Restoring SQL System Databases


To be able to restore the SQL Server after a system failure, it is mandatory to restore the master, msdb, and model system databases.

  • To restore the system databases individually, restore the master, msdb and model databases in the following order:

    • master database

    • msdb database

    • model database

  • By default, system databases are restored to the same instance and location from which they were backed up, which overwrites the data files. To restore the system databases to a different instance, you must first rename them.

  • To restore system databases that were previously backed up by using VSS, you must stop the SQL Server services and restart them in single user mode.

  • The tempdb database is not backed up because it is recreated by the SQL Server every time the server is started.


SQL Server is restarted after restoring the system databases.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, click Client Computers > client > SQL Server.

  2. Right-click the instance, and then click All Tasks > Browse and Restore.

  3. In the Browse and Restore Options dialog box, click Advanced Restore, then click the Advanced Options tab.

  4. Select Include System Databases, and then click View Content.

  5. In the browse view, select the system databases to restore and click Recover All Selected.

  6. To restore the databases to the same location from which they were backed up, on the SQL Restore Options dialog box, select the Unconditionally overwrite existing database or files check box.

    The existing database files are overwritten.

  7. Click OK.

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