platform (Sybase)

See Advanced Restore - Sybase iDataAgent for step-by-step instructions to perform an Out-of-Place and Cross-Platform restore operations.

Restore a Volume Out-of-Place or Cross-Platform (Image Level)

Before You Begin

  • Review the general and agent-specific restore/ requirements accessed from Restore Backup Data prior to performing any restore operation.

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedgeTo browse and restore data:

  1. Begin any restore procedure. See Browse and Restorefor step-by-step instructions.

  2. From the agent's Restore Options dialog box, select the restore destination:

    • Destination Computer - By default, data is restored to the same computer from which it was backed up. To change the destination computer, select one from the list. The list includes established clients within the CommCell, with Operating Systems that support the out-of-place or cross-platform restore operation from this client.

    • Restore Paths & Destinations - When you select a source volume whose data you want to restore to a different destination, the Destination Volume drop-down box will become available. In the Destination Volume drop-down box, select a destination volume, and click Apply. Your selection will be displayed in the main panel next to the original volume, as the Destination Volume.

  3. After completing your selections, continue with the restore procedure.